
Converting Veins Coordinates to GPS

感情迁移 提交于 2019-11-29 15:48:51
问题 I am using realistic street networks imported from OpenStreetMap for simulations with Veins, for example the Luxembourg scenario from Lara Codeca. Now, to prepare a visualisation (using Google Earth), I want to export the vehicle positions in the simulation from SUMO or OmNET coordinates to GPS coordinates. As material I have the OSM file used for generating the scenario, including the GPS positions of all nodes there. I was hoping to find a simple mapping from the simulation coordinates to

Regarding Dynamic Routing in Veins

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-11-29 12:38:15
In the example given in Veins' example scenario in Erlangen city when the accident occurs do other vehicle choose a different path after for the duration of the accident? If yes, how does this dynamic routing take place??? Yes, vehicles take other routes due to the accident to avoid the following traffic jam. That is the whole point of informing other vehicles about the accident using IVC here. Regarding rerouting see (l. 48) and (l. 138). Edit: See this post for more information. 来源:

how to get start to build a veins application

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-11-29 12:31:34
I am new to veins and would like to use it. I have taken my time to learn omnetpp and SUMO. now I can use both successfully. I also downloaded and installed veins and the example works well. now I need to build my own application using veins. simply, I need to simulate a straight road where vehicles are moving and send messages to a single RSU. I can't find any documentation for veins or its example. can anybody help me to know what steps should I follow to do this? for example, which ned files should be created, how cars and RSUs are created, how to set the application of each node,etc. First

What exactly does handleParkingUpdate() do?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-11-29 12:13:10
I am trying to implement a VANET model for smart parking simulations. Trying to fully understand the and files relevant to it and its proving quite difficult to get my head around the general structure of each module and the communications between them despite understanding the TicToc tutorial. I understand how SUMO and OMNETPP are run in parallel, TraCIScenarioManager from OMNETPP communicates with the TraCI server in order to exchange information to SUMO etc. But I'm finding it hard to get my head around how the TraCIDemoApp is utilised. The question is quite specific, but

Veins Multiple Applications in multiples Vehicle types

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-11-29 08:48:15
in my simulation using OMNeT++, Veins, and SUMO i want run multiple applications according to their vehicle type, as specified in the .rou.xml file using type="XXX" For example: <vehicle ... type="private" ... > runs APP_private (using something like *.node[*].applType ="APP_private" ) <vehicle ... type="bus" ... > runs APP_bus (using something like *.node[*].applType ="APP_bus" ) How can I define this in omnetpp.ini ? Veins 4.6 allows you to set any or all of the moduleType , moduleName , and moduleDisplayString parameters not just to a string (which will set the OMNeT++ module type, module

what policy is based vehicle rerouting in case of accident?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-11-28 14:29:11
I'm doing a scenario where there is 1 route at the beginning and then it splits into 3, then merges into 1 again. I'm stopping the car in the first lane, the second car stops also, the third one reroutes in the middle lane, the fourth goes to the queue, the fifth reroutes, the sixth goes to the queue, the seventh reroutes.....why is it behaving like that? I can't understand where to change this "balancing" or "threshold". Any suggestion? The Veins 4.6 sample application behaves as follows: if a vehicle is stopped (and has been driving) and has not yet sent a warning message, it sends a message

Changing WSM(WAVE Short Message) packet size in Veins

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-11-28 12:43:26
Does setting length of WSM via setWsmLength or adding a large payload via setWsmData makes any difference during simulation? I am trying to simulate a heavily used network, but changing any of those two values doesn't seem to make any difference. I found this , but wanted to confirm this. And If I wanted to change the size of the WSM do I have to implement it? You can implement a packet for your application in a .msg file as follows: cplusplus {{ #include "veins/modules/messages/WaveShortMessage_m.h" }} class WaveShortMessage; message MyAppsPacket extends WaveShortMessage { string

how to get start to build a veins application

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-11-28 06:29:41
问题 I am new to veins and would like to use it. I have taken my time to learn omnetpp and SUMO. now I can use both successfully. I also downloaded and installed veins and the example works well. now I need to build my own application using veins. simply, I need to simulate a straight road where vehicles are moving and send messages to a single RSU. I can't find any documentation for veins or its example. can anybody help me to know what steps should I follow to do this? for example, which ned

What exactly does handleParkingUpdate() do?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-11-28 05:58:03
问题 I am trying to implement a VANET model for smart parking simulations. Trying to fully understand the and files relevant to it and its proving quite difficult to get my head around the general structure of each module and the communications between them despite understanding the TicToc tutorial. I understand how SUMO and OMNETPP are run in parallel, TraCIScenarioManager from OMNETPP communicates with the TraCI server in order to exchange information to SUMO etc. But I'm

Building my own veins scenario

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-11-27 09:01:41
问题 I need to build a scenario from scratch. Two vehicles moving on a straight road. There is a single rsu. The rsu brodcasts the speed value every 10s. Vehicles should slow down to reach that value. My question is can i consider the msg as a beacon? If yes, how can i set the beacon msg in the rsu application? And if no, how to implement such scenario 回答1: You can have a look at the following answered questions, since they are somewhat similar to your question or at least give you some insight in