SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER_JOIN when using filter expression on joined custom field
SuiteScript v1. Searching on the item record type. customrecord_sp_ecom_item_infoseo is a custom record type with a field called custrecord_sp_ecom_item_seo that references an item record. It also has a field called custrecord_sp_ecom_description, which is of type text. I want to search for the items where the word "frozen" appears in custrecord_sp_ecom_description in the linked customrecord_sp_ecom_item_infoseo record and I want to use filter expressions. Here's my expression: [ [ "customrecord_sp_ecom_item_infoseo.custrecord_sp_ecom_description", "contains", "frozen" ] ] And here's the error