
Clientside HTML Minification

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-02-11 12:51:45
问题 Is there a way to this kind of minification with javascript and update the DOM (clientSide) Input: <div class="parentDiv"> <div class="childDiv">Some text</div> <div class="childDiv">Some text</div> </div> Output: <div class="parentDiv"><div class="childDiv">Some text</div><div class="childDiv">Some text</div></div> I know its useless doing the minification after downloading all the content. The point here is to stop the identation to create gaps between my divs. I know that if I put a

Create string with trailing spaces in Bash

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-10 19:50:41
问题 I'd like to loop over an associative array and print out the key / value pairs in a nice way. Therefore I'd like to indent the values in such a way, that they all start at the same position behind their respective keys. Here's an example: declare -A my_array my_array["k 1"]="value one" my_array["key two"]="value two" for key in "${!my_array[@]}"; do echo "$key: ${my_array[$key]}" done The output is k 1: value one key two: value two The output I'd like to have would be (for arbitrary key

Trim white-spaces at the end of lines only before a specific tag

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-08 09:29:44
问题 could you please help me?! I'm dealing with the following problem: the lines in my xml begin with the <lb> element. Some of these elements have an attribute <lb break="no"> . I need to transform the line-by-line text into a floating text and also trim whitespaces before <lb break="no"> , so that the word is written without spaces. At the same time it is necessary to leave all the whitespaces that are presented in the text, as there are many different tags that go one after another. If I'm


时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-02-07 21:51:22
为什么身边的人想开公司都会来问我?可能是因为我有多年的财税经验吧,先是财税代理记账,然后是增值税相关系统的设计研发。 说到开公司,很多人第一时间想到创业。这几年创业给大多数人的印象都是九死一生,特别是今年新冠疫情肆虐,更是重创了一大批创业公司。 但生活还是要继续的,有人退出就有人进入,经济放缓也是一个机会,可以理解为把很多人拉回同一起跑线上再跑一次。对于已经在跑的人来说是件坏事,但对于准备起跑的人来说就是一个良机。 言归正传,说回开公司,撇开业务不说,开公司一般流程如下: 租赁办公场所 工商税务注册(设立登记) 刻章备案(公章、财务专用章、法人代表名章、发票专用章) 开立对公帐户 税务报到 以上流程是根据政策规定的因素定义的,对于个人而言,需要做的准备工作还很多,例如: 确定公司类型 确定企业名称 确定注册资本 确定股东出资比例 确定经营范围 确定注册地址 这里重点说说公司类型、注册资本、注册地址: 公司类型 所有投资人身份证均为内地的就是内资公司,建议选择“有限责任公司”,尽量避免“个人独资企业”,最重要的区别是“个人独资企业”是 投资人以其个人财产对企业债务承担无限责任。 看看“无限”跟“有限”两个字的区别,还加上了“个人财产”,所以基本上是把整个人生都赌上了。 注册资本 很多人都知道现在是认缴出资,就是说不需要拿出一大笔钱来也可以注册一家公司

Git convert between tabs and spaces but only sometimes

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-02-07 18:27:44
问题 First, I'm a newbie to git. Like, I could barely tell a cache from an index if it hit me in the staging area. Or something like that. With that out of the way, my problem is this: Suppose I want to work on a project whose coding style mandates spaces for indentation, but I like tabs. It seems that I can use the clean and smudge features, but there's a catch. The coding style is not followed consistently, and there some files that mix tabs and spaces on the same line. Thus a naïve approach

How do I prevent a leading space from being entered in a textbox?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-07 10:48:13
问题 I'm using jQuery 2. How do I prevent a space being entered in a textbox if it is a leading space (e.g. at the beginning of the string)? I thought this would do it $(document).on("keyup","#s" ,function(evt){ var firstChar = $("#s").val() if(evt.keyCode == 32 && firstChar){ $("#s").val( $("#s").val().trim() ) console.log(" called ") return false; } }) And basically it does but it is a little sloppy. You can see the space being entered and then removed and I was looking for something slightly

PHP: remove extra space from a string using regex

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-07 06:29:05
问题 How do I remove extra spaces at the end of a string using regex (preg_replace)? $string = "some random text with extra spaces at the end "; 回答1: There is no need of regex here and you can use rtrim for it, its cleaner and faster: $str = rtrim($str); But if you want a regex based solution you can use: $str = preg_replace('/\s*$/','',$str); The regex used is /\s*$/ \s is short for any white space char, which includes space. * is the quantifier for zero or more $ is the end anchor Basically we


谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-02-06 21:38:15
↑↑↑点击上方 蓝色小字 ,关注「iBroPro」 跟随朱少 · 储备斜杠资源 Java 集合 - Map 01 HashMap(数组+链表+红黑树) HashMap 根据键的 hashCode 值存储数据,大多数情况下可以直接定位到它的值,因而具有很快的访问速度,但遍历顺序却是不确定的。 HashMap 最多只允许一条记录的键为 null,允许多条记录的值为 null。 HashMap 非线程安全,即任一时刻可以有多个线程同时写 HashMap,可能会导致数据的不一致。 如果需要满足线程安全,可以用 Collections 的 synchronizedMap 方法使HashMap 具有线程安全的能力,或者使用 ConcurrentHashMap。 我们用下面这张图来介绍HashMap 的结构。 1.1 Java7 实现 Java7 HashMap 结构 大方向上,HashMap 里面是一个数组,然后数组中每个元素是一个单向链表。上图中,每个绿色的实体是嵌套类 Entry 的实例,Entry 包含四个属性: key, value, hash 值和用于单向链表的 next 。 ▌capacity: 当前数组容量,始终保持 2^n,可以扩容,扩容后数组大小为当前的 2 倍。 ▌ loadFactor: 负载因子,默认为 0.75。 ▌ threshold: 扩容的阈值,等于

How to remove leading and trailing whitespaces?

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-02-06 10:07:36
问题 I'm using awk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,""); print;}' in.txt > out.txt to remove both leading and trailing whitespaces. The problem is the output file actually has trailing whitespaces! All lines are of the same length - they are right padded with spaces. What am I missing? UPDATE 1 The problem is probably due to the the fact that the trailing spaces are nor "normal" spaces but \x20 characters (DC4). UPDATE 2 I used gsub (/'[[:cntrl:]]|[[:space:]]|\x20/,"") an it worked. Two strange things:

How to get a string input from stdin that has leading white space in C?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-05 05:51:06
问题 Need a solution to get input string start with spaces? I know a method to include space in input scanf("%[^\n]s", s); But its working only for space between words. I need a solution for string starts with spaces. And I also need the starting spaces in the variable 回答1: To get a line of user input, use fgets() . #define S_MAX_LENGTH char s[S_MAX_LENGTH + 2]; if (fgets(s, sizeof s, stdin)) { s[strcspn(s, "\n")] = '\0'; // Should code want to lop off a potential trailing \n .... Do not use scanf