I have been using this website pretty often in order to solve small issues that I have while programming in Python. This time, somehow I could not find a suitable solution for my situation. So, here is my problem:
I want to dynamically add entries to a gtk.VBox widget. The problem is that it doesn't work the way I want it to work. I simply have a button, whose action is to add an additional widget to a VBox. Unfortunately the widget doesn't appear on the window. I guess, I have to add something like a repaint function call, but I didn't find anything like that. Here is a sample code, showing my problem:
import gtk
class DynamicVbox:
def __init__(self):
self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
self.window.connect("destroy", self.close_application)
#a hBox to put the button and the dynamic vBox
hBox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
addButton = gtk.Button("add checkbox")
addButton.connect("clicked", self.AddCheckButton)
self.vBox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
self.vBox.pack_start(gtk.CheckButton("CheckButton"), True, True, 1)
hBox.pack_start(self.vBox, True, True, 5)
hBox.pack_end(addButton, False, False, 5)
#start gtk
def AddCheckButton(self, button):
self.vBox.pack_start(gtk.CheckButton("CheckButton"), True, True, 1)
print "adding checkbox..."
def close_application(self, widget):
# run it
a = DynamicVbox()
A appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
The new check button is there, but not visible until you call show()
on it:
def AddCheckButton(self, button):
button = gtk.CheckButton("CheckButton")
self.vBox.pack_start(button, True, True, 1)
print "adding checkbox..."