Need help understanding the equation
问题 Have the equation Pell x*x - 193 * y*y = 1 in z3py: x = BitVec('x',64) y = BitVec('y',64) solve(x*x - 193 * y*y == 1, x > 0, y > 0) Result: [y = 2744248620923429728, x = 8169167793018974721] Why? P.S. Valid answer: [y = 448036604040, x = 6224323426849] 回答1: It is possible to use Bit-vector arithmetic to solve Diophantine equations. The basic idea is to use ZeroExt to avoid the overflows pointed out by Pad. For example, if we are multiplying two bit-vectors x and y of size n , then we must add