
Webhook incoming with event subscription create loop

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-21 20:23:07
问题 I am using a web service api to receive message from a slack channel (event subscription) and the same web service api to send message (Incoming webhook) to the user on the same slack channel. But when I send a message, this same message is send back to my api by the slack event subscription. That create an infinite loop. How can I declare my message that I am sending to the channel which I can check when I receive back by the event subscription ? 回答1: This is normal behavior of Slack and can

Edit Download Link on Woocommerce thank you page

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-01-16 16:48:12
问题 I'm trying to work out how to edit the download button link that sits directly underneath the order title, in the order details section of the thank you page. So if you make an order in Woocommerce, for a product that is downloadable, you get a " Thank you. Your order has been received " box, then under it, you get an " Order Details " box. In that order details box, it shows each product ordered, and if that product is downloadable, it shows a small " Download: Product name " link under the

Rendering Received Webhook Payload by Django Views

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-01-16 08:58:08
问题 Dev Platform: Python 3.6.2 Django 3.0 Windows 10 VScode Problem: I'm not able to render the received webhook payload on the django template via same view method or by redirect. Also I'm not able to use django sessions variable to pass payload data to another view. Seems like no session exist as per the print statements. Looks like I'm missing something cirtical. Details: settings.py My sessions middleware and installed app settings are properly set as well for cookie based sessions. INSTALLED

BigCommerce webhooks listener in rails

你。 提交于 2020-01-15 12:26:08
问题 I'm following the instructions here http://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/webhooks/quickstart to set up webhooks to initiate some third-party order processing. We've been doing this on an hourly batch, real-time webhook triggers will save us a lot of lag time. I think I've set up the webhook broadcaster, but can't see any evidence that it's being fired- I've created a bunch of new orders and nothing reaches the rails server. How can I tell if BigCommerce is firing events when / where I expect?

Azure EventGrid Webhook timeout

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-15 09:43:28
问题 Came to know from the documentation that timeout for webhook is 60 secs. If that's the case then are we expecting developers to do asynchronous operations? I mean what if the work that I want to do as part of the webhook takes more than 60 secs? But if we make that operation asynchronous and the work I want do as part of the webhook fails then how do we recover from that situation because we already responded event grid 200 OK. In that case - would we lose the event? 回答1: In the scenario like

Can I use Google Apps Script as Asana Webhooks endpoint (doPost)?

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-15 09:03:50
问题 I'm trying to connect Google Docs with Asana. I can create tasks from Google Docs and save the connection to MySql database so I can display tasks inside Google Document . Now I need those tasks to be synced with Asana all the time, so I wanted to create Asana webhooks. I created a doPost funtion in Google Apps Script which should serve as an endpoint. But when I initiate the starting handshake I don't receive a request from Asana to my Google Web App . To be sure I'm doing everything right I

Receiving a webhook event for Stripe in Flask

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-15 08:08:12
问题 I am new to Flask and will appreciate little help with stripe payments. I currently can "Send" data to stripe with simple view and it communicates with stripe site as it shows payment charged against the subscription plan. But I need to "receive" signal from stripe so I can capture the event and take action as needed. For that I would appreciated if according to the following view someone help me to figure it out. Following view is to charge customer and now I need to retrieve expiration from

Receiving a webhook event for Stripe in Flask

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-15 08:08:05
问题 I am new to Flask and will appreciate little help with stripe payments. I currently can "Send" data to stripe with simple view and it communicates with stripe site as it shows payment charged against the subscription plan. But I need to "receive" signal from stripe so I can capture the event and take action as needed. For that I would appreciated if according to the following view someone help me to figure it out. Following view is to charge customer and now I need to retrieve expiration from

Stripe - Additional Invoice Item included on recurring payment

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-12 07:17:04
问题 I am having a problem adding invoice item on subscription and currently banging my head on the wall. I've created an Invoice Item on stripe and I’d like the Invoice Item to be included on the recurring payment Here’s my code, it adds an invoice item on first invoice but not on the next invoice. $new_customer = Stripe_Customer::create(array( 'card' => $card, 'email' => $email,) ); Stripe_InvoiceItem::create(array( 'customer' => $new_customer['id'], 'amount' => $additiona_charges, 'currency' =>

Web hook in salesforce?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-12 02:58:08
问题 I want to get notified when a new lead is created in Salesforce. Is there something like webhook in Salesforce or some other way to achieve this ? Any help is appreciated 回答1: Yes, plenty of options :) For SF as actor: Workflow rule that would fire on insert of Lead and send you an email (or if it's for system integration - outbound message). You can always write an "after insert" Apex trigger and have in it a callout to external system (SOAP and RESTful APIs are supported). Although you'll