
How to do stateless (session-less) & cookie-less authentication?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-18 11:10:08
问题 Bob uses a web application in order to achieve something. And: His browser is on diet, therefore it does not support cookies . The web application is a popular one, it deals with a lot of users at a given moment - it has to scale well. As long as keeping session would impose a limit to the number of simultaneous connections , and, of course, will bring a non-negligible performance penalty , we might like to have a session-less system :) Some important notes: we do have transport security (

How to do stateless (session-less) & cookie-less authentication?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-18 11:09:04
问题 Bob uses a web application in order to achieve something. And: His browser is on diet, therefore it does not support cookies . The web application is a popular one, it deals with a lot of users at a given moment - it has to scale well. As long as keeping session would impose a limit to the number of simultaneous connections , and, of course, will bring a non-negligible performance penalty , we might like to have a session-less system :) Some important notes: we do have transport security (


时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-01-17 20:32:09
button就可以是一个组件。 组件也可以大到页面的一个区域。flutter里面组件是由widget组成的 创建widget的包 组件继承stateless还是Stateful。根据组件有没有需要交互的部分 比如这里就是用来纯展示的 之类的搜索栏有交互的部分。所以这种的就需要stateful 继承Stateless必须重写build方法 传入的数据定义为GridNavModel,然后创建构造方法。 表示我们的参数是必须的。如果不用@required的话 那么参数就不是必须的。 例如给参数加默认值,就可以这么去写 为什么属性必须用final来修饰了 这两个属性都用final标识了 如果这里我们不用final来标识 这个时候底部有个报错。上面会有提示。 因为我们的组件是Stateless的。StatelesWidget又继承了Widget wdget上面有一个注解,这个注解告诉我们widget以及它的组件都是不可变的。 所以说它的子类里面,成员变量必须是final类型的。这就是组件里面参数必须要用final修饰的原因。 重写build方法 如果我们的类继承的是Stateful的话 还需为我们的组件设置state的状态类。 初始化好了 调用组件 首先导入包 把组件放在两个Container之间 组件获取到传递过来的参数 显示了jack 把组件改成StateLess

Resetting Values in ReactDOM Ref children (Best Practices?)

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-01-05 05:49:07
问题 I've got a stateless component, called FlexibleInput. import React, { PropTypes } from 'react' export default function FlexibleInput({ id, label, defaultValue, type, onChange, }){ let fieldClass = `${id}-field` return ( <fieldset className={fieldClass}> <label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label> <input key={id} id={id} type={type} defaultValue={defaultValue} onChange={onChange} /> </fieldset> ) } FlexibleInput.propTypes = { id: PropTypes.string.isRequired, label: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

Does ST(State Transfer) in REST mean that state must be held by client?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-29 07:18:40
问题 I read What does “state transfer” in Representational State Transfer (REST) refer to? and several post or videos about REST, and I know one of the constraint of REST is stateless. According to many posts like ,to make the architecture stateless, the client must hold the enough information for the server to do the right thing, which means the server does not have any client state. So does it mean we are only about to build a REST

Restful authentication for non browser consumers

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-25 11:57:13
问题 I have a web service written as an ASP MVC application which basically uses rolling cookies as its authentication mechanism. So someone sends their username and password over https to the service, it then verifies them and issues them a cookie containing a token, user identifier and timestamp as HTTPONLY and SECURE. Then whenever the users need to access pages which require authentication the cookie is sent over and verified with the timestamp and the token against the user, assuming that

Restful authentication for non browser consumers

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-25 11:57:10
问题 I have a web service written as an ASP MVC application which basically uses rolling cookies as its authentication mechanism. So someone sends their username and password over https to the service, it then verifies them and issues them a cookie containing a token, user identifier and timestamp as HTTPONLY and SECURE. Then whenever the users need to access pages which require authentication the cookie is sent over and verified with the timestamp and the token against the user, assuming that

log out a stateless app

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-25 09:05:00
问题 Here is what my project structure look like UI: AngularJS app Backend: Java + MongoDB stateless app The UI authenticates a given user and the REST api responds with a JWT token. For every subsequent request, the REST api expects token in the header and if its not there it returns Unautorized error. Now, what is best way to implement logoff feature ? One thing is clear that i will be deleting the token from the UI cookie. But I need to tell server that the user has logged out. I was thinking

How to use PHP sessions with REST client application ?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-24 12:06:37
问题 PHP use browser cookie PHPSESSID to store the session value let say 12345 and it does by creating a file for each session on server by default (session_12345.txt ) . What if the request is coming from not a browser e.g mobile cell application accessing through REST protocol . If my rest client is sending a unique value to identify it self let say 12345 then is there anyway I can tell PHP to use this value to create session_12345.txt as if this value was coming from cookie PHPSESSID ? Thanks

Static vs Instance members in Stateless EJBs

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-24 08:48:34
问题 I have a stateless session bean which needs access to a factory class. Is it best to declare this factory class as a static or instance member in the SLSB? Am I correct in saying that, as SLSBs are reused, only one instance of the factory will be created per bean (when going with the instance member option), as opposed to one instance per request? 回答1: SLSB instances are pooled, and hence serve potentially many requests over their lifetime, so as you say instance variables are not recreated