I'm trying to ensure that my Rhino scripts (running under Java 6) are strict so that if a script developer misspells an expression I want an exception to be thrown. Currently what happens is the expression simply evaluates to "undefined".
Now according to Mozilla org https://developer.mozilla.org/en/New_in_Rhino_1.6R6 there are features to enable strict checking in the context. I cannot find a working example of this.
What I did so far was write a class to extend ContextFactory and then override the hasFeature method.
public class ScriptContextFactory extends ContextFactory {
protected boolean hasFeature(Context context, int featureIndex) {
switch (featureIndex) {
return true;
return true;
return super.hasFeature(context, featureIndex);
Then in the Main I set mine to the default.
ContextFactory.initGlobal(new ScriptContextFactory());
and I get an illegal state exception. :(
Any ideas or samples on how this works?
If you are doing Context.enter()
before calling initGlobal()
try reversing the order.