
Copy framebuffer data from one WebGLRenderingContext to another?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-01-29 05:00:16
问题 Please refer to the background section below if the following does not make much sense, I omitted most of the context as to make the problem as clear as possible. I have two WebGLRenderingContexts with the following traits: WebGLRenderingContext: InputGL (Allows read and write operations on its framebuffers.) WebGLRenderingContext: OutputGL (Allows only write operations on its framebuffers.) GOAL : Superimpose InputGL's renders onto OutputGL's renders periodically within 33ms (30fps) on

Display an immersive 360 photo while using a website in a VR browser

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-06-27 06:30:14
问题 I started playing with WebVR and I'm trying to have a 360 immersive background dynamically change while a user is using my website. In this hypothetical situation the user would choose to launch the immersive experience running in the background around them while using the site. I'm still a newbie on WebVR but from what I understood it's all rendered inside a <canvas> element. So would it be possible to display the site inside an iframe with a z-index higher than the fullscreen canvas in

Aframe: How do I link entities, so the user can link/unlink entities, and so entities will animate together, and interact together

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-24 23:56:42
问题 How would I link and unlink multiple entities together so that they can be animated together. An example is that there is a small pile of entities. When I click on this pile it spreads apart and floats upwards towards the user, so it's not a pile any more but a series of discreet entities each separated by a small distance. The pile exists of 3 entities A, B, and C If I click on the entity with id A then they all scale/position/rotate back into a pile. If I click on entity id B then all