
User context for @Startup EJB on websphere

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-05 18:10:12
问题 Where do I set the user context Websphere uses when it calls a @Startup EJB? I have a Java EE application with a startup EJB, and I know that it sets a user when calling the EJB, since the call fails due to missing roles. However, I couldn't find where to set the user. 回答1: The EJB spec states that session bean @PostConstruct methods are called in an unspecified security context, and WebSphere does not document a specific security context or allow it to be configured. In practice, singleton

User context for @Startup EJB on websphere

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-05 18:09:56
问题 Where do I set the user context Websphere uses when it calls a @Startup EJB? I have a Java EE application with a startup EJB, and I know that it sets a user when calling the EJB, since the call fails due to missing roles. However, I couldn't find where to set the user. 回答1: The EJB spec states that session bean @PostConstruct methods are called in an unspecified security context, and WebSphere does not document a specific security context or allow it to be configured. In practice, singleton

Worklight- Send application logs to specific log file

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-05 17:40:33
问题 We have two hybrid applications running on our production server (App1-App2). We define two levels of our logging : WL.Logger.debug : Used to log the request and response of the applications if we need to track user interactions to debug any error which is logged to trace.log WL.Logger.error : Used to log the error that could happen on our application which used to log to SystemOut.log What is the configuration that we need to set to put a specific file logging for each application? and Is it

Websphere JNDI lookup fails

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-05 10:10:11
问题 I am getting below error when I am looking up a JNDI connection for jdbc datasource: javax.naming.ConfigurationException: A JNDI operation on a "java:" name cannot be completed because the server runtime is not able to associate the operation's thread with any J2EE application component. This condition can occur when the JNDI client using the "java:" name is not executed on the thread of a server application request. Make sure that a J2EE application does not execute JNDI operations on "java:

Passing the JNDI name dynamically

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-05 09:51:06
问题 I have a lot of Websphere servers with different JNDI name of my DB connection so I have to build many ears files for each server. I'd like to do something like this: <bean id="dbDataSource" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean"> <property name="jndiName" value="${SPECIFIC_JNDI_NAME}"/> </bean> How can I create this SPECIFIC_JNDI_NAME variable? 回答1: The proper Java EE way to do it, is using resource references in your code like: java:comp/env/jdbc/myDSRef , then this resource

websphere classloader gives java.lang.LinkageError when loading slf4j LoggerFactory

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-05 08:55:13
问题 [I originally posted this on the websphere forums bot didn't see a timely response. I'm re-posting here with slightly more content] The Problem I added a jar (call it "Foo.jar") to our enterprise application (i.e. ".ear"), created the manifest entry, etc., and found, to my surprise, that when my EJB instantiated FooClient, websphere threw a java.lang.LinkageError upon org.slf4j.LoggerFactory I've added classloader debugging to the trace and did not find much. I was hoping to see "where WAS

Plugins in IBM/HCL Connections 5 CR6 with TinyMCE editor

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-05 06:28:51
问题 I installed the TinyMCE editor on a vanilla Connections 5 CR6 installation and now want to add plugins. HCL told us that we have the pro version of TinyMCE licenced together with Connections. One example of the pro-plugins is the checklist, which I want to install. So I add the plugin-files of the checklist as well as the lists (required as dependency) in the externalPlugins array of the config.js file: externalPlugins: [ { name: "checklist", url: pluginBaseDir + "checklist/plugin.min.js",

JAX-WS, Websphere AS 8.5 and XML Digital SIgnature

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-01-05 04:03:08
问题 I'm developing a JAX-WS webservice that must validate incoming SOAP messages according to the XML Digital Signature specification. I'm noticing a strange behaviour, I can validate the very first incoming message but then validation fails on subsequent messages (on both signature and reference). If i restart the Application Server (Websphere 8.5) i can validate the first message. It seems that the Application Server modifies incoming SOAP Messages before i can parse them. The modified SOAP

Jenkins Running on Websphere 8.5 causes plugin class load errors

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-01-04 20:28:25
问题 I am running Jenkins (1.552) on WebSphere 8.5 with Java 7 on RedHat Linux. I loaded the Artifactory plugin into Jenkins, but when I hit test connection, I receive the following error: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger does not implement Log After looking around, it appears that the Artifactory plugin was not compiled with the pluginFirstClassLoader option. It appears due

EJB Timer when redepolyed in a cluster environement of Websphere Application Server

若如初见. 提交于 2020-01-04 07:03:27
问题 I have an .ear file which is composed of multiple EJB's and one of them do use a timer service to create timer and the same ejb has the callback method too. That ear is supposed to be deployed in a clustered environment of 3 servers. The issue now is that i want to know what is the expected behavior if i redeployed/undeployed the ear in the cluster. Will the server cancel all timers and clear the persistent scheduler? Or it will preserve them? What are the work arounds? I have read that in