
python win32service - Getting triggered startup information for service

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-01-05 04:35:10
问题 win32 API QueryServiceConfig2 function supports the SERVICE_CONFIG_TRIGGER_INFO structure to get event(s) that trigger the service startup. However, python's win32service.QueryServiceConfig2() does not list such value as a parameter option. Is it possible to get that information with the win32service module? 回答1: Unfortunately, no. Here's a simple code snippet ran under Python 3.5 and PyWin32 v221 : #!/usr/bin/env python3 import win32service if __name__ == "__main__": for name in dir

iPhone app startup

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-04 19:07:46
问题 How do I make my iPhone app start at the same place each time, i.e. my 'home' screen? I do NOT want the user to return to where they were last time they played - right in the middle of gameplay - but that's what's happening. Thanks in advance for any tips! 回答1: You need to set the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key in your info.plist file to YES . Then the app will quit when the home button is pressed, and launch fresh when it is opened again. 回答2: This is presumably only happening because your

iPhone app startup

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-04 19:06:03
问题 How do I make my iPhone app start at the same place each time, i.e. my 'home' screen? I do NOT want the user to return to where they were last time they played - right in the middle of gameplay - but that's what's happening. Thanks in advance for any tips! 回答1: You need to set the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key in your info.plist file to YES . Then the app will quit when the home button is pressed, and launch fresh when it is opened again. 回答2: This is presumably only happening because your

How WebSphere manages startup order of EJB jars?

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-01-04 16:56:11
问题 When an ear would contain two ejb modules modulea.jar and moduleb.jar. And modulea.jar contains an @Startup ejbX, that calls another ejbY, which is not an @Startup ejb, from moduleb.jar during the startup of the bean X it is required that moduleb.jar is started first as otherwise the app server is not able to inject X into Y. But how to ensure that moduleb.jar is started first? Currently I have this problem in WebSphere, but I can't seem to find a way to enforce an order. Is there something

Different ways to load script on jshell startup

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-01-04 12:38:40
问题 As per the documentation, There’s also the option to load a script on startup, including some special predefined options. These are specified using the —startup flag, passing in either a filename or one of: DEFAULT – load the default behavior. This acts the same as if this is not specified at all JAVASE – Imports all Java SE packages by default PRINTING – defines the functions print, println and printf for use But, when i started the jshell with DEFAULT, JAVASE or PRINTING options, i could

Different ways to load script on jshell startup

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-01-04 12:37:30
问题 As per the documentation, There’s also the option to load a script on startup, including some special predefined options. These are specified using the —startup flag, passing in either a filename or one of: DEFAULT – load the default behavior. This acts the same as if this is not specified at all JAVASE – Imports all Java SE packages by default PRINTING – defines the functions print, println and printf for use But, when i started the jshell with DEFAULT, JAVASE or PRINTING options, i could


六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-01-04 00:50:35
Cmder 文中的 &gt 是箭头,51cto给自动转成了 &gt Cmder是一个用于替换windows自带的cmd的,包含各种软件包(比如 git)并且非常好用的终端模拟器。 安装 在官网 Cmder 下载cmder压缩包,解压即可。这里 注意 解压路径不能位于需要管理员访问权限的地方。 添加环境变量: 新建环境变量 cmder_root 将其值设置为 cmder.exe 所在路径,再将 %cmder_root% 添加到系统的 PATH 环境变量中。 将cmder添加到文件夹右键菜单(即添加Cmder here): 以管理员权限打开 cmd ;切换到 cmder 的解压路径;执行 .\cmder.exe /REGISTER ALL ,即可添加。 为cmder创建桌面快捷方式。 常用操作 中文配置 进入seting界面:点击Cmder窗口左上角的图标 或者 右下角的 三 图标,然后选择 setting 选择 Startup -> Environment 在这里添加下面的语句: set LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 设置中文界面: 选择 General -> Interface language -> zh:简体中文 粘贴复制 复制:只需选中一段文字那么该段文字就会被复制到剪贴板 粘贴:直接 鼠标右键 即可粘贴,或者使用 Ctrl + v 进行粘贴. 设置为默认终端


℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-03 08:36:11
1.找到Tomcat文件夹(服务器文件),然后打开 2.在webapps文件夹中新建你想要的文件夹,将你要放在服务器上的东西 拖入新建文件夹(或者在里边新建文件) 3.打开conf文件夹(与webapps同级),再打开web.xml文件,在里边找到有关于serverlet的编码部分,将false改成true即可。 4.打开bin文件夹(与webapps同级文件夹),点击打开startup,目的是 开启新建文件夹的服务 5.关闭防火墙,访问网页:本机IP:8080/文件夹名/ 5.如果关闭starup以后再修改文件夹内容,需要再次打开startup来启用 服务(也可以理解为刷新);如果在不关闭startup时改变文件夹内容 ,则会自动刷新,不用过多操作了。 6.如果手动关闭startup.bat文件夹,可以选择打开shutdown.bat(bin 文件夹的子文件,与startup同级),或者直接关闭。 来源:

How to hide the mainform and still run the program?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-02 08:09:55
问题 I want to run my program with the icon showing in the system tray but without the mainform showing from the start. Edit: lMainForm := new MainForm; lMainForm.ShowInTaskbar := true; Application.Run(lMainForm); Didn't work. As soon as Application.Run is executed, mainform is displayed along with the icon in the system tray. 回答1: The problem you have at the moment is that you are calling the Application.Run overload that takes the main form as a parameter. This will show the main form which you

How to add automatically extension to Jupyter (ipython) notebook?

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-02 04:53:08
问题 I have installed extension 'calico-document-tools' and I can load it from within Jupyter notebook using: %%javascript IPython.load_extensions('calico-document-tools'); How can I load it automatically for each opened notebook? I tried adding IPython.load_extensions('calico-document-tools'); or IPython.load_extensions('C:/Users/<username>/.ipython/nbextensions/calico-document-tools'); to C:\Users\<username>\.ipython\profile_default\static\custom\custom.js but it didn't work (extension should