Creating hash of hash dynamically in perl

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-02 02:37:26

This code will do what you need

my @aGroupByFields = qw/ createdBy status devPriority /;

my %hTemp;

for my $phBugRecord ( @{ $hBugDetails{records} } ) {

    my $hash = \%hTemp;

    for my $field ( @aGroupByFields ) {

        my $key = $phBugRecord->{$field};

        if ( $field eq $aGroupByFields[-1] ) {
            push @{ $hash->{ $key } }, $phBugRecord;
        else {
            $hash = $hash->{ $key } //= {};

Here is a working implementation with Data::Diver.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Diver 'DiveVal';
use Data::Printer;

my %hBugDetails = (
    records => [
            createdBy   => 'created_by1',
            status      => 'status1',
            devPriority => 'dev_priority1',
            foo         => 'foo1',
            bar         => 'bar1',
            createdBy   => 'created_by1',
            status      => 'status2',
            devPriority => 'dev_priority2',
            foo         => 'foo',
            bar         => 'bar',

# we want to group by these fields
my @group_by = ( 'createdBy', 'status', 'devPriority' );

my $grouped_bugs = {};    # for some reason we need to start with an empty hashref
foreach my $bug ( @{ $hBugDetails{records} } ) {

    # this will auto-vivify the hash for us
    push @{ DiveVal( $grouped_bugs, map { $bug->{$_} } @group_by ) }, $bug;

p $grouped_bugs;

The output looks like this.

\ {
    created_by1   {
        status1   {
            dev_priority1   [
                [0] {
                    bar           "bar1",
                    createdBy     "created_by1",
                    devPriority   "dev_priority1",
                    foo           "foo1",
                    status        "status1"
        status2   {
            dev_priority2   [
                [0] {
                    bar           "bar",
                    createdBy     "created_by1",
                    devPriority   "dev_priority2",
                    foo           "foo",
                    status        "status2"

Note that I renamed your variables. It was very hard to read the code like that. It makes more sense to just use speaking names instead of cryptic abbreviations for the type of variable. The sigil already does that for you.
