
Remove columns with same value from a dataframe

久未见 提交于 2021-02-04 15:08:30
问题 I've got a data frame like this one 1 1 1 K 1 K K 2 1 2 K 1 K K 3 8 3 K 1 K K 4 8 2 K 1 K K 1 1 1 K 1 K K 2 1 2 K 1 K K I want to remove all the columns with the same value, i.e K, so my result will be like this 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 8 3 1 4 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 I try to iterate in a for by columns but I didn't get anything. Any ideas? 回答1: To select columns with more than one value regardless of type: uniquelength <- sapply(d,function(x) length(unique(x))) d <- subset(d, select=uniquelength>1)

Get unique value of one attribute from array of associative arrays

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-07-08 07:24:49
问题 I have an array like this: $a = array( 0 => array('type' => 'bar', 'image' => 'a.jpg'), 1 => array('type' => 'food', 'image' => 'b.jpg'), 2 => array('type' => 'bar', 'image' => 'c.jpg'), 3 => array('type' => 'default', 'image' => 'd.jpg'), 4 => array('type' => 'food', 'image' => 'e.jpg'), 5 => array('type' => 'food', 'image' => 'f.jpg'), 6 => array('type' => 'food', 'image' => 'h.jpg') ) How do I figure out unique type values (which would be food, bar and default)? I could iterate through the

Get unique value of one attribute from array of associative arrays

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-07-08 07:23:26
问题 I have an array like this: $a = array( 0 => array('type' => 'bar', 'image' => 'a.jpg'), 1 => array('type' => 'food', 'image' => 'b.jpg'), 2 => array('type' => 'bar', 'image' => 'c.jpg'), 3 => array('type' => 'default', 'image' => 'd.jpg'), 4 => array('type' => 'food', 'image' => 'e.jpg'), 5 => array('type' => 'food', 'image' => 'f.jpg'), 6 => array('type' => 'food', 'image' => 'h.jpg') ) How do I figure out unique type values (which would be food, bar and default)? I could iterate through the

VBA Unique values

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-25 06:59:25
问题 I'm trying to find all unique values in column A copy the unique items to a collection and then paste the unique items to another sheet. The range will be dynamic. So far I've got the code below, it fails to copy the values to a collection and I know the issue is in defining the aFirstArray because the code worked fine in making a collection before I tried to make it dynamic. What am I doing wrong in this because the items are not going to a collection, but the code just runs to end without

Not able to find unique values in excel

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-18 09:08:18
问题 I have some data in excel, I want to select unique values based on multiple criteria. The data that I have in excel is Name Medals Year A 2 2017 B 3 2018 C 5 2018 A 1 2016 C 4 2017 B 7 2018 A 1 2017 D 4 2016 I want to get the count of unique names who got medals >2 and <6 and year is 2017 or 2018. So the result that I should get is 2 as B and C satisfy the criteria. I have searched in internet about his and I got some formula using SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIFS, the formula used is =SUMPRODUCT(1

MS Access How to Count Unique Records or Values On a Filtered Report

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-13 03:27:24
问题 All, I have a query called "WCR_Q" and a report called "WCR_R" based off of this query. My report is filtered based off a record selection from a form. When I use the expression =Count[FacilityID] becuse I get a total number of records in the query instead of the total number of records as displayed in my report. The query has (6) records for [FacilityID] but there's only (2) [FacilityID] in my report. This is due to the query having duplicates. I need an expression formula to place in my