I am trying to save an Excel 2016 spreadsheet as a PDF file. I have following simple Applescript that is called from within an Objective C program:
on saveExcelAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath)
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open file documentPath
save active sheet in PDFPath as PDF file format
close active workbook saving no
end tell
end saveExcelAsPDF
This script works great using Excel 2008 and 2011, but fails using Excel 2016 (version 15.22). Both the open and save commands fail in different ways. Can someone please help me! I have spent hours trying to get this to work. I have read all the posts on this subject that I can find. I even tried using "System Events" to mimic the keystrokes. Nothing that I have tried works. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Here's a script for Excel 2016 (version 15.22).
I've added comments in the script:
on saveExcelAsPDF(documentPath, PDFPath) -- params = two HFS paths
set tFile to (POSIX path of documentPath) as POSIX file -- get a posix file object to avoid grant access issue with 'Microsoft Office 2016', not the same as (file documentPath) when using the 'open ...' command
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set isRun to running
set wkbk1 to open workbook workbook file name tFile
alias PDFPath -- This is necessary to any script for 'Microsoft Office 2016', this avoid errors with any "save ... " command
save workbook as wkbk1 filename PDFPath file format PDF file format with overwrite
close wkbk1 saving no
if not isRun then quit
end tell
end saveExcelAsPDF
Finally I made words, powerpoints and excel works
1. From excel to pdf in batches
on run
set theseFiles to (choose file of type {"com.microsoft.excel.xls", "org.openxmlformats.spreadsheetml.sheet"} ¬
with prompt "Choose the Excel sheets to export to PDF:" with multiple selections allowed)
-- display dialog "theseItems: " & theseItems
repeat with thisFile in theseFiles
tell application "Finder"
set theItemParentPath to container of (thisFile as alias) as text
set theItemName to (name of thisFile) as string
set theItemExtension to (name extension of thisFile)
set theItemExtensionLength to (count theItemExtension) + 1
set theOutputPath to theItemParentPath & (text 1 thru (-1 - theItemExtensionLength) of theItemName)
set theOutputPath to (theOutputPath & ".pdf")
end tell
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set isRun to running
open thisFile
tell active workbook
alias theOutputPath
-- set overwrite to true
save workbook as filename theOutputPath file format PDF file format with overwrite
--save overwrite yes
close saving no
end tell
-- close active workbook saving no
if not isRun then quit
end tell
end repeat
end run
2. From word to pdf in batches
on run
set theseFiles to (choose file of type {"com.microsoft.word.doc", "org.openxmlformats.wordprocessingml.document"} with prompt "Choose the Word documents to export to PDF:" with multiple selections allowed)
-- display dialog "theseItems: " & theseItems
repeat with thisFile in theseFiles
tell application "Finder"
set theItemParentPath to container of (thisFile as alias) as text
set theItemName to (name of thisFile) as string
set theItemExtension to (name extension of thisFile)
set theItemExtensionLength to (count theItemExtension) + 1
set theOutputPath to theItemParentPath & (text 1 thru (-1 - theItemExtensionLength) of theItemName)
set theOutputPath to (theOutputPath & ".pdf")
end tell
tell application "Microsoft Word"
--set default file path file path type documents path path theItemParentPath
open thisFile
--delay 1
--set theActiveDocument to active document
--save as theActiveDocument file format format PDF file name theOutputPath
--close theActiveDocument
tell active document
save as file format format PDF file name theOutputPath
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end run
3. From ppt to pdf in batches
on run
set theseFiles to (choose file of type {"com.microsoft.powerpoint.ppt", "org.openxmlformats.presentationml.presentation"} with prompt "Choose the PowerPoint Presentations to export to PDF:" with multiple selections allowed)
-- display dialog "theseItems: " & theseItems
repeat with thisFile in theseFiles
tell application "Finder"
set theItemParentPath to container of (thisFile as alias) as text
set theItemName to (name of thisFile) as string
set theItemExtension to (name extension of thisFile)
set theItemExtensionLength to (count theItemExtension) + 1
set theOutputPath to theItemParentPath & (text 1 thru (-1 - theItemExtensionLength) of theItemName)
end tell
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
open thisFile
tell active presentation
save in theOutputPath as save as PDF
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end run