
Fit bit API :: Transfer heart rate data of user from fit bit supported device in to own android application

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-12 16:18:21
问题 Any one worked on fitbit api integration before then please give me your suggestion. I already go through documentation of fitbit api for android but can not get any proper way for starting . For this, I successfully login into Fitbit account with the help of fitbit integration for Android My purpose is to access user's heartbeat data of Fitbit tracker but after log In what should I do to transfer heart rate data of fit bit tracker to my android app? anyone have any proper way of

Integration of Shenzhen Concox Information Technology Tracker GT06 with EC2

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-12 02:34:25
问题 I have a concox GT06 device from which I want to send tracking data to my AWS Server. The coding protocol manual that comes with it only explains the data structure and protocol. How does my server receive the GPS data collected by my tracker? 回答1: Verify if your server allows you to open sockets, which most low cost solutions do NOT allow for security reasons (i recommend using an Amazon EC2 virtual machine as your platform). Choose a port on which your application will listen to incoming

How to change the Resgen command line in a VS.NET project?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-08 06:51:16
问题 Having an issue with a ResGen call during a build of a .NET 2.0 project from within Visual Studio .NET 2010, this thread suggests: Add this to your MSBUILD command-line: /p:ResGenExecuteAsTool=true;ResGenToolArchitecture=ManagedIL;ResGenTrackerSdkPath="%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\x64" I've searched for hours without success trying to find a way to do this from within my Visual Studio .NET project. Therefore my question is: How can I change the MSBUILD


蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-06 16:24:02
一、分布式系统 在计算机领域,当单机性能达到瓶颈时,一般有两种方式解决性能问题, 一是堆硬件,进一步提升配置; 二是分布式,水平扩展、垂直拆分。 分布式系统有很多种:分布式文件系统、分布式数据库、分布式WebService、分布式计算等等, 面向的情景不同,但分布式的思路大致相同,万法归一吧! 以下内容主要来自: 分布式系统架构思想 1.1、分布式系统实现的两种方式【水平扩展、垂直拆分】 1.1.1、简单的例子 假设我们有一台服务器,它可以承担1百万/秒的请求,这个请求可以的是:通过http访问网页、通过tcp下载文件、jdbc执行sql、RPC调用接口等等方式,现在我们有一条数据的请求是2百万/秒,很显然服务器很难hold住,会各种拒绝访问,甚至宕机,怎么办呢? 一台机器解决不了的问题,那就两台。所以我们加一台机器,每台承担1百万。如果请求继续增加呢,两台解决不了的问题,那就三台呗。这种方式我们称之为水平扩展,如果实现请求的平均分配便是负载均衡了。 另一个例子,我们现在有两个数据请求,数据190万,数据280万,上面那台机器也hold不住,我们加一台机器来负载均衡一下,每台机器处理45万数据1和40万数据2,但是平分太麻烦,不如一台处理数据1,一台处理数据2,同样能解决问题,这种方式我们称之为垂直拆分。 水平扩展和垂直拆分是分布式架构的两种思路,但并不是一个二选一的问题

How to change the Resgen command line in a VS.NET project?

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-06 14:37:26
Having an issue with a ResGen call during a build of a .NET 2.0 project from within Visual Studio .NET 2010, this thread suggests: Add this to your MSBUILD command-line: /p:ResGenExecuteAsTool=true;ResGenToolArchitecture=ManagedIL;ResGenTrackerSdkPath="%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\x64" I've searched for hours without success trying to find a way to do this from within my Visual Studio .NET project. Therefore my question is: How can I change the MSBUILD command line of a .NET 2.0 (class library) project in Visual Studio 2010? I have no fear changing my "

hadoop job tracker cannot start up

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-06 12:07:41
问题 Under the Single Node Setup I try to run a single node example The jobtracker start however fails with exception : 2013-04-30 17:12:54,984 INFO org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.MetricsConfig: loaded properties from 2013-04-30 17:12:54,994 INFO org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.MetricsSourceAdapter: MBean for source MetricsSystem,sub=Stats registered. 2013-04-30 17:12:54,995 INFO org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.MetricsSystemImpl: Scheduled snapshot period at 10 second(s


倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-05 09:16:35 #Tracker 端口号 22122 启动tracker /etc/init.d/fdfs_trackerd start 查看 netstat -unltp|grep fdfs 关闭Tracker命令: service fdfs_trackerd stop #Storage 端口号23000 /etc/init.d/fdfs_storaged start 关闭Storage命令: service fdfs_storaged stop 查看Storage和Tracker是否在通信: 命令: /usr/bin/fdfs_monitor /etc/fdfs/storage.conf 来源:

hadoop job tracker cannot start up

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-04 17:44:23
Under the Single Node Setup I try to run a single node example The jobtracker start however fails with exception : 2013-04-30 17:12:54,984 INFO org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.MetricsConfig: loaded properties from 2013-04-30 17:12:54,994 INFO org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.MetricsSourceAdapter: MBean for source MetricsSystem,sub=Stats registered. 2013-04-30 17:12:54,995 INFO org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.MetricsSystemImpl: Scheduled snapshot period at 10 second(s). 2013-04-30 17:12:54,995 INFO org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.MetricsSystemImpl: JobTracker metrics

Google Analytics demographics For Android App

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-04 09:44:35
问题 I used Google Analytics Demographics on android app using Google play service library. i have updated my android code using enableAdvertisingIdCollection(). its working fine with screens and data. But its demographics info isn't working? Please suggest how do i handle demographics. thanking you. Code : Application code : ... synchronized Tracker getTracker( TrackerName trackerId, String appKey) { Log.d("Application", "In Application class getTracker PID" + appKey); if (!mTrackers.containsKey

Adobe is previewing an R&D feature for After Effects

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-04 06:02:43
Adobe is previewing an R&D feature for After Effects that can automatically track human movements and apply them to animations. The body tracker detects human body movement in source videos to generate track points for 18 joints across the arms, torso, and legs, which can then be transferred to the character that’s being animated. Similar to how Adobe’s Character Animator can track facial expressions, the feature could be a quick way to create 2D body animations. The feature can also create a contour mask around the body, which can be used in a variety of ways, like video color grading and