
Using App Center Auth and Azure B2C to Authenticate with Azure Functions

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-11 14:29:48
问题 I am attempting to use AppCenter authentication flow in my Xamarin Application with Azure B2C to authenticate with a Azure function and retrieve the user id. in App.xaml.cs using System; using Xamarin.Essentials; using Xamarin.Forms; using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml; using Rooms.Services; using Rooms.Views; using Microsoft.AppCenter; using Microsoft.AppCenter.Auth; using System.Threading; using System.Net.Http; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using

Cordova CodePush Migration - new plugin?

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-11 04:45:24
问题 We're using CodePush with Cordova. This service is moving to Microsoft's App Center. The main code push site notes that there will be a new "App Center CodePush SDK Launch" in late February 2018. I haven't seen this launch for Cordova. It looks to me like the existing cordova plugin for CodePush is integrated fairly well in the App Center docs. Is there going to be a new Cordova plugin for this AppCenter move, or will the existing plugin be usable long-term? I know the CLI will be changing,

App Center shows no build variants for React Native Android

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-08 03:31:30
问题 I am trying to set up a build for a React Native app on App Center. I have linked the app to the Azure Devops Repository, and selected the branch and attempted to create a build. However, when I try to create the build, it finds the package.json but does not find any build variants: I have confirmed that it is finding the package.json for the app (I remove it and it complains). I know that the build variants come from the build types in the build.gradle, which has a release variant in it. I

Fix VS Mobile Center Error: Publish build artifacts failed with error: Not found PathtoPublish

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-07 04:26:22
问题 When starting a build in Visual Studio App Center I am getting this error in the build logs. How do I fix this? ============================================================================== ##[error]Publish build artifacts failed with error: Not found PathtoPublish: /Users/ci/agent/vstsagent/_work/1/a/symbols ##[section]Finishing: Publish symbols ##[section]Starting: Create distribution ============================================================================== Task : Mobile Center Upload

How to push IPA to App Center Distribute from Continuous Integration Server

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-06 07:16:34
问题 How do you push an iOS IPA file to App Center Distribute from the command line? I'm using a CI (Continuous Integration) server to build my app, and I tried using the following command, given by the App Center Test portal, but it isn't working and outputs the error, below: appcenter distribute release -f ~/Desktop/MondayPundayApp.ipa -g Collaborators --app Punday/mondaypundayapp--ios Command 'appcenter distribute release' requires a logged in user. Use the 'appcenter login' command to log in

What's the principal difference between MS AppCenter and Azure DevOps (former VSTS)?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-05 12:40:27
问题 I am "a bit" confused in understanding of what of those two services are capable for and what are the core differences between of them. In general, I understand what they provide, and separately I used them both earlier (VSTS as issue tracker, mostly), and AppCenter for the sources to be built and deployed. However: 1. They both have building and (apparently) publishing capabilities . In DevOps has the option of setting up the Pipeline: Same way as AppCenter has mostly the same: 2. They both

How to push IPA to App Center Distribute from Continuous Integration Server

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-04 14:12:40
How do you push an iOS IPA file to App Center Distribute from the command line? I'm using a CI (Continuous Integration) server to build my app, and I tried using the following command, given by the App Center Test portal, but it isn't working and outputs the error, below: appcenter distribute release -f ~/Desktop/MondayPundayApp.ipa -g Collaborators --app Punday/mondaypundayapp--ios Command 'appcenter distribute release' requires a logged in user. Use the 'appcenter login' command to log in Push to App Center Test from CLI 1. Manually Retrieve an API Token The App Center CLI requires the user

What's the principal difference between MS AppCenter and Azure DevOps (former VSTS)?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-04 00:09:22
I am "a bit" confused in understanding of what of those two services are capable for and what are the core differences between of them. In general, I understand what they provide, and separately I used them both earlier (VSTS as issue tracker, mostly), and AppCenter for the sources to be built and deployed. However: 1. They both have building and (apparently) publishing capabilities . In DevOps has the option of setting up the Pipeline: Same way as AppCenter has mostly the same: 2. They both also have Tests sections with (seems like) similar functionality . 3. They both provide ability of

Distribute UWP App to App Center (aka Mobile Center) using VSTS Task

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-01 00:48:44
I'm currently working together with Microsoft on a case where one of your UWP Apps is crashing after start. After a lot of debugging around msbuild I recognized that the crash only occurs when the resulting appxbundle file is distributed over Microsoft App Center (aka Mobile Center). This is also only the case when the appxbundle is uploaded to App Center with the VSTS built in task "App Center distribute". When I upload the appxbundle manually using the App Center Portal it all works fine, even when consumed through App Center. Furthermore I noticed that the appxbundle is 18MB in size after

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) - HTTP V1 API or Legacy HTTP API?

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-11-29 04:50:13
Our goal is sending notifications to groups of devices from our backend, and only from server side is possible to know which device should receive the notification. We've done some attempts with AppCenter because we mostly work with Xamarin iOS/Android/Forms, but now we have the doubt that it's probably better to use directly Firebase API because wider and more powerful. I see that with new version of API (HTTP V1) is not possible to send a notification to a list of tokens, feature that was available in legacy API using registration_ids parameter (