
TraceListener headers and footers

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-01-15 04:57:49
问题 When writing a custom TraceListener how can I force the writeheader, the data/messsage, and the writefooter to be one discreet record? Specifically the custom tracelisteners in question write to a non file based source, such as database or event stream. I need to either have the writeHeader, writefooter base methods in TraceListener be ignored or somehow packaged into a single write event. 回答1: Here is a good article on how custom TraceListener s work, which also explains when and wh

How do you stop a TextWriterTraceListener from appending using app.config?

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-14 10:09:04
问题 I'm using System.Diagnostics.TraceSource for logging and one of my listeners is a TextWriterTraceListener. In the tracing primer here it sets this up as follows: <listeners> <add initializeData="output.txt" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" name="myLocalListener" /> </listeners> The problem is that this will always append to output.txt. How do you alter this to an overwrite in the config file? Programmatically the listener I want is a: new TextWriterTraceListener(new

Common.Logging for TraceSource

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-13 16:26:10
问题 I am trying to adopt Common.Logging in our application, however I am having some trouble setting it up with system.diagnostics. It works with straight up Trace, but not TraceSource. I was using Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter . Do i need a different adapter for TraceSource? 回答1: This is pretty late, but maybe it will still help you... According to the Common.Logging source here, the TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter does support configuring such that it uses TraceSources. The

Difference between using Trace and TraceSource

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-21 07:02:57
问题 Anyone knows the difference between System.Diagnostic.Trace and System.Diagnostic.TraceSource classes? I've been using Trace for most of my projects and I just happen to found out about TraceSource the other day. They seems to offer similar API, is one better than the other? 回答1: TraceSource is the newer version (since .NET 2) and Trace is the older version, more info is available here: Clarification on TraceSource/Trace 回答2: TraceSource allows you to enhance the granularity over your tracing

Asp.NET MVC, custom TextWriterTraceListener does not create a file

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-12 19:42:15
问题 For MVC application custom listener does not create a log file when initializeData="CustomWeblog.txt" parameter is used, but initializeData="d:\CustomWeblog.txt" triggers file creation. What is the reason of such behaviour? Console application generates files for all types of listeners. Custom class: public class CustomTextWriterTraceListener : TextWriterTraceListener { public CustomTextWriterTraceListener(string fileName) : base(fileName) } Web.config (mvc application, web.config) <trace

OWIN interferes with log4net

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-10 06:44:21
问题 In my application, I've got the following logging strategy/appenders: DebugAppender : If the root level is DEBUG, write every message that matches DEBUG to the default trace listener output ConsoleAppender : If the application mode (global context property) is 'console', write every message above WARN to the console ouput EventLogAppender : If the application mode (global context property) is 'service', write every message above ERRROR to the console output RollingFileAppender : Write every

Common.Logging for TraceSource

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-06 01:40:16
I am trying to adopt Common.Logging in our application, however I am having some trouble setting it up with system.diagnostics. It works with straight up Trace, but not TraceSource. I was using Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter . Do i need a different adapter for TraceSource? This is pretty late, but maybe it will still help you... According to the Common.Logging source here , the TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter does support configuring such that it uses TraceSources. The TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter has a property (that is configurable in app.config file) called "useTraceSource". If that

OWIN interferes with log4net

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-05 15:12:24
In my application, I've got the following logging strategy/appenders: DebugAppender : If the root level is DEBUG, write every message that matches DEBUG to the default trace listener output ConsoleAppender : If the application mode (global context property) is 'console', write every message above WARN to the console ouput EventLogAppender : If the application mode (global context property) is 'service', write every message above ERRROR to the console output RollingFileAppender : Write every message above INFO to a rolling flat file This works very well throughout the whole application, until

Difference between using Trace and TraceSource

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-03 22:06:25
Anyone knows the difference between System.Diagnostic.Trace and System.Diagnostic.TraceSource classes? I've been using Trace for most of my projects and I just happen to found out about TraceSource the other day. They seems to offer similar API, is one better than the other? TraceSource is the newer version (since .NET 2) and Trace is the older version, more info is available here: Clarification on TraceSource/Trace TraceSource allows you to enhance the granularity over your tracing : in your config file you can enable/disable only the tracesource you want at the level you want (information,

TraceSource and TraceListener quietly fail to do anything

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-01 14:32:18
How do I troubleshoot System.Diagnostics trace when it quietly fails to do anything at all? I'm so glad you asked! This problem happened to me recently. I suspected something in the chain of TraceSwitch es, TraceSource s and TraceListener s had gone awry. But with no trace and no error messages, I needed more information. The authors of the BCL helpfully put all the diagnostic information in a private list whose values disappear when ever the garbage collector feels like it. Still, the info was good enough and accessible via reflection. It turned out that I had several TraceSource 's but the