

邮差的信 提交于 2020-08-10 23:43:41
RFID作为一项专业度较高的技术,在一些公司,可能还会专门招聘专业的RFID工程师。本篇阐述的涉及到的只是基本选型设计、电路框架,关于RFID天线调试、低功耗检卡调试等,后续再其他篇章会继续更新! NFC(Near Field Communication)芯片选型: 主要考量点: 芯片支持的协议、是否支持低功耗检卡、是否能过金融认证、芯片价格 芯片支持协议: ISO14443A/B、ISO15693、 ISO18092 和 ISO21481 等 ISO14443A 卡:Mifare 系列、 Ultralight 系列、 Plus 系列、 CPU 卡系列等。 ISO14443B 卡:身份证、 SR176、 SRI512 等。 ISO15693:NXP 的 ICODE 系列、 TI 的 Tag_it HF-I、 ST LRI 等。 ISO18092: 包括读卡模式、卡模式、点对点通信模式。 ISO21481:在 ISO18092 基础上兼容 ISO15693 协议。 LPCD 功能:芯片低功耗检测卡片功能。没有卡片靠近时,芯片处于低功耗状态, 仅需10uA 电流,就能完成卡片侦测, 当卡片靠近时,芯片侦测到卡片,唤醒单片机读卡。 金融认证:PBOC2.0/3.0 标准、 EMV 标准 电路架构: NFC芯片外部电路通常由以下几个部分组成:供电电路、通信接口电路、天线电路、振荡电路;

Serializing and unserializing an array in javascript

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-31 11:43:31
问题 I'm using the tag-it library for jquery to make a tagging system (a bit like the stackoverflow one). After the user types his tags the library returns a javascript array that I want to save in a MySQL database. I didn't find a serialize and unserialize function in javascript. Before coding my own function I'd like to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel here. It seems crazy that there is no native way to save an array to a database and then use it again. tl;dr => how can I save a

Serializing and unserializing an array in javascript

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-31 11:42:18
问题 I'm using the tag-it library for jquery to make a tagging system (a bit like the stackoverflow one). After the user types his tags the library returns a javascript array that I want to save in a MySQL database. I didn't find a serialize and unserialize function in javascript. Before coding my own function I'd like to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel here. It seems crazy that there is no native way to save an array to a database and then use it again. tl;dr => how can I save a

jQuery tagit - No such method 'add'

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-25 03:27:27
问题 Whilst searching for a away to add a tag to the jquery tagit, I came accross the following snippet: $('.tagfilter').click(function(){ $('#addtags').tagit('add', 'test value'); return false; }); However, this testing came accross this error: Error: no such method 'add' for tagit widget instance This snippet worked for someone else, but not me... any ideas? 回答1: Try using : $("#myTags").tagit("createTag", "brand-new-tag"); Source : https://github.com/aehlke/tag-it/blob/master/README.markdown 来源

jQuery: return false inside of a function that calls ajax

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-25 02:32:06
问题 for this specific problem i am using Tag-it https://github.com/aehlke/tag-it, a jQuery plug-in that is specific to using tags I have a list of tags i am using ajax to populate using jQuery ui autocomplete What I need to do is issue a return false to a specific function BeforeTagAdded when the ajax call returns false, essentially saying the database rejected this tag entry, do not show the tag in the client browser The developer states that "To clarify, just return false in your callback to

Highlight tags which is not available into the list

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-23 02:49:06
问题 I am using jQuery UI widget Tagit in Asp.net . Code is working fine but i want to highlight the tags which is not available into the list. if my tags are var sampleTags = ['c++', 'java', 'php', 'coldfusion', 'javascript'] and i am using any other word which is not available into sampleTags how do i highlight these tags with other color. I am using the following code JS:- <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"><

Using jquery tagit plugin, Is there anyway to disable all entry?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-22 08:44:08
问题 I have a page and i am using jquery tagit plugin which works great but i am trying to disable it when i click on a button, and have it have similar behavior to when i disable a select Dropdown like this: $("#selectDropdown").val(0); $('#selectDropdown').prop('disabled', 'disabled'); Is there anyway to disable and enable the jquery tagit Plugin programatically. I see there is a readonly option on the docs page so I tried doing something like this: $("#locationTags").tagit({ "readOnly": false }

Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-17 10:12:30
问题 Trying to get tag-it to work with an ajax call. Everything works so far. Except, I am unable to assign a tagSource via an ajax call. In firebug, the 'data' is returning: ["Ruby","Ruby On Rails"] But its not showing up as I type into the input box. $('.tags ul').tagit({ itemName: 'question', fieldName: 'tags', removeConfirmation: true, availableTags: ["c++", "java", "php", "javascript", "ruby", "python", "c"], allowSpaces: true, // tagSource: ['foo', 'bar'] tagSource: function() { $.ajax({ url

Extract Object Values into an Array

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-13 21:50:47
问题 I am needing to pull all of the names out of the object below and store into an array. the reason I am needing this is to be able to use the JQuery tag-it plugin for auto complete. So if you know of a better way I can do this other than creating a new array I am all ears. { "user": [ { "title": "boss", "name": "scott" }, { "title": "janitory", "name": "bob" }, { "title": "dictation", "name": "betty" }, { "title": "vp", "name": "ted" } ] } Expected Output = ["scott","bob","betty","ted"] 回答1:

acts_as_taggable_on Tags added twice

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-13 16:24:08
问题 I have a RoR app that allows users to tag items in their collections. I use the tag-it.js Jquery plugin and use Ajax calls to add and remove the tags in the ItemsController. My problem is that each tag is added twice so that when I do @item.tags.each, all the tags are shown twice. ItemsController: def add_tag @collection = current_user.collections.find(params[:collection_id]) @item = @collection.items.find(params[:id]) @item.tag_list.add(params[:tag]) current_user.tag(@item, :with => @item