
Grunt 之 watch 和 livereload

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-31 09:14:23
现在 watch 中已经集成了 livereload ,所以把它们放在一起说明。 watch 可以监控特定的文件,在添加文件、修改文件、或者删除文件的时候自动执行自定义的任务,比如 livereload 等等。 1. 安装 项目定义在 GitHub 上,地址: 可以通过 NPM 直接进行安装 npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev 安装之后,需要在 Gruntfile.js 中添加任务的注册。 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); 通过 grunt watch 运行 watch 任务。 2. 配置 watch 与 connect 类似,在 watch 下面定义自己的子任务,下面的示例将会监控 src 目录下的任意 *.html 文件,在文件被修改之后,输出被修改的文件名。 这里通过 watch 的事件进行处理。 'use strict'; module.exports = function (grunt) { // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ watch:{ start:{ files: ['src/*.html'] } } });

Grunt 之 watch 和 livereload

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-31 09:14:05
Grunt 之 watch 和 livereload 现在 watch 中已经集成了 livereload ,所以把它们放在一起说明。 watch 可以监控特定的文件,在添加文件、修改文件、或者删除文件的时候自动执行自定义的任务,比如 livereload 等等。 1. 安装 项目定义在 GitHub 上,地址: 可以通过 NPM 直接进行安装 npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev 安装之后,需要在 Gruntfile.js 中添加任务的注册。 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); 通过 grunt watch 运行 watch 任务。 2. 配置 watch 与 connect 类似,在 watch 下面定义自己的子任务,下面的示例将会监控 src 目录下的任意 *.html 文件,在文件被修改之后,输出被修改的文件名。 这里通过 watch 的事件进行处理。 'use strict'; module.exports = function (grunt) { // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ watch:{ start:{ files:

Is there a smarter alternative to “watch make”?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-31 09:12:22
问题 I ran into this useful tip that if you're working on files a lot and you want them to build automatically you run: watch make And it re-runs make every couple seconds and things get built. However ... it seems to swallow all the output all the time. I think it could be smarter - perhaps show a stream of output but suppress Nothing to be done for 'all' so that if nothing is built the output doesn't scroll. A few shell script approaches come to mind using a loop and grep ... but perhaps

In XCode 6 how can you set a watchpoint without stopping execution?

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-30 04:25:10
问题 You can easily set a watchpoint in XCode by following these steps (btw if there is a simpler way, I'd like to know it...): - Run your program - Set a breakpoint in the code where your variable is used - when reaching breakpoint, use a right click on the variable and select 'Watch "nameOfTheVariable"' - Continue execution. The only problem is that execution will stop every time the variable value changes. I would like XCode to continue the execution without stopping, i.e. merely display the

How can I get workout record from the Activity app in the iphone, does the apple sdk supply this API?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-25 11:55:31
问题 I want to get the workout record data from the Activity app in my iphone, does the apple sdk supply this API to access it? Thanks! The detail data I want to access is as below screen: 回答1: You can get access to all of this data using the HealthKit API. I recommend starting with HKHealthStore and the WWDC videos about HealthKit. 来源:

How can I get workout record from the Activity app in the iphone, does the apple sdk supply this API?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-25 11:54:14
问题 I want to get the workout record data from the Activity app in my iphone, does the apple sdk supply this API to access it? Thanks! The detail data I want to access is as below screen: 回答1: You can get access to all of this data using the HealthKit API. I recommend starting with HKHealthStore and the WWDC videos about HealthKit. 来源:

webpack-dev-server doesn't watch/recompile files if they import named exports

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-25 09:01:10
问题 Problem This is the craziest webpack issue I ever saw. You don't want to know the amount of time debugging took to find the problem. I have a pretty basic webpack.config.js : const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); module.exports = { entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/index.js'), output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'build'), filename: 'boundle.js', }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.jsx?$/, use: [ 'babel-loader', ], exclude: /node_modules/ }, ], }, plugins: [ new

Show CPU Registers in VS2008 watch window

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-25 04:32:21
问题 Is it possible to add CPU registers (RAX, EAX, flags, etc etc) with a specific syntax in a watch window so they are displayed like regular variables and printed in base-10 (or hex if Hexadecimal Display is on) ? e.g: if Registers window shows RAX = 00000000027A6468, adding %rax to watch would result in: Name Value Type %rax 41575528 CPU Register Thanks ! 回答1: Pseudovariables 回答2: With VS2010 and higher there is a 'Registers' window (Debug->Windows->Registers). To see the flags and more

How to replicate and copy the contents of watch window in Visual studio into a file (With the branching info being present in it)

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-25 02:29:00
问题 I am debugging C++ using VS2008. The watch window used for debugging stores all the dynamic values in various objects, arrays, variables etc. I want to copy the entire contents on this watch window into a file so that I can forward the debugging context to someone else. If I just selct all (CTRL + A), and paste the contents in a file then i wont get the branching information (i.e info like an object might have various sub-objects in it). Can anyone kindly let me know how to do this in VS2008.

What is wrong with this command?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-24 14:01:50
问题 I'm not a software/scripting folk myself so struggling to understand what is happening here: watch -n 0.2 'ps -p $(pgrep -d',' -x snmpd) -o rss= | awk '{ i += $1 } END { print i }'' Basically I am wanting to print the Resident Set Size value of my snmp daemon 5 times a second (for fair resolution). I then intend on building from this to redirect the output to a text file for later analysis where I can put the data into a graph for instance. The trouble I have here is that I can run the