

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-11 08:26:31
解答一: 它叫做 Captive portal ,请自行wiki 算了,还是简单说一下吧 实现方法不止一种 方案一 DNS跳转,把客户端所有的dns请求都解析为认证服务器的ip,然后认证服务器上有404跳转 或者用dns url跳转,直接把dns解析为认证页面的地址 方案二 http跳转,对所有的http请求返回302或者301跳转,目标是认证页面。在网关上就可以实现 方案三 ip跳转,既把所有的ip包里的目标地址改为认证服务器,然后在认证服务器上做404跳转(因为用户有可能访问http://example.com/notexist这样在认证服务器上不存在的地址,所以需要404跳转),目标同样是认证页面,在网关上也可以实现 (参考自 知乎 ) 解答二: 有个东西叫做bas(broadband access sever)做控制,ac一般透传vlan到bas,由bas控制用户。用户需要在bas通过aaa,否则是不能上网的,即使你有貌似合法的ip。 WLAN用户接入流程 流程描述: 1) 用户通过标准的DHCP协议,通过AC获取到规划的IP地址。 2) 用户打开IE,访问某个网站,发起HTTP请求。 3) AC截获用户的HTTP请求,由于用户没有认证过,就强制到Portal服务器。并在强制Portal URL中加入相关参数,具体请参见《中国移动WLAN业务PORTAL协议规范》。 4)


孤街醉人 提交于 2021-02-10 16:37:07
无线终端接入网络的过程 无线终端接入网络的过程主要分成:扫描、认证、关联三个步骤。如下图所示: 无线用户接入AP的过程 扫描 无线终端在加入网络之前,首先需要在所处区域搜索网络,搜索的方式即是通过主动扫描或被动扫描。 主动扫描:无线终端通过发送Probe Request帧来请求加入网络,AP收到无线终端发送的请求帧后,会发送Probe Response帧做出响应。 被动扫描:AP会定期向外广播Beacon帧(携带自身关联的SSID),无线终端通过侦听Beacon帧来发现网络。 认证 当无线终端收到AP的Probe Response帧,从候选AP中选择一个进行关联。在关联之前,需要进行身份认证,身份认证包括开放系统认证和共享密钥认证。 认证过程:无线终端通过发送Authentication Request帧向指定AP请求认证;AP收到后会发送Authentcation Response帧做出响应。 关联 认证通过后,无线终端方可与指定AP建立关联,关联过程:无线终端发送Association Request帧向指定AP请求关联,AP收到后会发送Association Response帧做出响应。 WLAN通信的过程 WLAN是有线网络与无线通信相结合的网络,其中,AP的无线接口与无线终端相连,采用802.11帧进行通信;AP的以太网口与有线网络相连,采用802.3帧进行通信。

No network on host machine when running a Docker container

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-01-14 04:04:40
问题 I'm on Arch Linux machine, and have no network on the host when running a container with this command: docker run jenkins After stopping the Docker the network is back again. Any suggestions are more than welcome. Edit: It seems that when running with -p option and providing some other port than 80, the network is available for a few minutes, and then it gets lost again. **> docker version** Client: Version: 1.9.1 API version: 1.21 Go version: go1.5.1 Git commit: a34a1d5-dirty Built: Sun Nov

No network on host machine when running a Docker container

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-01-14 04:03:33
问题 I'm on Arch Linux machine, and have no network on the host when running a container with this command: docker run jenkins After stopping the Docker the network is back again. Any suggestions are more than welcome. Edit: It seems that when running with -p option and providing some other port than 80, the network is available for a few minutes, and then it gets lost again. **> docker version** Client: Version: 1.9.1 API version: 1.21 Go version: go1.5.1 Git commit: a34a1d5-dirty Built: Sun Nov

Why are some Beacon Frames dropped

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-25 03:55:09
问题 Why am I not capturing all Beacon Frames? Are they being dropped by AP? I'm using libpcap in Linux for capturing Beacon Frames and parsing the timestamp. I use the timestamps to compute the interval between captured Beacon Frames. Most of the time the interval is what it should be, namely 102.4ms. However, every 5-6 packets show an interval of a multiple of 102.4ms, this can be 204, 306 and up to 800ms. I don't know if this is due to AP not sending those Beacon Frames or my pcap not capturing

Why are some Beacon Frames dropped

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-25 03:55:02
问题 Why am I not capturing all Beacon Frames? Are they being dropped by AP? I'm using libpcap in Linux for capturing Beacon Frames and parsing the timestamp. I use the timestamps to compute the interval between captured Beacon Frames. Most of the time the interval is what it should be, namely 102.4ms. However, every 5-6 packets show an interval of a multiple of 102.4ms, this can be 204, 306 and up to 800ms. I don't know if this is due to AP not sending those Beacon Frames or my pcap not capturing

WCN (connect to device using WPS) does not work under Windows 10

可紊 提交于 2019-12-24 14:13:35
问题 I have implemented Delphi code to connect to a device using WCN (WPS) that works on Windows 7 & Windows 8(.1). First, the code tries to detect the proper IWCNDevice , and once the proper device has been found it will: Set the password to empty using wcnDevice.SetPassword( ) Create an object that implements IWCNConnectNotify. (= wcnConnectionNotify ) Call wcnDevice.Connect( wcnConnectionNotify ) Under Windows 10, the wcnDevice is retrieved, the wcnConnectNotify object can be created and the

How to detect and disable Windows 7 virtual wifi adapter

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-21 05:17:33
问题 Windows 7 has a (neat?) new feature called a 'virtual wireless adapter'. Read about it here: http://www.istartedsomething.com/20090516/windows-7-native-virtual-wifi-technology-microsoft-research/ I have an application that directly controls the windows wifi interface card using the Native Wifi API ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms706556%28VS.85%29.aspx ). Please take as a given for this question that I need to directly control the wifi adapter using this documented api and can't

Using nl80211.h to scan access points

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-18 11:13:57
问题 I'm trying to use nl80211.h for scanning access points for a simple WLAN manager. I can't find any example code and only documentation I can find is kerneldoc. I have been trying to study from iw and wpa_supplicant source but it's rather complex. This is only documentation I can find: NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN get scan results NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN trigger a new scan with the given parameters NL80211_ATTR_TX_NO_CCK_RATE is used to decide whether to send the probe requests at CCK rate or not.

C# - How do I access the WLAN signal strength and others?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-17 17:58:15
问题 Many scientists have published papers documenting how devices connected via WLAN can be tracked by measuring its Signal Strength, Time Of Arrival, Round Trip Time, etc. Any idea how I can access these values in Windows using any .NET API? Or do you know of software SDKs already available for location tracking? 回答1: hello for WIndows 7 this is a good code wich can detect all AP with MAC adress RSSI SSID : using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System