
TortoiseGit, ignore line endings

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-15 03:05:13
问题 I am looking for a way to prevent TortoiseGit from flagging files as changed when they have Unix line endings. It is just tough to check if remote files have changed when you FTP download a folder, they show up as changed often because of the LF version that comes down. I'm on Windows, the repos are CRLF, but as I said when they change on the server they end up as LF. 回答1: Right click in that repository, TortoiseGit -> Settings Turn local AutoCrlf OFF and apply the setting Extra ref. Read

TortoiseGit, ignore line endings

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-15 03:04:27
问题 I am looking for a way to prevent TortoiseGit from flagging files as changed when they have Unix line endings. It is just tough to check if remote files have changed when you FTP download a folder, they show up as changed often because of the LF version that comes down. I'm on Windows, the repos are CRLF, but as I said when they change on the server they end up as LF. 回答1: Right click in that repository, TortoiseGit -> Settings Turn local AutoCrlf OFF and apply the setting Extra ref. Read


笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-14 00:30:03
1. TortoiseGit简介 TortoiseGit是一个开放的git版本控制系统的源客户端,支持win10/win7/winxp/vista,该软件功能和git一样。 不同的是:git是命令行操作模式,而tortoiseGit是界面化操作模式,不用记git相关命令就可以直接操作,读者可根据自己的情况选择安装。 2. TortoiseGit 下载 tortoiseGit 官方下载地址: 官网当前最新稳定版本是 ,下面就以该版本为例说明 tortoiseGit 的下载和安装。 进入 之后可以看到包含 32 位和 64 位软件安装包下载,以及各种语言安装包,根据自己的系统选择对应的安装包,笔者的主机是 win10 64bit 。就以 64 位为例语言包下载安装是根据个人习惯,默认是英文(推荐),需要中文的下载对应的语言包安装即可。 3. TortoiseGit 安装 1. 双击 TortoiseGit- ,弹出安装向导页面; 2. 一路 Next 即可,配置均选择默认 3. 点击 Install ; 4. 完成后点击 Finish ,如果以前有老版本,则选择覆盖,关闭旧程序并尝试重启系统即可。 3.1 .安装语言包 如果想使用英文版的该工具

TortoiseGit - Multiple GitHub repositories with different key pairs each

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-01-11 12:53:13
问题 I have 3 GitHub repositories: {repo1, repo2, repo3}, each one with a different public key as Deploy key under each repository settings. On a remote Linux server (I connect to it via PuTTY from my local Windows 7 machine) I have all these repositories configured with the file: ~/.ssh/config following this guide: They works perfectly there, so don't worry about that. My problem is on my local computer, where I'm using Windows 7 with TortoiseGit . For each


陌路散爱 提交于 2020-01-11 03:02:20
前文 Git是什么?   Git是目前世界上最先进的分布式版本控制系统。 SVN与Git的最主要的区别?   SVN是集中式版本控制系统,版本库是集中放在中央服务器的,而干活的时候,用的都是自己的电脑,所以首先要从中央服务器哪里得到最新的版本,然后干活,干完后,需要把自己做完的活推送到中央服务器。集中式版本控制系统是必须联网才能工作,如果在局域网还可以,带宽够大,速度够快,如果在互联网下,如果网速慢的话,就纳闷了。   Git是分布式版本控制系统,那么它就没有中央服务器的,每个人的电脑就是一个完整的版本库,这样,工作的时候就不需要联网了,因为版本都是在自己的电脑上。既然每个人的电脑都有一个完整的版本库,那多个人如何协作呢?比如说自己在电脑上改了文件A,其他人也在电脑上改了文件A,这时,你们两之间只需把各自的修改推送给对方,就可以互相看到对方的修改了。 在linux上搭建git服务器 linux系统环境: 1、安装Git $ yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel perl-devel $ yum install git    接下来我们 创建一个git用户组和用户,用来运行git服务: $ groupadd git $ useradd git -g git    2

automatic push using TortoiseGit

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-01-06 15:50:49
问题 I am pushing update manually using TortoiseGit. I want to push my work automatically daily basis. Is there any way using Task Scheduler or other ? I really appreciate your help. 回答1: Just create a scheduled task that will run in your repository the command git push origin master No need to use TortoiseGit here since the push isn't supposed to be done by a human. update What the command git push origin master does: push tells git to push origin tells git on which remote repo to push. When you

window git安装 以及 tortoiseGit安装与使用

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-04 03:13:19
一:Git安装 使用TortoiseGit这个程序,需要先安装Git Windows版本Git的下载页面: 1:下载Git到文件夹, 2:然后鼠标双击安装文件, 如果有Windows拦截警告,允许即可; 3:接下来是授权信息页面,点击下一步next; 授权信息页面 4:选择安装路径 5:选择文件关联,如果你不清楚,直接默认,下一步即可. 如果你想要右键菜单清爽一点,这里把所有勾去掉也是可以的; 6:接着出现开始菜单文件夹,默认,下一步即可: 7:然后是是否配置Path的配置,选择中间一个,可以通过 Windows命令行(CMD)调用 git 命令。 然后点击下一步. 8:选择回车换行的格式。默认即可.(检出时转换为Windows风格,提交时转换为Linux风格.) 9:选择终端,默认即可; 10:额外的配置选项,默认选择,点击安装install 11:安装完成 二 : 接下来就可以进行TortoiseGit安装: 1:TortoiseGit安装向导页面,点击下一步next即可; 2:接着是选择安装目录,可以保持默认,或者安装到开发环境目录下,安装的程序组件保持默认即可: 3:下一步到确认安装界面,点击 Install按钮安装即可,如下图所示: 4:安装完成,进行第一次启动; 5:配置默认语言 6

TortoiseGit overlay icon is red but all files are commited

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-03 08:13:06
问题 I committed all of my files and my commit list in TortoiseGit is empty but some of my folders are red. I killed TGitCache.exe from task manager, but nothing happened. I renamed my folder (by adding a number at the end of folder name) and reverting back to main name and problem still remains. And finally, I did this workaround ( but it did not work for me. Has anyone ever encountered this problem? 回答1: It is possible that some files changed their

How to change GitHub account on TortoiseGit

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-01-02 04:39:07
问题 I am going to change GitHub account on TortoiseGit because the current account doesn't have the permission to push. error:[remote:Permission to (repository) denied to (GitHub account)] Can any methods change the GitHub account on TortoiseGit? 回答1: I suppose you enabled a git credential helper and stored the credentials. You have to delete them manually using the windows credential manager, see After that you will be asked again and can use a

Git: hide/remove files never to be versioned

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-02 01:01:10
问题 I'm trying to get started using Git and TortoiseGit. Is there a way to hide files that should never be tracked completely? Currently, all temporary build files are in the same "Not Versioned" list as new files when I commit a change. 回答1: Create a text file called .gitignore in your root folder and add lines like the following to exclude files: *.obj test.c Then add .gitignore to your Git repository and commit: $ git add .gitignore $ git commit .gitignore 回答2: You need to investigate