
How to get an object that was changed in angularjs?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-05 06:06:39
I use this function to watch an array of objects for changes: $scope.$watch('Data', function (newVal) { /*...*/ }, true); How can I get an object in which property has been changed so that I can push it in an array? For example: var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []); myApp.factory("Data", function(){ var Data = [{id:1, property: "Random"}, {id:2, property: "Random again"}]; return Data; }); var myBigArray = []; function tableCtrl($scope, Data){ $scope.TheData = Data; $scope.$watch("TheData", function() { //Here an object should be pushed myBigArray.push(">>Object in which property has been

invoking functions while debugging with Visual Studio 2005?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-05 03:21:29
Here's something I know is probably possible but I've never managed to do In VS2005(C++), While debugging, to be able to invoke a function from the code which I'm debugging. This feature is sometimes essential when debugging complex data structures which can't be explored easily using just the normal capabilities of the watch window. The watch window seem to allow writing function calls but every time I try it it gives me one error or another. Error: symbol "func" not found Error: argument list does not match function Error: member function not present Did anyone ever succeed in making this

Efficient way to communicate components or directives in Angular 1.x

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-05 02:44:53
问题 According to the below image: I want to improve components communication method....I think this way is not efficient. When clicking tabsetComponent to emit event, then parent controller catch this event, changing rootScope variable. Using $watch rootScope variable in tableComponent to trigger http fetch data function... Could anyone has better and efficient way to communicate sibling component? 回答1: The accepted AngularJS method for communication between components is using component

Node.js listen to MongoDB change

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-05 00:08:28
问题 Is there a way for Node.js to listen to a change in a particular data in a collection of MongoDB, and fire an event if a change happens? 回答1: I believe you are looking for a database trigger. Unfortunately, MongoDB has no support for them yet, so I don't think you can listen for changes directly from the database. You'll need to setup some sort of notification system (e.g. pub/sub) that alerts interested parties when a collection has changed. 回答2: Well, this is an old question, but I was

Keeping my WatchKit complications up to date when not running

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-04 13:45:47
I'm working on the WatchKit Extension of my app, and have some issues with complications. I have a complication that displays a given total amount, which depends of what the user is doing on the iOS app. When the WatchKit Extension is running, the iOS app updates the watch app context using the -[WCSession updateApplicationContext:] method. It works fine, and then in the ExtensionDelegate of my Watch app, I manually update the complication with the new data. But this is OK only when the extension is running (if it's not, it won't get the application context until the next launch). So I edited

$watch is not working when model is updated in scope.$apply in directive

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-04 10:29:10
问题 i have a directive where i have added a watch on the 'existingfiles' model of the directive scope. When there is change in the model through scope.$apply, there is no call to listener in watch. Here is the directive code, kindly let me know if i am missing something here, directive('fileuploadPlugin', function() { var linkFn; linkFn = function(scope, element, attrs) { angular.element(element).ready(function() { jQuery('#fileupload').fileupload({ done: function (e, data) { scope.$apply

javascript, gulp, watch, changed

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-04 09:03:34
I cannot get my head around this. This is supposed to be a gulp task that is executed every time a watched file is modified. Can anyone explain why it is required to pipe the watched files through the changed plugin? gulp.task('build-css', function () { return gulp.src(paths.css) .pipe(changed(paths.output, {extension: '.css'})) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output)); }); gulp.task('watch', ['serve'], function() {, ['build-css']); }); Disclaimer: this is not my code. Just trying to understand what is going on, in order to create my own custom watch task. The difference between

$watch a service variable or $broadcast an event with AngularJS

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-04 06:55:57
I'm using a service to share data between controllers. The application has to update the DOM when a variable is modified. I've found two ways to do that, you can see the code here: myApp.controller( "ctrl1", [ "$scope", "myService", function( $scope, myService ){ $scope.init = function(){ $scope.myVariable = myService.myVariable; }; }]); myApp.controller( "ctrl2", [ "$scope", "myService", function( $scope, myService ){ $scope.increaseVal = function(){ var a = myService.myVariable.value; myService.myVariable.value = a + 1; }; }]);


僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-04 03:38:14
请参考右边网页的 Installation 和 Getting Started 篇: 安装webpack 先使用 git bash 进入一个你想安装的位置,然后请在 git bash 里输入如下命令,该命令将下载最新版本的 webpack 。 cd //这里填写你想安装的位置 npm install --save-dev webpack webpack 安装成功及文件夹中新增文件如下二图: 新建信息文件package.json webpack 安装成功后,如果想在目录下新建一个 webpack 相关的信息文件,请使用下面命令: npm init -y 信息文件 package.json 新建成功及文件夹中新增文件如下二图: 加载Lodash 方法1 首先,修改文件夹结构,添加下图中没有的文件夹和文件: node_modules 、 package-lock.json 是下载 webpack 产生的文件 package.json 是 webpack 相关的信息文件,现在需要修改 私密性 + "private": true, //前面加号表示请 添加 这行 - "main": "index.js", //前面减号表示请 删除 这行 添加 index.html <!doctype html> <html> <head>

How can I auto compile my HAML files into HTML files in a tiny project that doesn't run on RoR?

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-04 01:44:59
I have only today started playing with compass and haml . While I am quite familiar with the way sass works and I get the idea of what compass is for sass and how to use it, I've hit a little bit of a road block when it comes to using haml efficiently. Of course I am hoping that someone here already knows the answer to my problem and can give me a little jump start into haml . Here is what I'd like to accomplish: Auto compile my HAML files when I save them. The project however is just a tiny static site (couple of pages) to build up a template set for a later integration into the