

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-02-28 20:54:02
Wireshark安装失败或找不到网络接口问题 Wireshark捕获数据包,主要依赖Winpcap或Npcap组件。从Wireshark 3.0开始,Npcap代替了Winpcap组件,成为Wireshark默认的网卡核心驱动。当用户安装Wireshark工具时,如果当前系统已经安装了Winpcap或Npcap组件的话,将会提示卸载系统中已安装的组件,并安装Wireshark依赖的版本。如果卸载组件失败,强制安装成功的话,将会出现找不到网络接口的错误。 另外,由于Npcap组件属于驱动程序。所以,安装的时候容易被杀毒或防火墙软件拦截,导致Npcap组件安装失败。在安装过程中,注意查看杀毒/防火墙软件的提示,及时允许组件的安装操作。因此,在安装Wireshark之前,最好关闭杀毒或防火墙软件。而且,确认当前系统中没有安装Winpcap或Npcap组件。这样,用户即可顺利安装Wireshark。 来源: oschina 链接:


泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-24 05:50:42
0、前提 windows: win7 x64 WinPcap版本:4.1.3 WinPcap开发包:4.1.2 目标:在VS2010中配置使用winpcap 获取目标计算机中安装的网卡列表 1、下载 下载winpcap安装包 和 开发包 安装包安装完毕后,解压开发包到某个目录即可,开发包免安装。 3、在VS2010中配置 配置头文件 和 库文件 项目属性–VC++目录–包含目录 / 库目录 来源: CSDN 作者: bubbleyang 链接:

WinPcap应用程序的环境配置(在Visual studio2015下面进行网络编程)

蓝咒 提交于 2020-01-23 23:17:58
在使用Visual Studio2015进行网络编程时,需要使用到WpdPack,但是在配置环境的过程中,遇到了许多的问题,在这里展示如何成功的完成环境的配置 1.下载所需要的资源 我们所需要的资源是一个驱动程序和一个sdk,sdk是为了方便我们调用里面的函数,而由于WpdPack是在windows底层的调用,属于系统函数,所以我们需要使用它的驱动程序来进行自己驱动调用。 驱动程序的下载界面: 驱动程序 点击这个Installer for Windows就行了 sdk 这个sdk的目的是为了方便能够进行函数的调用 点击Download就行了,注意,虽然上面说并没有支持windows10系统,但是Windows10系统是可以运行的。 2.进行程序的运行和配置 1.首先执行这个exe文件,一直点确定,就可以完成驱动程序的安装。 2.解压压缩包,进入如下路径 打开此目录下的pcap.h(注意,一定是这个目录下面的,上一层目录也有这个文件,一定要区分正确) 3.在这个文件中(pcap.h)加入#define WIN32,这样是为了方面调用。 3.进行代码的书写和执行。 首先我们先创建一个项目: 1.文件->新建->项目 2.一直点击确定,点击完成,完成项目的创建。 3.打开如图位置,进行资源的导入,选择导入现有项。 4.导入 我们之前下载的WpdPack下面的两个lib文件 5

nessus扫描时出现Network interface transient error The network interface

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-19 06:56:26
nessus扫描时出现如下情况: Network interface transient error The network interface ‘\Device\NPF_{DF6D9295-830F-4A92-B0E4-D0C0C9188C87}’ was not always available for packet forgery, which may lead to incomplete results. This is likely to be a transient error due to a lack of resources on this host. To correct this error, reduce the number of scans and/or hosts scanned in parallel 是因为当前电脑没有安装winPcap,或者是winPcap不是最新版本 解决办法: 安装最新winPcap即可 winpcap作用网络捕获,捕获当前电脑上每一个网卡的数据包 来源: CSDN 作者: 银河以北,吾彦最美 链接:

Getting Machine's MAC Address — Good Solution?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-11 03:09:08
问题 I've heard it's not possible with my current library of winpcap. Is this really true? I see lots of examples on the net but then comments saying "This doesn't work". What's the best way to get a MAC address of the local machine? 回答1: One common method is using bits from a UUID, but this isn't entirely dependable. For example, it'll return a value even on a machine that doesn't have a network adapter. Fortunately, there is a way that works dependably on any reasonably recent version of Windows

Winpcap Developer Usage with Cygwin C++ & Netbeans IDE

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-04 05:08:12
问题 Looking to get the Winpcap developer pack (4.1.2) running on Windows 7 64-bit. I'm programming in C/C++ in the Netbeans IDE with the Cygwin (4.1.10) compiler. I'd like to directly pull some GPS data from UDP packets instead of using another program where I go through an intermediate step and pull them from a text file. If I can't sort this out I'm gonna try in Ubuntu next and see if I can get libpcap working there (even though Windows is preferred because of other equipment I am using). Here

how to reassemble tcp segment?

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-01 03:23:05
问题 im now developing a project using i have known packets being sniffed are usually fragmented packets. how to reassemble this TCP segements?..any ideas, suggestion or tutorials available?.. this i assume to be the only way i can view the HTTP header... thanks!.. 回答1: tcp is a byte stream protocol. the sequence of bytes sent by your http application is encapsulated in tcp data segments and the byte stream is recreated before the data is delivered to the application on the other side.

How do I modify a HTTP response packet with winpcap?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-30 12:40:19
问题 There are two problems here: What if content is encoded:gzip... Do I also need to change the header part to make the HTTP packet valid(checksums if any?) UPDATE Can someone with actual experience elaborate the steps involved? I'm using winpcap and bpf tcp and src port 80 to filter the traffic,so my job lies in this callback function: void packet_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data) 回答1: WinPcap doesn't allow you to change a packet that was already

Which .NET library / wrapper do you recommend for sniffing packets?

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-23 01:29:17
问题 As far as I understand all sniffing libraries in .NET just a wrapper around WinpCap, which is OK. If you know any other better option please write as answer. Have you used any of them? Which one is the best according to your experience? I'm only looking for libraries which have commercial friendly licenses, Also commercial libraries are OK as soon as they got a decent price tag 回答1: Why not use Microsoft Network Monitor? It's free, supported, and has an API you can use, in addition to a set

What's pcap_pkthdr there for?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-22 18:11:54
问题 Code snippet from here: void packet_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data) { .... /* retireve the position of the ip header */ ih = (ip_header *) (pkt_data + 14); //length of ethernet header .... What's const struct pcap_pkthdr *header for(definition), when do we need it, how is it populated (since there is no such info in the packet itself as below)? (source: lewis at 回答1: If you would have kept the comment, it would have been a