
How to write an efficient hit counter for websites

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-03 14:35:45
I want to write a hit counter script to keep track of hits on images on a website and the originating IPs. Impressions are upwards of hundreds of thousands per day, so the counters will be incremented many times a second. I'm looking for a simple, self-hosted method (php, python scripts, etc.). I was thinking of using MySQL to keep track of this, but I'm guessing there's a more efficient way. What are good methods of keeping counters? A fascinating subject. Incrementing a counter, simple as it may be, just has to be a transaction... meaning, it can lock out the whole DB for longer than makes

What is the best way to handle this: large download via PHP + slow connection from client = script timeout before file is completely downloaded

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-03 12:30:20
My client wanted a way to offer downloads to users, but only after they fill out a registration form (basically name and email). An email is sent to the user with the links for the downloadable content. The links contain a registration hash unique to the package, file, and user, and they actually go to a PHP page that logs each download and pushes the file out by writing it to stdout (along with the appropriate headers. This solution has inherent flaws, but this is how they wanted to do it. It needs to be said that I pushed them hard to 1.) limit the sizes of the downloadable files and 2.)

Can Google track me if I use Google Web Fonts?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-03 10:35:40
By using Google Web Fonts can/does Google process the text of the webpage (despite disallowed by robots.txt) track the visitors of the webpage, and (theoretically) recognize them track the changes made to the webpage (despite robots.txt) Except knowing that another download is made to their font and css file, of course. :) I assume Google naturally would/could count and track the number of visitors of my webpage, is this right? edit: "I", "my" - I've tried to use these terms as "generally speaking" here Google can for sure count your users and track their IP address, browser version, and such.

OpenCV: 3D Pose estimation of color markers using StereoCamera system

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-03 09:47:46
问题 I have a stereo camera system and correctly calibrate it using both, cv::calibrateCamera and cv::stereoCalibrate . My reprojection error seems to be okay: Cam0: 0.401427 Cam1: 0.388200 Stereo: 0.399642 I check my calibration by calling cv::stereoRectify and transforming my images using cv::initUndistortRectifyMap and cv::remap . The result is shown below (Something strange I noticed is when displaying the rectified images there are usually artifacts in form of a deformed copy of the original

How to keep track of different contours in opencv python

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-03 09:14:40
I am trying to track objects with opencv in python from recorded video. I want to give a unique object nr to each visible object when it appears. For example, one object enters the screen and gets nr1, then a second joins the first and gets nr2, then the first object leaves the screen but the second is still visible and still gets object nr2 and not 1 (being the only object). I can't find any information on how to do this online. Any help (including code) is appreciated. The code I have written so far for getting the contours and drawing object numbers: cap = cv2.VideoCapture("")

How to track online users in Rails?

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-03 08:30:39
This was always a problem for me, as rails doesn't have some mechanisms for session tracking like java frameworks do, what methods do you use to track who is currently logged on your site? I use a simple method by setting up last_visited field with current time every time user clicks somewhere on the site, and then checking for users which have updated that field in (lets say) last 10 minutes. What other methods are there besides this one? If you are using the active_record_store for your sessions, you can try something like this: sessions = CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session.find(:all,

How to track downloads on iOS5 without UDID

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-03 07:02:16
Anyone who knows how to track iOS app downloads (through web ads) without UDID? I have thought it becomes impossible especially if the user comes from website to AppStore. But a company called WDA seems to make it possible. I have some ideas but I'm not sure which is the best way. 1) Cookie: iOS apps cannot access the cookie in Safari. 2) Shared Local Strage: Is there any shared storage which can be written by

Are there different meanings to the concept of 'tracking' in git?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-03 05:44:50
I run 'git branch -r' and get origin/branch1 origin/branch2 From the man page, the -r option will "list or delete (if used with -d) the remote-tracking branches". So origin/branch1 and origin/branch2 are known as remote-tracking branches. However, you can't commit directly onto a remote-tracking branch (an anonymous branch will be created instead). A remote-tracking branch simply tracks a remote branch when running 'git fetch'. Here's where the semantics get a little blurry for me. If I then git checkout -b branch1 origin/branch1 I get the following output: "Branch branch1 set up to track

Distributed ProjectManagement/Bug Tracking

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-03 04:55:58
问题 Now that we have DSCMs, are there any Project Management / Bug Tracking tools that are distributed? 回答1: yes, I've played a little with fossil that comes with several nice features: integrated, distributed bug tracking and distributed wiki built-in web interface (like hg serve) that supports deep archaeological digs through the project history all network communication via HTTP with proxy support so that everything works from behind restrictive firewalls everything (client, server, and

Complementary filter (Gyro + accel) with Android

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-03 03:21:45
问题 Recently I have made some research to use both the accelerometer + Gyroscope to use those senser to track a smartphone without the help of the GPS (see this post) Indoor Positioning System based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer For that purpose I will need my orientation (angle (pitch, roll etc..)) so here what i have done so far: public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent arg0) { if (arg0.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) { accel[0] = arg0.values[0]; accel[1] = arg0.values[1]; accel