
Emulator won't show in Visual Studio 2010

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-01-02 09:11:29
问题 I have been experiencing this issue for a week and tried a lot of workarounds in the internet with no results. Here is my case: I am trying to install Windows Phone SDK 7.1 on a Windows 8 x64 host. The steps I have followed are: Installed Windows Games for Marketplace Client Installed Visual Studio 2010 and update it to Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Installed Windows Phone SDK 7.1 Updated SDK to Windows Phone SDK 7.1.1 I have tried opening by using Run as administrator None of the steps listed above

Parsing XML with Linq with multiple descendants

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-01-02 07:16:48
问题 I have a probleme to parse multiple XML field This a the style of the XML : <students> <student> <student_id>1</student_id> <student_name>Mike</student_name> <subjects> <subject> <school_subject>History</school_subject> </subject> <subject> <school_subject>Maths</school_subject> </subject> <subject> <school_subject>English</school_subject> </subject> </subjects> </student> <student> ... </student> </students> I can parse it for the simple field like student_id and student_name but when there

Evenly Spaced Dashes with StrokeDashArray

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-01 10:54:48
问题 I'm trying to create a poker chip like the one here: using Expression Blend 4 for a WP7.1 Silverlight 4 app. I'm trying to create the six white "boxes" on the edge of the chip (ignoring for now the dice images and inner dashed line). The way I did it was two create two ellipses, one with no stroke, the other is the exact same size but with a stroke of 24, a color of White, and the StrokeDashArray to 1.8 (that's

WP 8: How to deploy/export Application from Visual Studio

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-01 10:13:43
问题 in android, we right click to our project, click export and get the apk. For windows phone 8 , in visual studio 2012, how can i export my application into my desktop or somewhere ? Anyone can help about it ? Thanks ! 回答1: Each time when you build you project - Visual Studio builds XAP file, which is actual package for uploading it to Windows Phone Store or deploying to the real device. This may help Submit your app 回答2: For Windows Phone you get a XAP file instead of an APK file. The XAP in

How can you prevent the ApplicationBar flickering on the WP7 white theme?

心已入冬 提交于 2020-01-01 08:59:11
问题 I have a Windows Phone 7.1 Mango application where I have mostly successfully overridden the built in theme colors. However, if the user has the white theme selected and the page has a dark background and dark application bar, the application bar gets rendered and animated with a white background which causes an annoying flicker. After it gets done animating the background color gets sets to a dark color appropriately. Is there a way to either disable the app bar animation or set its initial

Windows Phone 7 - Incoming Call Screen

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-31 03:46:06
问题 Is there anyway when receiving a call to add data to the incoming call screen? I'd like to be able to add text to that screen if possible. Update: If there is no way to currently add text to this screen is there a way to trigger code based off of an incoming phone call? 回答1: The only way you can do anything in relation to an incoming call is be informed that this has happened via the Obscured event. Be aware that other things (such as an alarm) also trigger this event and there is no way

HttpClient and HttpGet Support in WP7

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-30 14:44:45
问题 I am building an app which is already build in Android & other Mobile Platform. Since the App uses REST based Webservices build in JAVA, thus I need to use these Webservice URL. The code uses HttpClient and HttpGet for GET,POST,PUT & DELETE operation in Android . Can anyone guide me where to start with as I am new to this Platform. 回答1: I would recommend using the WebClient class for simple HTTP based communication. Here is the basic format I typically use when making a request to a web

Sqlite on both Windows Phone 7.1 and Windows Phone 8

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-30 02:08:09
问题 I'm developing an app for Windows Phone 7.1(7.5) - 8 (Must work for both) , in which database connectivity is required. This Application is already realized for Iphone and Android, so I have to use there Database file to the database structure was the same for all applications. Sqlite is used as the database . All Sqlite Clients for Windows Phone are out of date and not supported any more.

LINQ to XML to parse multiple Uri's to a single hyperlinkbutton

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-25 08:05:09
问题 I had a problem with passing a parsed string to a button click event. It was solved in this thread here, but now there's another small problem but it's with LINQ TO XML. I'm making a page which will show all of the apps that I make and will be updated with XML which I'll host on my server. On that page I'm parsing the icon, the title, the price and the marketplace Uri of the apps. I'm binding the Uri and the title of the apps to a single hyperlinkbutton but the problem is that every

Tap gesture as select, for listbox

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-25 06:47:18
问题 How do i create an event for it to detect that the user tapped on the item in listbox <!--Pivot Control--> <controls:Pivot Title="MY APPLICATION"> <!--Pivot item one--> <controls:PivotItem Header="item1"> <ListBox x:Name="lbFiles" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DataTemplate1}"> </ListBox> </controls:PivotItem> <!--Pivot item two--> <controls:PivotItem Header="item2"> </controls:PivotItem> </controls:Pivot> Code behind private void lbFile_SelectionChanged