
XCode Version 7.1 (7B91b) and TFS 2013 GIT Authentication Failure

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-22 09:46:30
问题 We are working on Xcode Project connected to our local TFS 2013 (Update 3) Server via TFS Provided Git Repository. When we use older version of Xcode, we are successfully able to check-in the files and perform all other Git operations. We are also able to perform all Git Operations via command line Git. The trouble is when we use latest version of Xcode - Version 7.1 (7B91b). On entering valid credentials, we are getting error saying Authentication failed because the user name or password was

xcode 7.2 couldn’t communicate with a helper application

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-20 03:52:58
问题 When i create an xcode project getting following error, this error appears every time when i create a new project can any one help me to figure out the reason 回答1: Try to execute the following: xcrun git config --global user.email you@domain.com xcrun git config --global user.name "your name here" It worked for me couple times already (with older MacOS/Xcode versions as well) 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35282427/xcode-7-2-couldn-t-communicate-with-a-helper-application

IOS project showing error “An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited” on xcode 7.1

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-17 10:33:44
问题 I just created one new cordova ios project via CLI, and i opened that project in Xcode 7.1 and while running on simulator am getting some error on mainViewController.xib, if we clicked on that error its showing xib file and on top of that showing one warning message "An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited" . So am unable to run this project. I don't know whether this is due to Xcode bug or cordova bug or any other settings issue in my Xcode. 回答1: I had this issue and

IOS project showing error “An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited” on xcode 7.1

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-17 10:32:29
问题 I just created one new cordova ios project via CLI, and i opened that project in Xcode 7.1 and while running on simulator am getting some error on mainViewController.xib, if we clicked on that error its showing xib file and on top of that showing one warning message "An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited" . So am unable to run this project. I don't know whether this is due to Xcode bug or cordova bug or any other settings issue in my Xcode. 回答1: I had this issue and

DocumentsDirectory in UITableView Array for Xcode 7 and Swift 2.0

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-11 04:08:39
问题 I have a project I'm working on that creates and saves PDF files locally to the DocumentDirectoy . I've read here on how to view the DocumentDirectory and filtering it for it for PDF files. I want to have the DocumentDirectory files be viewable in a UITableView . I know I have to have an array for that. I saw here on doing this, but can't figure out how to get the DocumentDirectory into an array in Swift 2.0 to display in my UITableView . My PDF files are saving and are viewable in my

tableview Cell separator line not showing in ios development using swift 2.0. xcode 7

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-10 14:48:42
问题 I am trying to make an ios app which has tableview in it. When I was developing using xcode 7.0.1 it was showing tableview cells separator line Black thin line. After I updated with Xcode 7.1.1 , its not showing cell separator lines. I tried 3 things like - Tried All the settings in the right panel of xcode to show cell separator line. Tried setting up the Cell Line Separator using code in DidLoad method creating new SingleViewApp as well, in that also its not coming. Nothing solves the issue

'Convert to latest Swift Syntax' breaks the build even when there are no changes

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-09 17:29:22
问题 My project is in objective-c with just one tableviewcontroller in swift. I downloaded the Xcode-beta today which prompted me to 'Convert to latest Swift Syntax'. After I follow the steps it shows me that there are no changes. I do not see any changes in the proj file either but it has errors. Please note that I do not see the errors when I choose not to covert to latest swift syntax - the app builds and runs fine in this case. Any idea why it is breaking? Here are the errors - cannot parse

IOS Simulator: Simulator user has requested new graphics quality: 100

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-04 11:09:34
问题 When I run an iOS application in the iOS 9.0 simulator I am getting the following warning message. Warning message : "Simulator user has requested new graphics quality: 100" Has anyone seen this error before? Have you been able to solve it? What did you do to fix it? 回答1: You can ignore this error if you want to; it's nothing to do with your code, it's just Apple's logging code pointing out that you have enabled a particular setting. If you desperately want it gone, open the Simulator on your

'Convert to latest Swift Syntax' breaks the build even when there are no changes

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-04 04:11:37
My project is in objective-c with just one tableviewcontroller in swift. I downloaded the Xcode-beta today which prompted me to 'Convert to latest Swift Syntax'. After I follow the steps it shows me that there are no changes. I do not see any changes in the proj file either but it has errors. Please note that I do not see the errors when I choose not to covert to latest swift syntax - the app builds and runs fine in this case. Any idea why it is breaking? Here are the errors - cannot parse the debug map for "app name" No such file or directory clang: error: linker command failed with exit code

xcode 7.2 couldn’t communicate with a helper application

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-02 06:32:12
When i create an xcode project getting following error, this error appears every time when i create a new project can any one help me to figure out the reason Try to execute the following: xcrun git config --global user.email you@domain.com xcrun git config --global user.name "your name here" It worked for me couple times already (with older MacOS/Xcode versions as well) 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35282427/xcode-7-2-couldn-t-communicate-with-a-helper-application