VB.net Excel.worksheet().cells().Value

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-02 01:46:35

That's because .Cells() returns an object.

You can try converting it to a Excel Cell object in another step, or you can try this (for example):


With conversion will be:

Dim xRng As Excel.Range = CType(shXL.Cells(3,3), Excel.Range)
Dim val As Object = xRng.Value()

With Excel interop, a lot of the time a return value will be in the form of an Object so you need to cast to the correct type to get it's actual properties.

So do something like this (my VB is rusty so may not be completely correct)...

Dim rng as Excel.Range

rng = CType(shXL.Cells(1, 1), Excel.Range)
Checker = rng.Value

Note: I've separated it out into two lines because it's important not use double-dot references with Office interop (e.g., Worksheet.Cell.Value) because you end up with objects you can't release, which will cause issues with Excel not closing properly.

Note2: the .Value property also returns as an object so you'll probably want to cast that too
