
How I can detect when the modules window is open in the Delphi IDE?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-05 11:37:13
I'm writing a Delphi plugin and I need detect when the Modules (View - Debug windows - Modules) window is open (attached to IDE Editor). I'm using the IOTAEditorNotifier to get notified when a new Editor window is open, but only works for source files. This is the code used to receive the notifications from the IDE Editor. uses Classes, SysUtils, ToolsAPI; type TSourceEditorNotifier = class(TNotifierObject, IOTANotifier, IOTAEditorNotifier) private FEditor: IOTASourceEditor; FIndex: Integer; { IOTANotifier } procedure Destroyed; { IOTAEditorNotifier } procedure ViewActivated(const View:

Delphi Open tools Api creating a project wizard

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-05 04:39:57
问题 I am trying to create a project wizard and am totaly new to the open tools api. I got the following questions. Is it possible to save the project to a specific loaction and if so how can I do that. My wizard asks for the location. I create a new form but it has the name Form1. I like to give it a specific name. How can I do that? I like to copy a datamodule to my project. How can I tell the wizard to copy the file and save it in the project directory with a different name? 回答1: As a start

How do I get Welcome Page browser navigate to some URI from within OTA package wizard?

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-05 01:40:04
What I'm trying to do is to create an ability to view (not to edit) the HTML pages included into project. The Welcome Page already has embedded web browser, so it appears to be a good candidate for that. Curios why? Here is a question with background info. In case you're willing to use a hack like this: type TOpenNewURLModule = procedure(const URL: string; EditorForm: TCustomForm); procedure OpenURL(const URL: string); var EditWindow: INTAEditWindow; Lib: HMODULE; OpenNewURLModule: TOpenNewURLModule; begin EditWindow := (BorlandIDEServices as INTAEditorServices).TopEditWindow; if not Assigned

How to highlight a specific line in source editor using OpenToolsAPI

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-04 07:44:00
Is it possible to highlight a specific line in active editor window just like Delphi IDE does when highlighting compiler errors? If it's OK to just go to a certain line in the topmost editor then try this: procedure GotoLine(LineNumber: Integer); var EditorServices: IOTAEditorServices; Buffer: IOTAEditBuffer; Position: IOTAEditPosition; begin if not Supports(BorlandIDEServices, IOTAEditorServices, EditorServices) then Exit; Buffer := EditorServices.TopBuffer; if not Assigned(Buffer) then Exit; Position := Buffer.EditPosition; if not Assigned(Position) then Exit; Position.GotoLine(LineNumber);

Delphi Open tools Api creating a project wizard

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-03 21:03:55
I am trying to create a project wizard and am totaly new to the open tools api. I got the following questions. Is it possible to save the project to a specific loaction and if so how can I do that. My wizard asks for the location. I create a new form but it has the name Form1. I like to give it a specific name. How can I do that? I like to copy a datamodule to my project. How can I tell the wizard to copy the file and save it in the project directory with a different name? RBA As a start look at this question Create a Simple Delphi IDE Expert look also here (view

How instruct to the Delphi IDE refresh the modified syntax highlight colors using OTA (Open Tools API)?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-30 23:47:46
问题 I'm writting a plugin to integrate the Delphi IDE Theme Editor with the Rad Studio IDE (the current version of this tool run as an external application) so far everything is working fine (see the below image), except the fact which I can't figure out how refresh the selected syntax highlight colors in the Delphi IDE Let me explain, in the standard option to change the syntax highlight colors (Editor Options-> Color) you can customize any element and assign a new foreground and background

Create a Simple Delphi IDE Expert

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-11-29 16:56:10
I want to create a simple IDE Expert for Delphi 7, like in the following image: I've verified the links gave for this question but OTA Api newsgroup is dead, and most of the documentation is unavailable (broken links). Can someone give a starting point with this? This is not an easy task, trying to create your own Expert. It takes some extensive knowledge of the delphi open Tools api (toolsapi.pas) \ Some good places to start to learn how to create an expert and/or use of the open tools api

Create a Simple Delphi IDE Expert

a 夏天 提交于 2019-11-28 10:57:13
问题 I want to create a simple IDE Expert for Delphi 7, like in the following image: I've verified the links gave for this question but OTA Api newsgroup is dead, and most of the documentation is unavailable (broken links). Can someone give a starting point with this? 回答1: This is not an easy task, trying to create your own Expert. It takes some extensive knowledge of the delphi open Tools api (toolsapi.pas) \ Some good places to start to learn how to create an expert and/or use of the open tools