
how to specify error log file and output file in qsub

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-03 22:14:32
I have a qsub script as #!/bin/sh #$ -N job1 #$ -t 1-100 #$ -cwd SEEDFILE=/home/user1/data1 SEED=$(sed -n -e "$SGE_TASK_ID p" $SEEDFILE) /home/user1/ $SEED The problem is-- it puts all error and output files (job1.eJOBID & job1.oJOBID) to the same directory from where I am running qsub while I want to save these file (output and error log file in same different place (specified as $SEED_output). I tried to change the line as /home/user1/ $SEED -o $SEED_output But it didn't work. Any suggestion ?? How can I specify path and name of

How can I control the Perl version used when submitting grid jobs?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-03 16:10:18
I'm working with SGE (Sun Grid Engine) to submit jobs to a grid. I also use perlbrew to manage my installed Perl versions. I wrote some short sh scripts that I use to run a perl script which requires a specific Perl version (5.12.2), which look something like this: #!/bin/bash #$-S /bin/bash source /home/dave/.bash_profile /home/dave/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew switch perl-5.12.2 /home/dave/scripts/ --in=/home/dave/in/ --dir=/home/dave/in/dir2 --params=/home/dave/in/params.p Now, when I submit a single job everything works fine, but when I submit many, I start getting

qstat and long job names

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-03 05:30:43
问题 How can I get qstat to give me full job names? I know qstat -r gives detailed information about the task, but it's too much and the resource requirements are included. The qstat -r output is like: 131806 0.25001 tumor_foca ajalali qw 09/29/2014 15:49:41 1 2-100:1 Full jobname: tumor_focality-TCGA-THCA-ratboost_linear_svc Hard Resources: distribution=wheezy (0.000000) h_rt=72000 (0.000000) mem_free=15G (0.000000) h_vmem=15G (0.000000) h_stack=256M (0.000000) Soft Resources: 131807 0.25001

qstat and long job names

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-02 18:47:56
How can I get qstat to give me full job names? I know qstat -r gives detailed information about the task, but it's too much and the resource requirements are included. The qstat -r output is like: 131806 0.25001 tumor_foca ajalali qw 09/29/2014 15:49:41 1 2-100:1 Full jobname: tumor_focality-TCGA-THCA-ratboost_linear_svc Hard Resources: distribution=wheezy (0.000000) h_rt=72000 (0.000000) mem_free=15G (0.000000) h_vmem=15G (0.000000) h_stack=256M (0.000000) Soft Resources: 131807 0.25001 vital_stat ajalali qw 09/29/2014 15:49:41 1 2-100:1 Full jobname: vital_status-TCGA-LGG-ratboost_linear_svc