
How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-11-26 11:34:17
I have an application in C# (2.0 running on XP embedded) that is communicating with a 'watchdog' that is implemented as a Windows Service. When the device boots, this service typically takes some time to start. I'd like to check, from my code, if the service is running. How can I accomplish this? I guess something like this would work: Add System.ServiceProcess to your project references (It's on the .NET tab). using System.ServiceProcess; ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(SERVICENAME); switch (sc.Status) { case ServiceControllerStatus.Running: return "Running"; case

How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-11-26 02:28:05
问题 I have an application in C# (2.0 running on XP embedded) that is communicating with a \'watchdog\' that is implemented as a Windows Service. When the device boots, this service typically takes some time to start. I\'d like to check, from my code, if the service is running. How can I accomplish this? 回答1: I guess something like this would work: Add System.ServiceProcess to your project references (It's on the .NET tab). using System.ServiceProcess; ServiceController sc = new ServiceController


时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-11-25 22:22:52
微博视频平台在4亿月活用户吃瓜嗨聊的高并发、大流量背景下,既要保证用户微博生产和消费体验,又要支持业务快速迭代,确保正确性、稳定性和高可用性。本次演将以微博视频大规模视频离线处理系统的架构设计为主题为大家带来大规模分布式系统的架构设计,性能优化和高可用保障等一线实战经验。 文 / 霍东海 整理 / LiveVideoStack 大家好,我是来自新浪微博视频平台和微博平台研发部的架构师霍东海,从2017年加入微博,目前在微博视频平台负责微博视频离线处理系统架构等相关工作,包括大规模离线微服务系统的架构设计和服务保障体系的建设等。近期专注于视频平台技术体系的提升对用户体验提升的帮助,主导构建了微博SVE(Streaming Video Engine)系统,支持大并发场景下对视频进行并行转码,大幅度提升转码效率。 1. 背景介绍 微博本身有大并发、大流量的特性,有4亿+的月活,同时微博也是一个开放平台,支持多种第三方分享,每天都会有百万视频分享需进行处理。 微博视频业务大概分两种业余形态,一个如左图所示,是竖版的短视频分享,另一个是如右图所示的稍微长一点的横向播放的短视频。 微博视频还有一些特殊的场景,例如在微博PC端点视频按钮会跳转到酷燃网,它是一个5到15分钟的短小综艺类视频分享的网站,如图中,下面都是一些优酷,爱奇艺,腾讯等视频网站分享到微博的视频。