
Accuracy of SYSDATETIME Data Type in SQL Server

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-11 00:09:48
问题 I have done some testing using the SYSDATETIME in stored procedure in SQL Server 2008. I have setup a table with a datetime2(7) with a IDENTITY field. I understand the difference between the precision and the accuracy of this data type however, I noticed an unusual result when inserting multiple records from this example: declare @counter int set @counter = 0 while @counter < 100000 begin set @counter = @counter + 1 INSERT INTO t ([now]) VALUES (SYSDATETIME()) end I looped through using an

Does SYSDATETIME() cost more than GETDATE()?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-06 08:03:18
问题 Is there any reason why I should stop using SYSDATETIME() everytime, instead of GETDATE() ? Don't they both ask the cpu what time it is or does sysdatetime need more instructions to calculate the fractions? Does Getdate work on rounding it? Can sysdatetime be faster because it's not working on rounding? I obviously wouldn't use sysdatetime if I'm not storing the nanoseconds, but I'm asking about the costs other than the storage size. (The current app I'm developing runs sysdatetime() at least

Why Datediff between GETDATE() and SYSDATETIME() in milliseconds is always different?

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-01 14:45:58
I am trying to get Datediff between GETDATE() and SYSDATETIME() in milliseconds. SELECT DATEDIFF(ms, GETDATE() , SYSDATETIME()); The result I am getting is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 . What is the reason for this difference? See this fiddle . They are two different function calls that can return two different times. Additionally GETDATE returns a datetime datatype which only has precision of 3-4 ms whereas SYSDATETIME() returns a datetime2(7) datatype. Even if both calls were to return exactly the same time you could see the issue that you are experiencing due to rounding. DECLARE @D1 DATETIME2 = '2012

Why Datediff between GETDATE() and SYSDATETIME() in milliseconds is always different?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-01 12:48:22
问题 I am trying to get Datediff between GETDATE() and SYSDATETIME() in milliseconds. SELECT DATEDIFF(ms, GETDATE() , SYSDATETIME()); The result I am getting is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 . What is the reason for this difference? See this fiddle. 回答1: They are two different function calls that can return two different times. Additionally GETDATE returns a datetime datatype which only has precision of 3-4 ms whereas SYSDATETIME() returns a datetime2(7) datatype. Even if both calls were to return exactly the