
Google Analytics - Download clicks tracking

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-12 02:34:43
问题 I'm trying to track download clicks with Google Analytics but nothing shows up in my statistics. (I've waited 4 days) This is my code: HTML: <a onclick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview ('/download/version/black');" href="" target="_blank">link text</a> Google Analytics: <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-11111111-1']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);

how to check if IIS or ASP.NET worker process has restarted my website automatically?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-12 02:32:16
问题 I want to know if I can track this, because if this happens frequently I want to know root cause of it. Is there any time stamp logging available for restarting of my site in IIS, How can I track this programmatically? Thanks to all. 回答1: You could log reason for application restart in Global.asax Application_End : protected void Application_End(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpRuntime runtime = (HttpRuntime)typeof(System.Web.HttpRuntime).InvokeMember("_theRuntime", BindingFlags.NonPublic |

Analytics.js Form onsubmit Event Tracking

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-12 01:12:07
问题 I am using Universal Analytics for one of my Websites. I want to track an Analytics Event with an onsubmit on my form. The onsubmit is working perfectly, but the event is not tracked in analytics. The form tag: form onsubmit="ga('send', 'event', 'Formular', 'Submit', 'Contact')" id="contactform" class="news-form" action="thankyou.html" method="post"> I think this is the right way to track events with the new analytics. Can anyone help me or give me some advice what to check? 回答1: The problem

Bug in external link tracking when opening the link in a new window in Google Analytics?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-11 20:42:59
问题 First off, I apologize if it's considered poor etiquette to cross-post on stackexchange sites, but this seemed appropriate for both the webmasters site and here, as it's a common issue for webmaster, but may be able to be solved by coders. In any case, here goes... OK, so this seems like a really simple problem, but I have yet to find a solution that accomplishes the following: Opens the link in a new window Tracks the event in GA when using the asynchronous code Doesn't trigger pop-up

How to reduce the noise and enhance the appearance?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-11 19:15:42
问题 I am using visual 2010 (C++) with opencv 2.3.1 to construct this code for background subtraction using MOG2. As shown in the full code here it works successfully but with much noise. can anyone suggest on how to reduce this noise. some one (thanks for him) has told me to increase the size of the kernel instead of using this morphological function: void morphOps(Mat &thresh){ Mat erodeElement = getStructuringElement( MORPH_RECT,Size(2,2)); //3x3 Mat dilateElement = getStructuringElement( MORPH

Best way to keep track of results from a Python loop

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-11 18:37:32
问题 I have a fairly big loop that needs to run 500 times, and I'm new to using the programming language and doing this type of simulation. But I need to document the results of each run, and if the list (table1) contains either all 0's, all 1's or a mix of both. I was just wondering what method would be the fastest to find out what proportion of the 500 simulations, resulted in a list that contained all 0's, all 1's or a mix and if append would slow it down too much. for x in range(0, 500): times

Animate or Move marker along with rout path on GoogleMap

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-11 15:55:31
问题 First time i am working with google maps and i am stuck in very critical situation. Actually i want to animate marker along with poly line(rout drawn), in this regard i have been attempted many codes but not single one approach is going to fire. What approach i am using that is first time i draw a rout b/w rider and user destinations, After Ward as the lat long of rider is changes i push his lat long to firebase. Meanwhile i am getting the update lat long of rider to user side in map and then

ios - Geolocation and Tracking in a gpx file

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-11 14:10:02
问题 I want to implement an application for IOS. This application should track a route in a gpx file. Can you tell me some links or open source project? thank you very much 回答1: so this is a bit of an old question I guess, but I found this in my recent search to do GPX and works really well. The creator has an amazing example on Git as well to see it in action: For GPX files, checkout OSRM as well: 回答2: check this simple apps to create GPX file

Load Google Tag Manager Synchronously

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-11 11:58:57
问题 I have searched Google Tag Manager (GTM) documentation and did not find anything addressing this issue. I'm working with an affiliate network who wants their tracking pixel to be loaded synchronously to ensure that it fires before the content of the page loads. This only applies to our order confirmation page. We've implemented GTM so we can launch and fix tags in 5 minutes versus 2 weeks. GTM is installed at the top of our order confirmation page and loads tags asynchronously so I know that

Predator TLK Algorithm in C#

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-11 10:55:59
问题 I've been looking for any updates regarding the robust Predator tracking algorithm that trains itself over time automatically for those who are unfamiliar you can check this I'm not sure if anyone was able to port it on C# since he originally developed it on matlab here's the latest thing I came up to TLD in OpenCV I'm looking for a C# port if anybody successfully made it possible Thanks in advance! 来源: