
Getting blank response in spring rest controller unit test cases

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-29 05:06:49
问题 I have written unit test cases for a spring rest controller for below put method @PutMapping("/offers/{jobTitle}") public Offer updateOffer(@PathVariable String jobTitle,@Valid @RequestBody Offer offer) { return offerService.updateNoOfPost(jobTitle, offer); } Below is my service class @Override public Offer updateNoOfPost(String jobTitle, Offer offer) { if(!offerRepository.existsById(jobTitle)) throw new ResourceNotFoundException("JobTitle "+jobTitle+" not found !!"); offer.setNoOfPost(offer

Get specific value based on column & row name from dynamic Web table in which columns & rows position also dynamic

萝らか妹 提交于 2021-01-28 20:20:18
问题 I have to print a specific value based on column and row names. Bt the problem is that columns position and rows position changes every time. And table data is dynamic, values are changing continuously. All the values are not constantmy dynamic web table is. and i want specific value of month April in year 2001. 回答1: Here is the sample table based on the attached screenshot. <html> <table id='table1' border=" 1px solid black"> <tr> <th>Month/Year</th> <th>2003</th> <th>2004</th> <th>2001</th>

Is TestNG Not Possible To Repeat Class?

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-01-28 11:24:30
问题 I'm trying to build a data driven automation test with TestNG as main framework and apache-poi as data source (using .xlsx file), I'll to use this for selenium purposes. This is example the selected scenario from excel file: See image detail here It can be chosen randomly, according to the user who uses it. The pattern can be purchase all, consume all, or mix. And the expectations run in the order chosen. So far this is the code I've created: Master class public class Master { public static

Cucumber tags as TestNG group in QAF and Spring boot environment

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-01-28 08:58:21
问题 I have 4 tests in a feature file with 2 different tags @first and @then. I would like @first tests to run first with parallelism and @then tests to run after all @first tests finished, with parallelism too. The project is here : https://github.com/marcesso/qafTesting @CucumberOptions(plugin = {"com.qmetry.qaf.automation.cucumber.QAFCucumberPlugin", "pretty", "html:target"}, /*tags = {"@Ignore"},*/ features = {"src/test/resources/my/custom/packagename/testing"}) public class RunnerTest extends

Error while Installing TestNG Eclipse Plugin 6.14.3 Version

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-01-28 05:30:35
问题 I am getting the following error while installing TestNG plugin( 6.14.3) in Eclipse. Missing requirement: TestNG Eclipse Support (org.testng.eclipse requires 'bundle org.eclipse.jdt.launching 3.10.0' but it could not be found Cannot satisfy dependency: From: TestNG (org.testng.eclipse.feature.group To: org.testng.eclipse [] I am using Eclipse Oxygen- March Edition. Could anyone please help me

TestNG Parallel Test Configuration

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-28 01:31:24
问题 With TestNG on Java 6 here's what I'd like to do in my Maven project: Kick off a test method ( testAbc ) that can run multi-threaded using a queue-based DataProvider Kick off a test that relies on testAbc ( testXyz ) after all the threads from testAbc complete I thought I had it configured properly, but I do not. Currently I have it configured as such: @Test ( singleThreaded = false ) public class AutomatedTest { @Test ( alwaysRun = true, dataProviderClass = UseCaseProvider.class,

TestNG DataProvider returning object and RetryAnalyzer does not recognize retry

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-01-27 17:53:06
问题 I've looked everywhere I know and I can't seem to find an answer for this one. If I pass a "complex" object from DataProvider to test method the Invoker seems to get a new instance of RetryAnalyzer with each iteration. IRL, my data provider makes a DB query and passes objects to the test method. I assumed originally the DB access was causing issues, but have since narrowed it down to what I think is simplest example. Please see below. If I set a breakpoint in RetryAnalyzer I can see that


南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-16 09:24:26
什么是devops?随着时间的推移,devops的定义也在不断的演进。对于其定义可能出现千人千面,但从核心观点,整体业界还是保持着一致的认识。DevOps不是单一的技术或者工具,甚至不只是一个流程,他包含应用设计、敏捷开发、持续交付和监控运维等一系列流程,涉及到企业文化、团队协作流程等多个方面,它可以被理解为一系列可以高速、高质量进行软件开发的工具链。 结合软件生产全生命周期来看,devops落地实践的 核心目标是缩短开发周期,提高部署频率和更可靠的发布。 DevOps的诞生源于企业要适应这个瞬息万变的市场,能够做到持续交付。正如《持续交付2.0》作者在书中精炼的2个环:价值探索和快速验证。 快速验证环的 两个核心关键是质量与速度 它会要求以最可靠的质量和最快的速度,交付最小可行方案,可靠地收集真实反馈,来形成这样的闭环。对于质量来讲一个核心的实践就是质量内建,有一个公认的事实。那就是在整个持续交付全生命周期过程中,缺陷越滞后发现,所需要的成本就越高。质量内建就是要从生产过程中的第一个环节开始,就要注重产出物的质量,并且在每个环节中都要去开展质量保障活动,这就要求在软件全生命周期参与的各个角色都需要实时的对软件的质量负责。确保软件在交付到下一个环节前有了基础的质量保障。其核心目的就是减少因为质量问题导致的返工,避免浪费大量人力成本。 速度

Set the delay time for each <test> in TestNG

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-01-15 19:43:58
问题 First as info : I put each @Test in a different class (so of course each class only has 1 @Test annotation). Actually my goal is to want to rerun the same class with different parameter, but I want to run another class first beforehand. I've tried to find many references that TestNG doesn't allow repeat of a class or a @Test method annotation in one <test> . The repeat provided is an invocationCount function, I see about invocationCount , but I can't achieve my goal with invocationCount

Testng get parallel execution method logs separately

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2021-01-07 03:13:20
问题 I have used onTestSuccess, OnTestFailure for Test case execution results. I am able to report my Test case is pass or fail. if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.SUCCESS) { // } else if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE) { // }else if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.SKIP) { // } But I also need to capture logs for each method separately.. that should not overlapping with other thread logs. @Test public void test001() throws IOException { System.out.println("Test001"); } @Test