
String Occurrence Counting Algorithm

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-12 11:35:46
问题 I am curious what is the most efficient algorithm (or commonly used) to count the number of occurrences of a string in a chunk of text. From what I read, the Boyer–Moore string search algorithm is the standard for string searches but I am not sure if counting occurrences in an efficient way would be same as searching a string. In Python this is what I want: text_chunck = "one two three four one five six one" occurance_count(text_chunck, "one") # gives 3. EDIT: It seems like python str.count

How to check for certain values in url

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-11 15:13:36
问题 Is it possible to check if the url contains certain values, for instance if the URL "" has an "en" or not. Thanks 回答1: if (in_array('en', explode('/', $url))) { ... } 回答2: The answers above may be what you're looking for, but in addition to searching for your value, here is how to actually retrieve the URL... $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

Difference between string scanning and JSON parsing for a JSON string

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-11 13:27:15
问题 Basically, I have a JSON string that could be found at the link Six Critics. When I use JSON parsing to separate fields in the string, in the asynctask onPostExecute , the fragment is refreshed each time it is viewed. But when I use string scanning methods by getting the substring between the indices of two delimiters, the fragment content is not refreshed if the fragment was loaded before. What would be the cause of this behaviour? Is JSON parsing too intensive as such? What would be the

Making MySQL IN Clause Case Sensitive

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-10 03:47:13
问题 Does anyone know how I can make an IN clause behave in a case sensitive manner? I have seen that COLLATE can be used with LIKE for string searching but I don't know if or how it can be used with IN. For example I want to do something like SELECT * FROM pages_table WHERE topic IN ('Food','NightLife','Drinks') And I want it to return pages where the topic is 'Food' but not those where the topic is 'food' which is currently what happens on this query. Thanks. 回答1: You can actually use it as you

search for a string in a pdf file using php

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-08 10:52:29
问题 I want to search a string from a pdf file in a way strstr() does. But when a pdf is read as plain text, it gives you a non-understandable junk. How do I do it? Perhaps pdflib has some solution, but my hosting provider doesn't help me install it. 回答1: You don't only have pdflib library, you can also use FPDF or TCPDF. And one good article about PDF reading with PHP here. 回答2: using the link from the previous response I changed the code a little in order fill my needs, which were SEARCH AND

Making MySQL IN Clause Case Sensitive

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 03:26:07
Does anyone know how I can make an IN clause behave in a case sensitive manner? I have seen that COLLATE can be used with LIKE for string searching but I don't know if or how it can be used with IN. For example I want to do something like SELECT * FROM pages_table WHERE topic IN ('Food','NightLife','Drinks') And I want it to return pages where the topic is 'Food' but not those where the topic is 'food' which is currently what happens on this query. Thanks. You can actually use it as you have likely seen in other examples: SELECT * FROM pages_table WHERE CAST(topic AS CHAR CHARACTER SET latin1)

What are the shift rules for Boyer–Moore string search algorithm?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-04 12:03:06
问题 I have been trying to understand shift rules in Boyer–Moore string search algorithm but haven't understood them. I read here on wikipedia but that is too complex ! It will be of great help if someone lists the rule in a simple manner. 回答1: In the Boyer-Moore algorithm, you start comparing pattern characters to text characters from the end of the pattern. If you find a mismatch, you have a configuration of the type ....xyzabc.... <-text ....uabc <- pattern ^ mismatch Now the bad character

String searching algorithms

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-04 10:45:50
问题 For the two string searching algorithms: KMP and suffix tree, which is preferred in which cases? Give some practical examples. 回答1: A suffix tree is better if you will have to answer a lot of queries such as "is the needle present in the haystack?". KMP is better if you only have to search for one string in another single string, and not have to do it a lot of times. A suffix tree is a much more general data structure, so you can do a lot more with it. See what you can do with it here. KMP is

What are the main differences between the Knuth-Morris-Pratt and Boyer-Moore search algorithms?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-04 07:27:18
问题 What are the main differences between the Knuth-Morris-Pratt search algorithm and the Boyer-Moore search algorithm? I know KMP searches for Y in X, trying to define a pattern in Y, and saves the pattern in a vector. I also know that BM works better for small words, like DNA (ACTG). What are the main differences in how they work? Which one is faster? Which one is less computer-greedy? In which cases? 回答1: Moore's UTexas webpage walks through both algorithms in a step-by-step fashion (he also

how to get companies id from linkedin jsapi

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-04 02:29:50
问题 i was trying to get companies id from linkedin using jsapi,iam using below url "/company-search:(companies:(id,name))?keywords=ibm%20oracle%20infosys" i got ids of some other companies {"companies": { "_count": 10, "_start": 0, "_total": 1079, "values": [ { "id": 6005, "name": "Sonata Software" }, { "id": 5983, "name": "QLogic" }, { "id": 39626, "name": "Prosoft Technology Group" }, { "id": 6290, "name": "BCC" }, { "id": 23367, "name": "Goldstone Technologies" }, { "id": 36655, "name":