问题: In Git, how could I compare the same file between two different commits (not contiguous) on the same branch (master for example)? 在Git中,我如何比较同一分支(例如master)上两个不同提交(不连续)之间的相同文件? I'm searching for a compare feature like the one in Visual SourceSafe (VSS) or Team Foundation Server (TFS). 我正在搜索 Visual SourceSafe (VSS)或 Team Foundation Server (TFS)中的 比较 功能。 Is it possible in Git? Git有可能吗? 解决方案: 参考一: https://stackoom.com/question/E0Ok/如何在同一分支上的两个不同提交之间区分相同的文件 参考二: https://oldbug.net/q/E0Ok/How-do-I-diff-the-same-file-between-two-different-commits-on-the-same-branch 来源: oschina 链接: https://my