
TSQL: One Row Per Element With FOR XML

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-06 18:27:47
问题 I have a SQL Server 2005 query that generates a large result set (up to several gigabytes): SELECT * FROM Product FOR XML PATH('Product') Running the query generates a single row containing a document with many product elements: Row 1: <Product> <Name>Product One</Name> <Price>10.00</Price> </Product> <Product> <Name>Product Two</Name> <Price>20.00</Price> </Product> ... I would like to change the query so that instead of a result set with one row containing a single document with multiple

FOR XML PATH in Sql Server

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-06 15:48:13
NOTE: I have solved the majority of this problem but have run into a snag. Read to the bottom please. You will see where I added a (NOTE) section. TIA. I have a rather extensive join query that I want dumped to XML. I have it almost working but I am missing a concept in here somewhere. My query (abbreviated) looks like: SELECT Campaign.CampaignId "Campaign/ID" , Campaign.CompanyId "Campaign/CompanyID" , Campaign.CampaignName "Campaign/Name" ... , Audio.AudioID "Campaign/Audio/ID" , Audio.[Name] "Campaign/Audio/Name" ... , Video.CampaignVideosAudioMute "Campaign/Video/Audio/Mute" , Video

Using sqlcmd with FOR XML returns Invalid Object name 'dbo.Table' yet Query runs in SSMS

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-06 03:29:24
This is my query: SELECT title1, [precinct percent] AS [PrecinctPercent], leader, [leader percent] AS [LeaderPercent], Winner, WinningVotes, leader2, [leader2 percent] AS [Leader2Percent], Loser, LosingVotes FROM [leader].dbo.[RACE] r inner join (select rc.[race number], max(case when seqnum = 1 then [candidate num] end) as Winner, max(case when seqnum = 1 then Votes end) as WinningVotes, max(case when seqnum = 2 then [candidate num] end) as Loser, max(case when seqnum = 2 then Votes end) as LosingVotes from (select rc.*, row_number() over (partition by rc.[race number] order by votes desc) as

SQL Server 2008: How to remove namespace from the elements, but let it display on root

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-06 03:22:39
I am using SQL Server2008 FOR XML clause to generate XML file using bcp. When I use the below query, the result is fine: WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( '' AS g, DEFAULT '' ) select ID, Name AS "g:Name" from PaymentMethods For XML PATH ('entry'), Root('feed') Result: <feed xmlns="" xmlns:g=""> <entry> <ID>1</ID> <g:Name>BPay</g:Name> </entry> <entry> <ID>2</ID> <g:Name>Cash</g:Name> </entry> </feed> But I also want to add some static elements, say, Title and date after the Root. I am able to do

Can't set output of 'WITH XMLNAMESPACES…FOR XML PATH' to a variable?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-05 03:31:41
I have a query like the following: ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( DEFAULT '') SELECT ( 'SOMETHING' ) FOR XML PATH('RootNode'), TYPE Running this works fine. However, I run into troubles when I try to set the XML output to a variable like this: DECLARE @MYXML AS XML SELECT @MYXML = ( ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( DEFAULT '') SELECT ( 'SOMETHING' ) FOR XML PATH('RootNode'), TYPE ) This just give me a syntax error :-( Any ideas on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. DECLARE @MYXML AS XML ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( DEFAULT '')

TSQL: One Row Per Element With FOR XML

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-04 23:58:15
I have a SQL Server 2005 query that generates a large result set (up to several gigabytes): SELECT * FROM Product FOR XML PATH('Product') Running the query generates a single row containing a document with many product elements: Row 1: <Product> <Name>Product One</Name> <Price>10.00</Price> </Product> <Product> <Name>Product Two</Name> <Price>20.00</Price> </Product> ... I would like to change the query so that instead of a result set with one row containing a single document with multiple product elements, it returns multiple rows each with a single document consisting of a sing Product

Entity framework calling a FOR XML stored procedure truncates at 2033 characters

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-03 18:03:08
问题 I have a stored procedure which uses a FOR XML statement at the end of it, and returns me some XML. I am using .NET 4 and the Entity Framework and when I do a function import of this stored procedure and try to call it through the Entity Framework it truncates the return at 2033 characters. I swapped the Entity Framework for a traditional ADO.NET approach to call the stored procedure which had the same problem - truncated at 2033 characters - which is when I came across the following MSDN

Control on XML elements nesting using FOR XML

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-02 20:31:44
问题 I state my problem by example. In fact i foudna solution after trying in many ways but i would like to ask whether this solution is good or if for any reason it is better to use an alternative approach. In fact i need to control how elements are created. i first made a view containing all the data i needed and then i selected from teh view by joining the view more times. I reproduced the "complexity" here using a local variable instead of a view: DECLARE @Employees table( EmpID int NOT NULL,

Control on XML elements nesting using FOR XML

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-02 08:08:40
I state my problem by example. In fact i foudna solution after trying in many ways but i would like to ask whether this solution is good or if for any reason it is better to use an alternative approach. In fact i need to control how elements are created. i first made a view containing all the data i needed and then i selected from teh view by joining the view more times. I reproduced the "complexity" here using a local variable instead of a view: DECLARE @Employees table( EmpID int NOT NULL, Name nvarchar(50), Surname nvarchar(50), DateOfBirth date, DepartmentID int, AccessLevel int); insert

Replace “<” and “>” with “<” and “>” in sql server

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-30 18:52:34
Hi I am new to for xml I have a query like this SELECT ProjectId, ProjectCode, ProjectName, TechId, -- LocationId, ( SELECT GeoId,PoliticalDivisionId ,GeographicLocationName,IsoCode,Longitude,Latitude,ParentLocationId, t2.CreatedBy,t2.CreatedOn,t2.LastUpdatedBy,t2.LastUpdatedOn FROM GeographicLocation t2 WHERE GeoId = t1.LocationId FOR XML PATH('Location') ), RtoId, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, LastUpdatedBy, LastUpdatedOn FROM Project t1 where ProjectId=1 FOR XML PATH('ProjectInfo') it return the xml as <ProjectInfo> <ProjectId>1</ProjectId> <ProjectCode>US-W1-00001</ProjectCode> <ProjectName>Rees<