
If I revoke an existing distribution certificate, will it mess up anything with existing apps?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-26 15:42:35
I built an iOS app for an organization that has an app already on the store. After weeks of trying to get the guy who has the key to sign the app, they finally came back and said, "Just get it done!". So I am wondering how to proceed. If I go into the provisioning portal, and revoke the dist certificate, and then re-assign one, will I then be able to sign the app and upload it without problem? That is what I was going to do, but I don't know the ramifications for the existing app. Will it mess anything up with that? And then when the organization wants to continue updates on their apps, can't

Base versus Active versus Deployment target

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-11-26 13:46:36
问题 I know that parts of this question was asked in several variation but I want to make sure I got it right. Here are my assumptions and understandings which I want to know if they are correct before submitting. My application assumes features supported by all OS, and so I should: Set the Active SDK to be the latest (currently SDK 3.0). Set the Deployment Target to be the lower I want to be supported - iPhone 2.0 and higher? What exactly is the Base SDK for? should I ignore it if I chose Active

On Xcode 7 I keep receiving error “No accounts with iTunes connect access”

三世轮回 提交于 2019-11-26 10:56:34
问题 When I try to submit my app with the new seed Xcode 7.1 beta (7B60) I receive a weird error by which it complaints that there is \"No accounts with iTunes connect access - iTunes connect access for... is required. Add an account in the Accounts preference pane\", while of course the account is there and kicking as you may see in the attached screenshot. I already had to delete all my profiles and restore them again in order to be successfully codesigned, now this. Please tell me how I may fix