
Not receiving GCM notifications once app is killed on Xiaomi and Lenovo devices in Android

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 08:46:08
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: Can anyone help me to receive notifications on Xiaomi and Lenovo devices even after the app is killed(no more in the background)? Edit 1 I added GCM broadcast receiver. Here is the code inside AndroidManifest.xml <receiver android:name="com.don.offers.broadcast_receiver.GcmBroadcastReceiver" android:permission="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND" > <intent-filter> <!-- Receives the actual messages. --> <action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE" /> <category android:name="com.google.android.gcm.demo.app" /> </intent


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:05:01
文章目录 设计模式――工厂方法模式 1.面向对象设计的基本原则 在了解这个模式之前,先简单了解一下面向对象设计的基本原则 2.对工厂方法模式的理解 3.工厂方法模式 3.1 我们同样还是以手机产品为简单的例子,要生产的东西是手机,手机有不同的品牌 3.2 让工厂的分工更明确 3.2.1 不管什么工厂,要做的事情只有一件,createPhone 3.2.2 给工厂详细分工 3.3 现在用户可以直接从工厂获取产品了 4.问题和思考 问题 思考 设计模式――工厂方法模式 1.面向对象设计的基本原则 在了解这个模式之前,先简单了解一下面向对象设计的基本原则 OCP(开闭原则:Open-Closed Principe):一个软件的实体应当对扩展开放,对修改关闭。这就意味着,以后要扩展新的功能,不能对当前的类进行修改来实现,而是通过增加新的类来实现。 DIP(依赖倒转原则,Dependence Inversion Principle):要针对接口编程,不要针对实现编程。以前我们编程,同时通过类和类之间的调用。这个原则意味着,以后我们在编程的时候,应该多依赖于抽象而不是具体。这个意思就是,当前有A , B 两个类。当 A 需要去调用 B 时,B应该实现一个接口。A 应该直接和 B 的接口发生关系,而不是和B 的实现发生关系。 LoD(迪亚密特,Law of Demeter):只与你直接的朋友通信


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:45:01
#导入数据集 install.packages("readxl") library(readxl) tianmao<-read_excel('tianmaoTV.xlsx',skip =1 ) #创建新变量 tianmao['total_sales']<-tianmao$current_price*tianmao$month_sales_count tianmao[c('current_price','month_sales_count','total_sales')] tianmao tianmao$zhekou<-tianmao$current_price/tianmao$original_price tianmao$zhekou #条件判断 a<-1:10 ifelse(a%%2==0,'偶数','奇数') #对价格分类 tianmao['price_class']<-ifelse(tianmao$current_price<1000,'低价', ifelse(tianmao$current_price<=2000,'适中','高价')) tianmao[c('price_class','current_price')]#创建新变量 对之前的变量直接操作 第二章对变量进行判 #重命名 names(tianmao)#返回列名 names(tianmao)[1]<-

小米 SOAR 开源SQL优化工具安装

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:42:01
github :https://github.com/xiaomi/soar 安装说明 :https://github.com/XiaoMi/soar/blob/master/doc/install.md 源码下载 :https://GOlang.google.cn/dl/ 配置环境变量: tar -C /usr/local -xvf go1.12.5.linux-amd64.tar 全局用户变量: vi /etc/profile 末尾添加: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin go版本查看: # go version source更新环境变量: source /etc/profile 还需要配置GOPATH环境变量:表示go的工作目录 USER_NAME 为用户名 export GOPATH="/home/USER_NAME/go" [root@b28-17-55 XiaoMi]# pwd /home/USER_NAME/go/src/github.com/XiaoMi [root@b28-17-55 opt]# mv soar-master.zip /home/USER_NAME/go/src/github.com/XiaoMi [root@b28-17-55 XiaoMi]# unzip soar-master.zip [root@b28

android gradle 常用命令

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:40:02
编译APK,参数为生成报告,可以查看时间 gradlew assemble --profile 查看所有的task gradlew tasks ./gradlew assembleDebug 编译并打Debug包 ./gradlew assembleRelease 编译并打Release的包 ./gradlew assemblexiaomiDebug 编译并打xiaomi的debug包,其他类似(多渠道xiaomi) ./gradlew assemblexiaomiRelease 编译并打xiaomi的Release包,其他类似(多渠道xiaomi) ./gradlew installRelease Release模式打包并安装 gradlew build --refresh-dependencies 刷新项目依赖 gradlew -help―->查看命令 gradlew tasks―->查看root project有多少个task gradlew -v/gradlew.bat -v―->查看Gradle版本及其他信息 文章来源: https://blog.csdn.net/shendan00/article/details/91420189

Android Kills Background Services in Xiaomi, Huawei etc

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-02 06:50:28
问题 I need to make my service unstoppable. I tried to return START_STICKY on start command, it works well on emulator but, when remove the app from task manager on my device (Xiaomi mi5s, Android 7), it doesn't create itself again. @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { return START_STICKY; } Edit: I gave Auto Start permission and disabled battery protection rules for the app. Edit: Also I tried to use foreground service. However, it is being killed too..

Android Kills Background Services in Xiaomi, Huawei etc

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-02 06:46:43
I need to make my service unstoppable. I tried to return START_STICKY on start command, it works well on emulator but, when remove the app from task manager on my device (Xiaomi mi5s, Android 7), it doesn't create itself again. @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { return START_STICKY; } Edit: I gave Auto Start permission and disabled battery protection rules for the app. Edit: Also I tried to use foreground service. However, it is being killed too.. @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { super.onStartCommand(intent,

Selecting image from gallery not working on Redmi Note 4

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-01 22:14:12
问题 I have seen a couple of other questions on S/O related to this, but the one that was closest to my issue doesn't seem to have got many responses (Xiaomi MI device not picking image from Gallery). Hoping this question will have better luck. I am trying to select an image from the gallery of the phone, and pass the image path to another activity where it get previewed for the user. I've tested this on two other devices (Moto E and something called Coolpad?) and they both seem to be working just

Selecting image from gallery not working on Redmi Note 4

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-01 20:55:57
I have seen a couple of other questions on S/O related to this, but the one that was closest to my issue doesn't seem to have got many responses ( Xiaomi MI device not picking image from Gallery ). Hoping this question will have better luck. I am trying to select an image from the gallery of the phone, and pass the image path to another activity where it get previewed for the user. I've tested this on two other devices (Moto E and something called Coolpad?) and they both seem to be working just fine. (Debugging Android source code doesn't seem to be a practical option.) In the main activity,

1.工厂模式(Factory Method)

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-01 08:55:21
注:图片来源于 https://www.cnblogs.com/-saligia-/p/10216752.html 工厂UML图解析: 工厂模式:client用户需要三步: 1.创建工厂; 2.生产产品对象; 3.使用对象方法。 代码: 工厂类 Factory.h // // Created by Halo on 2019/10/14. // #ifndef FACTORY_FACTORY_H #define FACTORY_FACTORY_H #include "Product.h" //抽象手机工厂类 class Factory { public: //生产手机 virtual Phone* CreatePhone() = 0; }; //OPPO手机工厂 class OPPOFactory : public Factory { public: //OPPO手机工厂类 use a OPPO手机类 Phone* CreatePhone() override { return new OPPO(); } }; //VIVO手机工厂 class VIVOFactory : public Factory { public: Phone* CreatePhone() override { return new VIVO(); } }; //HUAWEI手机工厂 class