
Plot Event sequences / Event Sequences Clustering

北慕城南 提交于 2019-11-30 07:41:13
问题 Perhaps this is a veru dull question, but I did my research on it and couldn't find an answer. I want to plot my event sequences in the same way we plot sequences of states using seqIplot , seqfplot , seqdplot and seqmtplot . seqplot in general. when I try to do so I get the message : Error: data is not a sequence object, use seqdef function to create one Leading me to believe that those functions only apply to sequence of states. In the user's guide section 10 on they only give examples of

Problem with big data (?) during computation of sequence distances using TraMineR

三世轮回 提交于 2019-11-29 02:22:37
I am trying to run an optimal matching analysis using TraMineR but it seems that I am encountering an issue with the size of the dataset. I have a big dataset of European countries which contains employment spells. I have more than 57,000 sequences which are 48 units long and consist of 9 distinct states. In order to get an idea of the analysis, here is the head of sequence object employdat.sts : [1] EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-... [2] EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-EF-... [3] ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-ST

How to configure y-axis using seqIplot in R?

点点圈 提交于 2019-11-28 05:46:25
问题 I am trying to configure the y-axis of a sequence index plot using the R-package TraMineR , I figured out how to set a global limit for the y-axis which is helpful if you want compare the number of certain sequences between two or more groups as it equalizes the scale. But I did not manage to set the y-axis ticks (as in xtstep). Maybe you can quickly help me out using this example code: library(TraMineR) data(mvad) mvad.alphabet <- c("employment", "FE", "HE", "joblessness", "school",