
How to get list of countries IP Address ranges from WHOIS server?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-01-15 02:39:10
问题 I want to get all countries ip addresses range from IANA's whois server, Not from maxmind or ip2location site. IANA is authentic site hence I would like to get all ipaddress ranges for countries from that site. Is it possible to query the WHOIS server such a way?? 回答1: Its not possible to directly get the ip addresses allotted to any country like that. IP numbers are allocated to regional internet registries. There are 5 of them , ARIN , APNIC , AFRINIC , LACNIC , RIPE And again , these RIR


♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-12 07:51:02
问题 DNS故障排查 解决方案 DNS常见故障排查 DNS是虚拟主机系统服务的基础服务,也是常见的故障发生点。DNS不能解析的常见原因有: l 域名本身已经过期或被停止; l 域名的DNS服务器记录不正确; l 域名的DNS服务器记录本身没有作解析; l 域名的DNS服务器上named服务没有启动; l 域名的DNS服务器上未解析; l 域名的多个DNS服务器上的解析不一致; l 域名的DNS服务器网络设置禁止了53端口TCP/UDP协议; l 本地DNS cache未更新,与DNS服务器上的记录不同步。 DNS的解析过程: 1) 首先查找本地DNS的cache,如果cache里有,且未超过服务器或域名本身定义的生存时间,则返回cache中的记录; 2) 如果cache中没有,或已过期,首先查询互联网根服务器(如a.gtld-servers.net),找出该域名的DNS服务器是哪几个,如果查不到,返回错误; 3) 随机地从域名的DNS服务器中挑出一个,查出其IP地址,如果查不到,返回错误; 4) 连接到该IP地址的53端口(UDP或TCP协议),查询域名,如果连接不上,或服务器未返回结果,则返回错误。 如何判断域名本身已经过期或被停止 通过whois 在Linux/Unix上,可以使用whois工具,查询域名注册记录,如: 查询.com域名: ___________________


冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-11 15:53:07
#总纲 ![主][main] ##域名信息收集 ####whois 相关信息: >域名的whois信息:whois是用来查询域名注册所有者等信息的传输协议。简单说,whois就是一个用来查询域名是否已经被注册,以及注册域名的详细信息的数据库(如域名所有人、域名注册商)。通过whois来实现对域名信息的查询。早期的whois查询多以命令行接口存在,但是现在出现了一些网页接口简化的线上查询工具,可以一次向不同的数据库查询。网页接口的查询工具仍然依赖whois协议向服务器发送查询请求,命令行接口的工具仍然被系统管理员广泛使用。whois通常使用TCP协议43端口。每个域名/IP的whois信息由对应的管理机构保存。 方法: [站长之家whois查询][whois] ####子域名 1. 常用 Google Hacking 语法: > 1、intext:(仅针对Google有效) 把网页中的正文内容中的某个字符作为搜索的条件 2、intitle: 把网页标题中的某个字符作为搜索的条件 3、cache: 搜索搜索引擎里关于某些内容的缓存,可能会在过期内容中发现有价值的信息 4、filetype: 指定一个格式类型的文件作为搜索对象 5、inurl: 搜索包含指定字符的URL 6、site: 在指定的站点搜索相关内容 其他GoogleHacking语法: 1、引号 '' " 把关键字打上引号后


匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-10 10:07:38
web安全1——信息收集 信息收集是指通过各种方式获取所需要的信息。 信息收集是信息得以利用的第一步,也是关键的一步。信息收集工作的好坏,直接关系到入侵与防御的成功与否。 google命令 双引号”:强制结果包含某些字段 减号-:强制结果不包含某些字段 星号*:模糊匹配某些内容 filetype和site关键字:只搜某类型的文件,只搜某网站的内容 allinurl:限制搜索的词语是网页网址中包含的关键词(可使用多个关键词) 使用Google的其它专业搜索 https://translate.google.com.hk/ 谷歌翻译 http://www.google.cn/maps/ 谷歌地图 https://scholar.google.com/ 谷歌学术 Google、Gmail、维基百科、Twitter、Facebook等必须请用https加密方式打开 https://www.shodan.io/ Shodan新手入坑指南 http://www.freebuf.com/sectool/121339.html Shodan搜索引擎介绍 http://wooyun.tangscan.cn/static/drops/tips-2469.html 乌云网丨乌云知识库查询 http://wooyun.tangscan.cn/ Web信息搜索与挖掘的防范

Setting address of whois service for ruby whois gem

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-24 11:05:20
问题 Using the ruby whois gem, how do I set the server address of the whois service? Setting the bind_host, I get an error. > whois_client = Whois::Client.new(bind_host: "", bind_port: 43) => #<Whois::Client:0x00000008188e7e50 @timeout=10, @settings={:bind_host=>"", :bind_port=>43}> > record = whois_client.lookup('wandajackson.com') Whois::ConnectionError: Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL: Can't assign requested address - bind(2) for "" port 43 from (irb):4 回答1: I'm pretty

Need to parse whois output in perl

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-24 10:26:38
问题 I need to find email address and name(of admin, registrar, tech if available) using perl. I have checked that whois output have varied output formats. I tried Net::ParseWhois and also Net::WhoisNG, but i dont get the email address or name for different domains. Like for example: whois google.com Is there any way i can have the above details(email and name) from any domain using any perl module or how can i parse the whois output for any domain in perl. 回答1: Quick copy/paste directly from

I want to convert raw html whois lookup data into json or xml using php or any language

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-24 00:59:08
问题 I got this code for whois lookup from here. but i am getting raw data or html data .. i am getting an output but not in readable format like in json or xml .. how i can convert this into json .. pasting a example output ttmm.com domain lookup results from whois.ename.com server: enter code here Domain Name: ttmm.com Registry Domain ID: Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.ename.com Registrar URL: http://www.ename.net Updated Date: 1998-11-25 T05:00:00Z Creation Date: 1998-11-25 T05:00:00Z Registrar

Domain name existence via “dig”

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-23 10:57:18
问题 Would it be possible to check a domain name its existence by checking the output of "dig"? Inside the bind sources I found these constants: 0 DNS_R_NOEROR 1 DNS_R_FORMERR 2 DNS_R_SERVFAIL 3 DNS_R_NXDOMAIN 4 DNS_R_NOTIMP 5 DNS_R_REFUSED 6 DNS_R_YXDOMAIN 7 DNS_R_YXRRSET 8 DNS_R_NXRRSET 9 DNS_R_NOTAUTH 10 DNS_R_NOTZONE 16 DNS_R_BADVERS <RCODE 11> # 11 has no macro <RCODE 12> # 12 has no macro <RCODE 13> # 13 has no macro <RCODE 14> # 14 has no macro <RCODE 15> # 15 has no macro In my opinion

IP to CIDR/IP-Range [closed]

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-22 08:52:20
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed last year . Does anyone know of an API / Script which gives me the CIDR for the network of an IP address? Not IP-Range to CIDR! Background: A fraudster registers on my site and use a proxy or a web hoster to hide his IP address or to fake his ip position. Now it makes little sense to just block his IP address. I want to lock

“Secret Registration” providers list for filtering WHOIS API results

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-21 19:31:01
问题 I'm using a WHOIS API to pull information up on companies that register domain names. However, I don't want results where the domain is registered through a proxy such as "Domains By Proxy." Is there a comprehensive or otherwise decent list of providers I can put into my code to filter out those results? 回答1: I don't believe that a decent list of providers exists, unfortunately. (At least not one that is publicly available.) The trouble is that there is a not insignificant number of services