

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-13 22:49:38
转载请注明原文地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/ygj0930/p/10826054.html 一:Zepto是什么 Zepto最初是为移动端开发的js库,是jQuery的轻量级替代品,因为它的API和jQuery相似,而文件更小。 Zepto最大的优势是它的文件大小,只有8k多,是目前功能完备的库中最小的一个,尽管不大,Zepto所提供的工具足以满足开发程序的需要。 大多数在jQuery中常用的API和方法Zepto都有,Zepto中还有一些jQuery中没有的(移动端支持)。 因为Zepto的API大部分都能和jQuery兼容,所以用起来极其容易,如果熟悉jQuery,就能很容易掌握Zepto。。 二:Zepto和jQuery的差异 (1) jQuery 更多是在 PC 端被应用,因此,考虑了很多 低级浏览器的的兼容性 问题;而 Zepto .js则是直接 抛弃了低级浏览器的适配 问题,显得很轻盈; (2) Zepto .js在 移动端 被运用的更加广泛;更注重在移动端的使用 (3) jQuery 的底层是通过 DOM 来实现效果的, zepto .js 是用 css3 来实现的; (4) Zepto .js可以说是 阉割 版本的 jQuery 。 zepto比jQuery多了更多的移动端的 事件的支持,比如说tap, swipe……


扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-12 04:01:09
天猫商品数据爬虫使用教程 下载chrome浏览器 查看chrome浏览器的版本号,下载对应版本号的chromedriver驱动 pip安装下列包 pip install selenium pip install pyquery 登录微博,并通过微博绑定淘宝账号密码 在main中填写chromedriver的绝对路径 在main中填写微博账号密码 1 # 改成你的chromedriver的完整路径地址 2 chromedriver_path = " /Users/bird/Desktop/chromedriver.exe " 3 # 改成你的微博账号 4 weibo_username = " 改成你的微博账号 " 5 # 改成你的微博密码 6 weibo_password = " 改成你的微博密码 " 效果演示图片 项目源码 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 3 from selenium import webdriver 4 from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By 5 from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait 6 from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC 7

Android “swipe” vs “fling”

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-02-05 13:38:28
问题 In the Android Developers gesture design section, the term "swipe" is used. In the developer section, the term "fling" is used. Are these terms synonymous? From what I have found, I believe they are, but nowhere is it explicitly said one way or the other. That said, if I want to implement functionality for a "swipe," should I implement onFling in GestureDetector ? 回答1: onFling() will get executed when a user makes a "fling" motion, and said motion has a velocity with it to determine the type

right to left swipe in android appium

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-01-29 19:26:36
问题 I tried executing the swipe operation i.e. right to left swipe with the following method. I am getting the result as pass but the operation is not getting performed. Can you guys check and let me know what coordinates I should keep in order to make this functional. //Horizontal Swipe by percentages public void horizontalSwipeByPercentage (double startPercentage, double endPercentage, double anchorPercentage, int duration) { Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize(); int anchor =

How To add swipe Left to Right in recyclerview

我的梦境 提交于 2021-01-29 14:25:15
问题 I am trying to add swipe function for my recyclerview. I am following this link for adding swipe. https://github.com/nikhilpanju/RecyclerViewEnhanced/blob/master/recyclerviewenhanced/src/main/java/com/nikhilpanju/recyclerviewenhanced/RecyclerTouchListener.java In this link I can do only Right to left swipe. I want add Left to Right swipe. I tried to add functionality in onInterceptTouchEvent . But I can not do the Left to Right Swipe. Can any one help me to add Left to Right swipe? 来源: https:

Recognize diagonal gestures(swipe) using Hammer.js

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-12-29 07:14:23
问题 Is it possible to recognize diagonal swipe using Hammer.js? I have gone through their documentation but didn't find anything saying about diagonal swiping or pan etc... 回答1: An object with a lot of info about the gesture is passed to every Hammer.js event callback (as described here in the API docs). The eventObject.angle property is what you are looking for. Its values are between -180 and 180 ( 0 means RIGHT, -90 means UP, 90 means DOWN, 180 means LEFT). So here's how you can recognize

ionic slider - lockSwipes(true) disables initialSlide and slideNext() methods?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-12-06 06:03:30
问题 Hi I'm using Ionic Slides to display todo lists and I want to disable the swipe guestures since my list items have them. Instead I want to change the slides via methods. This is my component: @ViewChild(Slides) slides: Slides; days: SbCalendarDay[] = [] //this is a list of todo's of each day ngAfterViewInit() { this.slides.lockSwipes(true); } slide(direction:string){ if(direction === 'prev'){ this.slides.slidePrev() }else{ this.slides.slideNext() } } And my view: <div class="sb-calendar-day">

ionic slider - lockSwipes(true) disables initialSlide and slideNext() methods?

百般思念 提交于 2020-12-06 06:02:53
问题 Hi I'm using Ionic Slides to display todo lists and I want to disable the swipe guestures since my list items have them. Instead I want to change the slides via methods. This is my component: @ViewChild(Slides) slides: Slides; days: SbCalendarDay[] = [] //this is a list of todo's of each day ngAfterViewInit() { this.slides.lockSwipes(true); } slide(direction:string){ if(direction === 'prev'){ this.slides.slidePrev() }else{ this.slides.slideNext() } } And my view: <div class="sb-calendar-day">

autojs 宇博脚本源码

不羁的心 提交于 2020-11-19 21:26:50
"ui"; var myApp ={}; myApp.isRun = false; myApp.homeActivity = "io.dcloud.PandoraEntryActivity"; myApp.appName = "宇博聚流"; myApp.dyAppPackage = "com.ss.android.ugc.aweme"; myApp.wxHomeActivty = "com.tencent.mm.ui.LauncherUI"; myApp.startXXTime = 0; myApp.endXXTime = 0; myApp.taskMinTime = 2;//可接的最少结束任务分钟 myApp.taskEarlyEnd = 2;//默认两分钟 myApp.dzX = device.width-50; myApp.dzY = device.height/2-50; myApp.xqTPX = 200; myApp.xqTPY = 350; //tabs 数据 var tabs_data = { //tabs 背景 bg: "#ffffff", selectColor: { //当前页面选中颜色 on: "#00ffff", //当前页面未选中颜色 off: "#999999" }, //图标大小 srcSize: 18, //字体大小 textSize: 12, /


十年热恋 提交于 2020-11-02 02:53:24
vant-weapp介绍 vant-weapp是有赞出品的,前端组件库,既然出自有赞之手,必然是尤其适合于做一个商城项目,它移植于vant-ui,后者有的特性大部分都已经实现。vant-ui找了好久,都没有发现购物车业务组件,我就从自家的有赞精选这个小程序的购物车搬一份过来。 参考目标页 官方文档 https://youzan.github.io/vant-weapp 安装 npm i @vant/weapp -S --production 编译 打开微信开发者工具,点击 工具 -> 构建 npm,并勾选 使用 npm 模块 选项,构建完成后,即可引入组件 引入各组件 1.Card 商品卡片组件 先在自己的购物车页面的cart.json配置文件加上如下代码 "usingComponents": { "van-card": "/miniprogram_npm/@vant/weapp/card/index" } 以此类推,依次引入其他组件 2.引入Stepper 步进器组件 3.引入SubmitBar 提交订单栏组件 4.引入SwipeCell 滑动单元格组件 这里有一个坑,右滑删除按钮没有样式,自己加上 .van-swipe-cell__left, .van-swipe-cell__right { display: inline-block; width: 65px; height: