
Velocity Variable(use together string and integer variables)

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-01-27 22:34:32
问题 How can I use String and Integer variable s it together in " Velocity "? #set ($var1 = "exp"+1) I tried a few times but I could not. Any help will be highly appreciated. 回答1: If you were trying to do concatenation, it's not supported by Velocity, not even for 2 Strings. Instead, you should use string interpolation. Example: #set ($string = "exp") #set ($number = 1) #set ($interpolatedExample1 = "$string$number") #set ($interpolatedExample2 = "${string}someStringLiteral$number") Read more

Velocity Variable(use together string and integer variables)

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-01-27 20:31:36
问题 How can I use String and Integer variable s it together in " Velocity "? #set ($var1 = "exp"+1) I tried a few times but I could not. Any help will be highly appreciated. 回答1: If you were trying to do concatenation, it's not supported by Velocity, not even for 2 Strings. Instead, you should use string interpolation. Example: #set ($string = "exp") #set ($number = 1) #set ($interpolatedExample1 = "$string$number") #set ($interpolatedExample2 = "${string}someStringLiteral$number") Read more

How to loop all variables in VelocityContext?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-01-27 05:25:46
问题 In my Velocity template (.vm file) how can I loop through all the variables or attributes present in VelocityContext ? In reference to the below code, I would like the template to write the names and count of all the fruits passed in context. Map<String, Object> attribues = ...; attribues.put("apple", "5"); attribues.put("banana", "2"); attribues.put("orange", "3"); VelocityContext velocityContext = new VelocityContext(attribues); velocityEngine.mergeTemplate(templateLocation, encoding,

How to loop all variables in VelocityContext?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-27 05:25:22
问题 In my Velocity template (.vm file) how can I loop through all the variables or attributes present in VelocityContext ? In reference to the below code, I would like the template to write the names and count of all the fruits passed in context. Map<String, Object> attribues = ...; attribues.put("apple", "5"); attribues.put("banana", "2"); attribues.put("orange", "3"); VelocityContext velocityContext = new VelocityContext(attribues); velocityEngine.mergeTemplate(templateLocation, encoding,

Velocity: Is a any way to check if variable is defined

不问归期 提交于 2021-01-21 06:16:50
问题 I want to include one template nested into others cont1 , cont2 , cont3 . And nested template should be hide one specific control for cont1 only. Before inclusion into cont1 I would like to assign value to some flag variable $hideMyControl . And inside nested template I would like to check if $hideMyControl is assigned value. How to perform such check? 回答1: You can do this using #if($!{$articleLeader}) // Perform your operation or the template part you want to show. #end For more info, see

Velocity: Is a any way to check if variable is defined

北城以北 提交于 2021-01-21 06:15:42
问题 I want to include one template nested into others cont1 , cont2 , cont3 . And nested template should be hide one specific control for cont1 only. Before inclusion into cont1 I would like to assign value to some flag variable $hideMyControl . And inside nested template I would like to check if $hideMyControl is assigned value. How to perform such check? 回答1: You can do this using #if($!{$articleLeader}) // Perform your operation or the template part you want to show. #end For more info, see


瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-01-20 07:42:26
MyBatis-Plus(简称 MP)是一个 MyBatis 的增强工具,在 MyBatis 的基础上只做增强不做改变,为简化开发、提高效率而生。 官网: AutoGenerator 是 MyBatis-Plus 的代码生成器,通过 AutoGenerator 可以快速生成 Entity、Mapper、Mapper XML、Service、Controller 等各个模块的代码,极大的提升了开发效率。 参考文档: MyBatis-Plus 从 3.0.3 之后移除了代码生成器与模板引擎的默认依赖,需要手动添加相关依赖: < dependency > < groupId > com.baomidou </ groupId > < artifactId > mybatis-plus-generator </ artifactId > < version > 3.2.0 </ version > </ dependency > 2.*的版本要引用这个依赖: < dependency > < groupId > com.baomidou </ groupId > < artifactId > mybatis-plus </ artifactId > <

吴恩达深度学习笔记 course2 week2 作业

Deadly 提交于 2021-01-14 02:01:15
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import import math import sklearn import sklearn.datasets from opt_utils import load_params_and_grads, initialize_parameters, forward_propagation, backward_propagation from opt_utils import compute_cost, predict, predict_dec, plot_decision_boundary, load_dataset from testCase import * % matplotlib inline plt.rcParams[ ' figure.figsize ' ] = (7.0, 4.0) # set default size of plots plt.rcParams[ ' image.interpolation ' ] = ' nearest ' plt.rcParams[ ' image.cmap ' ] = ' gray ' # Batch Gradient Descent. def update_parameters_with_gd

Unity 3D物理管理器(Physics Manager)

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-01-04 11:02:51
Unity 3D 集成开发环境作为一个优秀的游戏开发平台,提供了出色的管理模式,即物理管理器(Physics Manager)。 物理管理器管理项目中物理效果的参数,如物体的重力、反弹力、速度和角速度等。 在 Unity 3D 中执行 Edit→Project Settings→Physics 命令可以打开物理管理器,如下图所示。 可以根据需要通过调整物理管理器中的参数来改变游戏中的物理效果,具体参数如下表所示。 参 数 含 义 功 能 Gravity 重力 应用于所有刚体,一般仅在 Y 轴起作用 Default Material 默认物理材质 如果一个碰撞体没有设置物理材质,将采用默认材质 Bounce Threshold 反弹阈值 如果两个碰撞体的相对速度低于该值,则不会反弹 Sleep Velocity 休眠速度 低于该速度的物体将进人休眠 Sleep Angular Velocity 休眠角速度 低于该角速度的物体将进人休眠 Max Angular Velocity 最大角速度 用于限制刚体角速度,避免旋转时数值不稳定 Min Penetration For Penalty 最小穿透力 设置在碰撞检测器将两个物体分开前,它们可以穿透 多少距离 Solver Iteration Count 迭代次数 决定了关节和连接的计算精度 Raycasts Hit Triggers

S7-1200 的运动控制

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-02 14:05:28
S7-1200 CPU本体集成点硬件输出点最高频率为100kHz,信号板上硬件集成点输出的最高频率为20kHz,CPU在使用PTO功能时将把集成点Qa.o,Qa.2或信号板的Q4.0作为脉冲输出点,Qa.1,Qa.3和Q4.1作为方向信号输出点,虽然使用了过程映像区的地址,但这些点会被PTO功能独立使用,不会受扫描周期的影响,其作为普通输出点的功能将被禁止。并且,PTO的输出类型只支持PNP输出,电压为DC 24V,继电器输出的点不能应用于PTO功能。 硬件输出的组态 具体操作的步骤如下: 1)选择设备组态 2)选择合适的CPU 3)在属性选项卡中激活使能高速脉冲发生器功能。 脉冲发生器组态: 脉冲输出类型选择如下图,图中组件的含义如下所述 工艺对象”轴“组态 ”轴“工艺对象是用户程序与驱动的接口。工艺对象从用户程序中收到控制命令,在运行时执行并监视执行状态。“驱动”表示步进电机加电源部分或者伺服驱动器加脉冲接口转换器的机电单元。驱动是由PLC产生脉冲来控制“轴”工艺对象的。运动控制功能指令块必须在轴对象组态完成后才能使用。 工艺对象的组态包括以下几个部分: 参数组态 参数组态主要定义了轴的工程单位(如脉冲数/秒,转/分钟),软硬件限位,启动/停止速度,参考点定义等。进行参数组态前,需要添加工艺对象,具体操作为:选择项目树——>工艺对象——>插入新对象选项,如图3-18所示