

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-01 04:21:10
诚邀访问我的个人博客: 我在马路边 更好的阅读体验点击查看原文: Shell脚本备份Mongodb数据库 原创博客,转载请注明出处 @[toc] 项目需要对Mongodb的数据进行定期备份,以免出现什么差错难以追回,但是数据量比较大,本机硬盘不够用,还要异地备份,于是乎通过通过dump远程链接目标库,然后将数据dump到另一个位置,暂时还在执行中,如果有错误再进行修改。 环境还原 Mongodb服务器 A (Linux),备份机器 B (Windows),备份移动硬盘C。 B 机器可以远程 A 服务器,由于 A 和 B 服务器的硬盘剩余空间都不够备份,在 B 机器插入移动硬盘C。 在B机器上通过VirtualBox创建 Linux虚拟机 ,与 B 机器的移动硬盘 C 进行共享文件夹 D 。 Linux虚拟机 创建shell脚本,将数据备份到共享文件夹 D 。 Linux虚拟机 需要安装Mongodb数据库,如何安装数据库请参考 Centos7安装MongoDB4.0 ,以便执行 mongodump 命令。 环境创建 Linux虚拟机 在共享目录 <folder> 下创建导出dump的文件夹和将dump文件压缩的目标文件夹,命令如下: 注:执行的时候请将下面提到的所有 <folder> 替换成你的目标目录,比如 /media/sf_mongobak/ # 切换到你的目标目录 $ cd

Virtualbox debugging — g: error: The VM is already running

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-01-29 17:55:43
问题 I'm trying to debug an operating system that I am developing. When I start up the VM machine with VirtualBoxVM --startvm "X" --debug the VM starts paused, but when I execute the 'g' command to continue execution I get this error: g: error: The VM is already running But when I start my virtual machine without --debug , everything works fine, but I can't debug. Why does that error message appear? The VM starts stopped, so the message doesn't make sense and it doesn't allow me to debug my OS. 来源

Spring Data Redis unable to connect to VirtualBox Ubuntu Redis Server

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-01-29 16:02:03
问题 I'm currently attempting to follow a pretty simplistic tutorial from Spring Guides. Hopefully, because of its simplistic nature, it will be very easy to resolve. Goal Currently, I've completed the whole tutorial. I was having issues installing Redis on my windows machine, so I went ahead and installed VirtualBox to attempt to create a ubuntu server with Redis on it. I was hoping to have my project just connect to the Redis server running on the VirtualMachine. So far, I've set up the Ubuntu

Curl works outside vm but not inside

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-29 07:41:00
问题 I've tried the following: Setting mtu to 1400 Downgrading vagrant to 1.8.7 and VirtualBox to 5.1.38 Turn off firewall on host (osx) and guest (Ubuntu) Turn off iptables in guest os Ping works, but anything that requires ssl handshake will fail including curl and file_get_contents in php times out Examples: vagrant@scotchbox:~$ openssl s_client -connect -prexit CONNECTED(00000003) But using curl: vagrant@scotchbox:~$ curl -iv * Rebuilt URL to: https:/

Is it possible to test android app on Android VM under Virtual Box from Android studio running on host

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-01-29 06:50:48
问题 Did anybody try to test android apps on an Android VM I've installed Android VM (9) under VirtualBox (5.2) and Android Studio (4.1) on a Host machine (Windows 10). Followed the network setup steps described at Test android app on Virtual Box from Android studio 5 years ago, and can even connect to the VM from adb (running on the host) in command line, but the studio still cannot see the device. 回答1: Resolved it It turned out there was a file named .android in the Windows user home folder.

Vagrant Port Collision on Port 80, but Port 80 is not Forwarded in the VagrantFile

Deadly 提交于 2021-01-29 05:52:33
问题 I am following a simple tutorial that directs me to install Tomcat with Vagrant: vagrant init emessiha/ubuntu64-java --box-version 1.0.0 It then tells me to edit the VagrantFile to forward from 8080 to 8080, then do "vagrant up". When running "vagrant up" I get this message: Vagrant cannot forward the specified ports on this VM, since they would collide with some other application that is already listening on these ports. The forwarded port to 80 is already in use on the host machine. To fix

Vagrant Port Collision on Port 80, but Port 80 is not Forwarded in the VagrantFile

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-01-29 05:48:29
问题 I am following a simple tutorial that directs me to install Tomcat with Vagrant: vagrant init emessiha/ubuntu64-java --box-version 1.0.0 It then tells me to edit the VagrantFile to forward from 8080 to 8080, then do "vagrant up". When running "vagrant up" I get this message: Vagrant cannot forward the specified ports on this VM, since they would collide with some other application that is already listening on these ports. The forwarded port to 80 is already in use on the host machine. To fix

当黑客不讲武德 安全专家也容易被骗

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-01-28 11:37:59
作者:深信服千里目安全实验室 原文链接: 摘要 漏洞研究者是大家心目中的安全专家,然而当安全专家的心理弱点被不讲武德的黑客利用,专家电脑上高价值的智力资产就会处于危险的境地,然而更危险的是这些本用于研究目的信息中如果存在可被武器化的内容,就导致研究人员无意中成为这些黑客的帮凶。 事件影响 26日,谷歌威胁分析小组披露了一系列来自东北亚某国黑客组织的针对安全研究人员(尤其是漏洞研究人员)的攻击活动。攻击者使用疑似Lazarus APT组织的攻击基础设施,结合非常具有迷惑性的社工操作,骗取受害者信任,并可能以盗取安全公司电脑上的高价值漏洞研究资料达到攻击目的。目前国内已有一定数量的安全研究人员受到这个组织的欺骗,其研究电脑的敏感信息泄露。 攻击技巧 攻击者为了与安全研究者建立互信并保持联系,首先会在一些社交媒体上发布一些漏洞研究博客和Twitter,吸引相关研究者的关注。其已知的攻击策略有两种: (1)在Twitter上进行一段时间的技术交流获得研究者信任后,攻击者会询问研究人员是否愿意开展合作研究,并向受害研究人员提供一个经过PGP加密的所谓“开展漏洞研究的VS源码项目”。其中在编译配置文件中调用了一段powershell脚本,加载了第一阶段的恶意DLL

error: unable to connect to system d-bus : d-bus not installed

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-01-27 23:29:44
问题 I am now using Virtual Box to start VM, and the Version is 5.1.26 r117224 (Qt5.6.2), But when I trying to start the VM, I saw the error msg below: 00:00:29.246866 VMMDev: Guest Log: 00:00:00.000071 main Log opened 2017-09-06T09:15:08.889100000Z 00:00:29.248469 VMMDev: Guest Log: 00:00:00.001614 main OS Product:Linux 00:00:29.248506 VMMDev: Guest Log: 00:00:00.001654 main OS Release: 4.4.84-boot2docker 00:00:29.248534 VMMDev: Guest Log: 00:00:00.001684 main OS Version: #1 SMP Tue Aug 29 23:44

Detecting insertion/removal of USB input devices on Windows 10 running in VirtualBox

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-01-27 13:37:23
问题 I once again already have some working Python code to detect the insertion/removal of specific USB device types in Windows 10 (from here). import wmi device_connected_wql = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 2 WHERE TargetInstance ISA \'Win32_Keyboard\'" device_disconnected_wql = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceDeletionEvent WITHIN 2 WHERE TargetInstance ISA \'Win32_Keyboard\'" c = wmi.WMI() connected_watcher = c.watch_for(raw_wql=device_connected_wql) disconnected_watcher = c.watch_for