
Unable to install “Turicreate” on my Windows 10

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-30 11:07:58
问题 I am new to Python and I am trying to build a recommendation engine by following a tutorial. The tutorials asks me to install turicreate, I am running Spyder 3.3.0 (Python version 3.5) on Anaconda. WHAT I TRIED - I sought help from various SO questions as well as github, but none helped. I tried using "pip" and it gave the following error- Failed building wheel for turicreate Running setup.py clean for turicreate Failed to build turicreate Tried "conda install ", but error again. Solving

The Kernel appears to have died. Always when I am loading a large file

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-10 20:15:43
问题 I am using Jupyter notebooks for creating a ML Model with TuriCreate . The steps that I am following are the above. I have download a .csv and .json (same file) from https://www.kaggle.com/zynicide/wine-reviews The file has 51 MB size. I have made an environment turienv From Anaconda Navigation and the following steps work perfect for smaller CSV / JSON files. source activate turienv pip install turicreate=5.0 Jupiter notebook ----inside Notebook---- import turicreate as tc wine_data = tc