

不羁的心 提交于 2020-12-15 09:50:01
Padavan老毛子固件:17CE插件集成 1、老毛子路由设置:系统管理-服务-启动SSH服务器 以下链接下载 "winscp" 2、运行"winscp",选择SCP、路由IP、账号密码后连接 3、打开终端 每输入一行,点一下执行,若出现提示框,点确定即可。最后一步,把10086@qq.com换成你的账号运行即可 cd /tmp rm -rf wget -T 60 chmod +x ./ 10086 4、运行成功后,在路由日志看到运行信息,还有脚本里也有添加的自启动脚本 来源: oschina 链接:

Copy files to FTP and archive with today's date

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-12-06 07:52:46
问题 I need to create a script that does the following: Copies all files in a folder to an FTP site. If the copy was successful move the files to an archive. The archive should be a freshly created folder with today's date (so we know when they were transmitted). I've tried to cannibalise other scripts to get something to work but I'm not getting anywhere so I need some help I've been working on this for hours. I'm using the WinSCP DLL only because my other (working) script uses SFTP which needs

Copy files to FTP and archive with today's date

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-12-06 07:52:20
问题 I need to create a script that does the following: Copies all files in a folder to an FTP site. If the copy was successful move the files to an archive. The archive should be a freshly created folder with today's date (so we know when they were transmitted). I've tried to cannibalise other scripts to get something to work but I'm not getting anywhere so I need some help I've been working on this for hours. I'm using the WinSCP DLL only because my other (working) script uses SFTP which needs


会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-12-05 07:53:20
WinSCP是一个支持SSH的SCP文件传输软件。WinSCP中文版体积小、占用系统资源少。操作简单,只需要连接相应的服务器就可以进行下载和传输文件。重要的是WinSCP中文版软件还有着很多特色的功能,有着内置的文本编辑器,可以支持文件的复制、移动、更名文件等操作,为你带来高效便捷的使用体验。 1、软件包准备好了下面我们开始安装WinSCP(可在网上自行下载),首先打开软件安装包,点击确定。 2、选择典型安装,点击下一步。 3、使用默认的界面风格,点击下一步。 4、点击安装开始安装WinSCP。 5、现在我们进入Linux系统用ifconfig命令获取一下当前Linux系统的IP地址,我们获取到的IP是192.168.229.131。 6、接下来在主机名的地方填写获取来的IP地址,下面的用户名跟密码填写当时在Linux上面设置的账户跟密码。 点击 登录 提示 WinScp连接被拒绝 解决方法:编辑 /etc/ssh/sshd_config文件: sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config将PermitRootLogin 的值改成 yes将PermitEmptyPasswords 的值改成 no 保存退出重启ssh:# service sshd restart再次在WinSCP用root用户登陆 这边点击是

From Python run WinSCP commands in console

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-12-04 05:32:36
问题 I have to run a few commands of WinSCP from a Python class using subprocess. The goal is to connect a local Windows machine and a Windows server with no FTP installed and download some files. This is what I tried python proc = subprocess.Popen(['WinSCP.exe', '/console', '/WAIT', user:password@ip:folder , '/WAIT','get' ,'*.txt'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) With this I get it to open the WinSCP console and connect to the server, but it doesn't execute the get

From Python run WinSCP commands in console

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-12-04 05:29:31
问题 I have to run a few commands of WinSCP from a Python class using subprocess. The goal is to connect a local Windows machine and a Windows server with no FTP installed and download some files. This is what I tried python proc = subprocess.Popen(['WinSCP.exe', '/console', '/WAIT', user:password@ip:folder , '/WAIT','get' ,'*.txt'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) With this I get it to open the WinSCP console and connect to the server, but it doesn't execute the get

From Python run WinSCP commands in console

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-12-04 05:28:36
问题 I have to run a few commands of WinSCP from a Python class using subprocess. The goal is to connect a local Windows machine and a Windows server with no FTP installed and download some files. This is what I tried python proc = subprocess.Popen(['WinSCP.exe', '/console', '/WAIT', user:password@ip:folder , '/WAIT','get' ,'*.txt'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) With this I get it to open the WinSCP console and connect to the server, but it doesn't execute the get

UI unresponsive until action is complete

佐手、 提交于 2020-11-27 04:16:11
问题 I'm not sure if the Title is a good description of this issue or not. Essentially what I have is a WinForm app that retrieves a list of files from a folder into a ListView, then a button is clicked to upload them via FTP to a remote server. Functionally speaking, the app works as expected: Open app Review list of files in ListView control Click Upload button Files listed in ListView are uploaded; after each successful upload the ListView is updated to show 'Success' After all files are

UI unresponsive until action is complete

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-11-27 04:15:45
问题 I'm not sure if the Title is a good description of this issue or not. Essentially what I have is a WinForm app that retrieves a list of files from a folder into a ListView, then a button is clicked to upload them via FTP to a remote server. Functionally speaking, the app works as expected: Open app Review list of files in ListView control Click Upload button Files listed in ListView are uploaded; after each successful upload the ListView is updated to show 'Success' After all files are


二次信任 提交于 2020-11-16 00:35:37
之前需要从主机传文件到虚拟机上,安装了vmware tools,拖拽文件后发现文件总是会损坏一些,查了一下,使用Winscp就不会出现这个问题。 安装好后配置连接:(Centos7) 打开虚拟机,找到 设置 菜单,进入后找到 网络适配器 选项,选择 桥接模式 ,然后点击 OK , 然后启动Linux,进入图形界面,打开设置里的网络设置,查虚拟机的IP地址,如下: 最后这个ip地址就是winscp的主机名,端口号选22,用户名密码输入虚拟机的即可登录。 来源: oschina 链接: