
How do you move a partitioned table from one tablespace to another in Oracle 11g?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-01-20 16:51:51
问题 I have a partitioned table that belongs to tablespace report . I want to move it to tablespace record instead. One possibility is to drop the table and recreate it in the new tablespace, but that is not an option for me, since there is data in the table that needs to survive the move. I started by checking that the partitions actually belong to tablespace report with: SELECT * FROM user_tab_partitions WHERE table_name = 'REQUESTLOG'; Then I just tried: ALTER TABLE requestLog MOVE TABLESPACE

How do you move a partitioned table from one tablespace to another in Oracle 11g?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-01-20 16:47:27
问题 I have a partitioned table that belongs to tablespace report . I want to move it to tablespace record instead. One possibility is to drop the table and recreate it in the new tablespace, but that is not an option for me, since there is data in the table that needs to survive the move. I started by checking that the partitions actually belong to tablespace report with: SELECT * FROM user_tab_partitions WHERE table_name = 'REQUESTLOG'; Then I just tried: ALTER TABLE requestLog MOVE TABLESPACE

How do you move a partitioned table from one tablespace to another in Oracle 11g?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-01-20 16:47:10
问题 I have a partitioned table that belongs to tablespace report . I want to move it to tablespace record instead. One possibility is to drop the table and recreate it in the new tablespace, but that is not an option for me, since there is data in the table that needs to survive the move. I started by checking that the partitions actually belong to tablespace report with: SELECT * FROM user_tab_partitions WHERE table_name = 'REQUESTLOG'; Then I just tried: ALTER TABLE requestLog MOVE TABLESPACE

Creating a tablespace in postgresql

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-22 13:28:05
问题 I'm trying to create a tablespace in postgres, but I'm getting ownership problems. The command I'm using is: CREATE TABLESPACE magdat OWNER maggie LOCATION '/home/john/BSTablespace' I get the error: ERROR: could not set permissions on directory "/home/john/BSTablespace": Operation not permitted The folder belongs to postgres:postgres, I've tried changing it to maggie, but if I go : chown maggie:postgres /home/john/BSTablespace I get: chown: invalid user: `maggie:postgres' How come the user

SQL to check the free space allocated for a user who doesn’t have DBA access in oracle 12c

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-25 08:31:35
问题 SQL to check the free space allocated for a user who doesn’t have DBA access. preciously in oracle 11G it was possible to use the “user_free_space” View but from oracle 12 c this view access is restricted to DBA users. (source: Release changes) SELECT ufs.tablespace_name ,(SUM(bytes) /(1024*1024)) AS FREESPACE FROM user_free_space ufs WHERE EXISTS (SELECT DISTINCT tablespace_name FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name IS NOT NULL AND ufs.tablespace_name = tablespace_name AND tablespace_name =

ORA-00972 Identifier is too long: while creating tablespace

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-25 02:49:06
问题 This is a practice assignment where I have to create a table space with two datafiles. We have to use the exact naming conventions that are given to us. I believe I have it right, but I get this error: " ORA-00972: identifier is too long ". I think I'm getting this because the path and filename are so long. The question is, how do I get around this? Thanks! CREATE TABLESPACE CTTT444_tbs DATAFILE "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\cttt444_1.dbf" SIZE 15M, DATAFILE "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0

How to find the total tablespace usage in SQL Server 2008?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-23 17:18:07
问题 In SQL-server 2008, How would I find (through an SQL query), the percentage of tablespace usage for a particular instance(or all instances) of a SQL Server(2008 R2)? Also, what is the best way (query) to get the list of all the Named Instances of a SQL Server? 回答1: is this what you need: EXEC sp_spaceused null, false result: database_name database_size unallocated space --------------- ------------------ ------------------ DATABASE_NAME 220.25 MB 69.92 MB reserved data index_size unused -----

Oracle: how to check space used by a tablespace when no dba privs

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-22 10:01:28
问题 I need to check space used by a tablespace but I have no dba privs. Is there a way to do this? 回答1: Unfortunately without explicit permissions to the dba_free_space or dba_segments views you are stuck with your users default tablespace: SELECT ts.tablespace_name, TO_CHAR(SUM(NVL(fs.bytes,0))/1024/1024, '99,999,990.99') AS MB_FREE FROM user_free_space fs, user_tablespaces ts, user_users us WHERE fs.tablespace_name(+) = ts.tablespace_name AND ts.tablespace_name(+) = us.default_tablespace GROUP

no privileges on tablespace 'USERS'

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-21 10:46:14
问题 i have many tables that i can insert rows, but i get this error only for one table; Error starting at line 1 in command: INSERT INTO ERRORLOG (MESSAGE) VALUES ('test') Error report: SQL Error: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'USERS' 01950. 00000 - "no privileges on tablespace '%s'" *Cause: User does not have privileges to allocate an extent in the specified tablespace. *Action: Grant the user the appropriate system privileges or grant the user space resource on the tablespace. i am not

Is there any logical reason of having different tablespace for indexes?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-20 10:51:32
问题 Hi Can some let me know why we created different table space for Index and data. 回答1: It is a widespread belief that keeping indexes and tables in separate tablespaces improves performance. This is now considered a myth by many respectable experts (see this Ask Tom thread - search for "myth"), but is still a common practice because old habits die hard! Third party edit Extract from asktom: "Index Tablespace" from 2001 for Oracle version 8.1.6 the question Is it still a good idea to keep