
Eclipse: Compiles, but CODAN (internal code analyzer) gives errors for functions from C++ 11 <includes>

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-24 13:58:09
问题 I have the following code in eclipse: I'm running Indigo SR 2, 64bit with CDT Version: Build id: @build@ I have the Java SDK, Android SDK, and C++ CDT. I Believe the problem is only happening with c++ 11 functions: it seems Eclipse's internal code analyzer CODAN is not properly finding the libraries, even though the compiler is (i have the std=C++11 flag on my compilers). I think this topic is related: #include <iostream>

What is the use of Symbol in javascript ECMAScript 6? [duplicate]

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-01-24 09:59:07
问题 This question already has answers here : What is the motivation for bringing Symbols to ES6? (6 answers) What is the point of the 'Symbol' type in ECMA-262-v6? (2 answers) Closed 2 years ago . What is the use of Symbol in javascript (ECMASCRIPT6)? Why does the example below return false? const symbol1 = Symbol(); console.log(Symbol('foo') === Symbol('foo')); // expected output: false 回答1: Symbol is used to create a totally unique, one-of-a-kind identifier. It's use is precisely for the

Chemical formula (or mathematical expression) in GNU R plot title

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-23 02:56:07
问题 How can i write H2o in the title of a plot? H2 works: plot(main=expression("H"[2]),0) H2O fails: plot(main=expression("H"[2]"O"),0) This solution will work only, if i have a space in front " " plot(main=expression(" "*H[2]*"O"),0) 回答1: You were close. This works: plot(1:10, main = expression(H[2]*O)) The reason for this is that the 2 is a subscript to element H and you want to position element O next to the H . The notation x * y in an expression means juxtapose x with y , i.e. place x and y

Symbol with private identifier argument

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-23 02:51:32
问题 I want to create a symbol equal to that of a private MethodMirror's simplename. However, Symbol's documentation states the argument of new Symbol must be a valid public identifier. If I try and create a const Symbol('_privateIdentifier') dart editor informs me that evaluation of this constant expression will throw an exception - though the program runs fine, and I am able to use it without any issues. void main(){ //error flagged in dart editor, though runs fine. const s = const Symbol('_s');

Symbol with private identifier argument

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-23 02:51:06
问题 I want to create a symbol equal to that of a private MethodMirror's simplename. However, Symbol's documentation states the argument of new Symbol must be a valid public identifier. If I try and create a const Symbol('_privateIdentifier') dart editor informs me that evaluation of this constant expression will throw an exception - though the program runs fine, and I am able to use it without any issues. void main(){ //error flagged in dart editor, though runs fine. const s = const Symbol('_s');

How to see .net library source code with ReSharper 5 and visual studio 2010?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-22 14:02:41
问题 I used to see any .net source code (like System.String) with ReSharper and Visual Studio 2008. since I migrated to Visual studio 2010, this option doesn't give the full source code but just the definitions of the class. How can I fix this, to use the microsoft's symbols server again? Edit : Maybe the problem is only with .net-4.0 assemblies. is microsoft released symbols to to .net-4.0 assemblies also? 回答1: Microsoft released sources for .NET 4 release, so R# have to work just fine. Some

What is bang dollar (!$) in Bash?

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-01-20 01:17:11
问题 Bang dollar seems to refer to the last part of the last command line. E.g. $ ls -l .... something $ !$ -l bash: -l command not found I can find plenty on the dollar variables (e.g. $! ) but not on this. Any explanation? 回答1: That's the last argument of the previous command. From the documentation: !!:$ designates the last argument of the preceding command. This may be shortened to !$ . Remark. If you want to play around with Bash's history, I suggest you turn on the shell option histverify

Postprocess drmemory error stacks with new symbols after process exits

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-17 06:09:04
问题 After running a set of tests with drmemory overnight I am trying to resolve the error stacks by providing pdb symbols. The pdb's come from a large samba-mapped repository and using _NT_SYMBOL_PATH at runtime slowed things down too much. Does anyone know of a tool that post-processes results.txt and pulls new symbols (via NT_SYMBOL_PATH or otherwise) as required to produce more detailed stacks ? If not, any hints for adapting to do this ?

I've set symbol path in windbg, but why each time windbg downloads same symbol for same exe?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-01-16 04:11:06
问题 I used windbg.exe to debug the same exe. Each time windbg loads this exe, it will spend a minute to download symbols. On the left-bottom corner of windbg window, it shows ""Downloading symbols [winnt.dll]..."". I've see this multiple times. I've set my symbol path, and one line is: ************* Symbol Path validation summary ************** Deferred SRV*D:\SymCache\Microsoft* This is weird to me, as long as I've set the microsoft download URL and the

Cannot find symbol while loop

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-15 15:24:13
问题 Hello I am creating an algorithm to take int x and convert it to the desired base being int y. example 7 base 3 = 21. void printXBaseY(int x, int y) { boolean active = true; while(x >= y) { int a = x % y; int b = x / y; String first = "" + a; String second = "" + b; String answer = "" + first + second; } String answer = "" + first + second; println(x + " base " + y + " is " + answer); } } at String answer it has error cannot find symbol - variable first, can anyone explain why it cannot find