
Windows Phone 7 Emulator Location Data Format

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-04 11:15:12
I am looking for a format of the location data used by the Windowws Phone Emulator Additional Tools. On the tab "Location" there is an option to save/open recorder data. I ask this question because I need simulate geo position change but Location Tab doesn't work for me. As a workaround I am going to create a file of the location data and open it in the emulator. It's a simple XML file in this format: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WindowsPhoneEmulator xmlns=""> <SensorData> <Header version="1" /> <GpsData latitude=""

How can I run multiple instances of the windows phone 7 emulator at the same time?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-03 16:11:57
I'm creating a multiplayer game for windows phone 7. How can I run multiple instances of the emulator in order to debug it? You can indeed run multiple instances of the Windows Phone 7 emulator at the same time, and even debug them simultaneously, as I show in my blog post . Open the folder [Your Drive Letter]:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Phone Tools\CoreCon\10.0\addons Locate the file ImageConfig.en-US.xsl Take a copy of it, leaving it in the same directory, and name it something like ImageConfig.en-US 2nd Instance.xsl Open the copy in a text editor. Locate the element DEVICE and change it's Name

How to load any XAP file with the Windows Phone 7 emulator

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-03 04:22:37
问题 Does anyone know if it is possible to load a windows phone 7 XAP file into the emulator without the solution or source files? In other words, can I send somebody just a XAP file so that they can test my app, without giving them the full source code? 回答1: Run this: D:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Tools\XAP Deployment\XapDeploy.exe 回答2: Here's the best and easiest way. Go to the start button and navigate to the "Windows Phone Developer Tools" folder. Inside you'll see a