
Get TYPO3 Plugin settings from FlexForms in controller

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-01-24 08:07:52
问题 I have a FE Plugin which uses a FlexForm MyExtFlexForm which is used to set certain configurations like limit or SourcePage etc.. In my controller action list I get these settings using $this->settings . Works fine till now. Now, I make AJAX calls to action update and I need to use the same settings which have been set earlier through the FlexForm for the FE plugin on this page. $this->settings does not show anything . I checked $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin']['MyExt.']['settings.']

Get TYPO3 Plugin settings from FlexForms in controller

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-01-24 08:06:38
问题 I have a FE Plugin which uses a FlexForm MyExtFlexForm which is used to set certain configurations like limit or SourcePage etc.. In my controller action list I get these settings using $this->settings . Works fine till now. Now, I make AJAX calls to action update and I need to use the same settings which have been set earlier through the FlexForm for the FE plugin on this page. $this->settings does not show anything . I checked $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin']['MyExt.']['settings.']

In Typo3, what is the difference between setup, constants, and TSConfig

感情迁移 提交于 2021-01-21 04:19:36
问题 It seems there are three different places where I can write TypoScript: in templates, there is the constants field and the setup field, and in each page, there is a TSConfig field. However, it seems each TypoScript command need to go in a specific field. Most of the time, I have to try before finding if a given configuration goes into template setup, or in root page TSConfig . Why are there three different places to write TypoScript? What is the use of each of them? 回答1: TSconfig is mainly

In Typo3, what is the difference between setup, constants, and TSConfig

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2021-01-21 04:15:13
问题 It seems there are three different places where I can write TypoScript: in templates, there is the constants field and the setup field, and in each page, there is a TSConfig field. However, it seems each TypoScript command need to go in a specific field. Most of the time, I have to try before finding if a given configuration goes into template setup, or in root page TSConfig . Why are there three different places to write TypoScript? What is the use of each of them? 回答1: TSconfig is mainly

In Typo3, what is the difference between setup, constants, and TSConfig

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-01-21 04:15:08
问题 It seems there are three different places where I can write TypoScript: in templates, there is the constants field and the setup field, and in each page, there is a TSConfig field. However, it seems each TypoScript command need to go in a specific field. Most of the time, I have to try before finding if a given configuration goes into template setup, or in root page TSConfig . Why are there three different places to write TypoScript? What is the use of each of them? 回答1: TSconfig is mainly

TYPO3 FAL in Flexform

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-01-20 08:27:42
问题 I have a flexform with following code: <image> <TCEforms> <label>LLL:EXT:my_slider/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:flexform.slider.main.slider.image</label> <config> <type>group</type> <internal_type>file</internal_type> <allowed>jpg, jpeg, gif, png</allowed> <show_thumbs>1</show_thumbs> <minitems>0</minitems> <maxitems>1</maxitems> <size>1</size> </config> </TCEforms> </image> Until now this worked. But now in TYPO3 10 I get this error: TCA internal_type of field "image" in table tt

How to properly set url-routing for tx-news in TYPO3 9.5.5?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-01-05 10:37:02
问题 I use TYPO3 V9.5.5 with PHP V7.2.10. Also there is tx-news plugin installed. The site configuration is set and works. But if I add routeEnhancers for news detail it doesnt't show it in the url. It always looks like: http://p510984.mittwaldserver.info/aktuell/detail?tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=5&cHash=c68f25c1ef4b5bd7320220373cfed332 I searched for solutions in stackoverflow and google. Also I read the manual of the news extension https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/news/stable

How to properly set url-routing for tx-news in TYPO3 9.5.5?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-01-05 10:35:31
问题 I use TYPO3 V9.5.5 with PHP V7.2.10. Also there is tx-news plugin installed. The site configuration is set and works. But if I add routeEnhancers for news detail it doesnt't show it in the url. It always looks like: http://p510984.mittwaldserver.info/aktuell/detail?tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=5&cHash=c68f25c1ef4b5bd7320220373cfed332 I searched for solutions in stackoverflow and google. Also I read the manual of the news extension https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/news/stable

New Kids On The Block (Part I) -- Shodan/ BinaryEdge/ ZoomEye 网络空间搜索引擎测评

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-12-15 09:21:32
1. 前言 许多IT行业的安全研究人员都会遇到这样的情况,他们需要来自技术层面的OSINT(网络空间搜索引擎)数据[1]。也许他们是想调查目标所遭受的攻击面,进行被动侦察,或者想要测量攻击的整体威胁等级。例如去年出现的 memcached DDoS 攻击 ,其放大率为10,000倍甚至更高。Shodan当天发布的第一份报告显示,大约有17,000个易受攻击的服务器在线,这很容易被防火墙列入黑名单。 很长一段时间, shodan.io 一枝独秀。虽然它很棒并且被广泛使用,但我意识到其后台发生了很多过滤。我记得大约两三年前,曝出了一个针对Cisco产品的RCE漏洞——虽然Shodan的日点击量很高,但一周后,搜索结果几乎为空。 随着OSINT变得越来越重要,分析师可利用的搜索引擎工具也更加丰富。这就是本文所探讨的内容:我将把Shodan与过去几年出现的两种新服务 Binaryedge 和 Zoomeye 进行比较,这两项服务似乎已经准备好争夺OSINT工具的王冠。此外,我还将比较它们的功能和搜索结果量(虽然会省去价格部分)。 我从以下几点进行比较: l 定期的网上扫描功能 l 搜索、过滤和下载结果的Web界面 l 过滤选项 l 将结果集成到第三方工具的API 关于我的比较结果,每个人的体会可能不同,但一切都是我最真实的反馈。 1.1 Shodan Shodan