
Getting started with stage3d in Flash CS5, and which framework to choose?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-04 20:32:51
I have been off the stage 3d bandwagon and flash programming altogether this year, but I want to catch up on things and I need some tips. Here's what I know: FP11 features the low level GPU stage3d API, codenamed Molehill. There are a few frameworks out there which help you access all the stage3d features more easily. (I know of Flare3D and Alternativa3D). Which framework is best to start out with? (not just out of the mentioned 2) The rather few tutorials from Flare3D and Alternativa3D say that you require the Flex SKD / Flash Builder, but I have to use Flash CS5. -Can I? This brings me to my

Draw Quadratic Curve on GPU

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-11-27 08:57:22
My task is to render quadratic Bezier curve (path) via Stage3d (Adobe Flash) technology, which have no any extensions for that drawing out-of-the box (while OpenGl have it, as I know). Yea, there is a Starling-Extension-Graphics, but it uses simple method to divide a curve segment to many straight lines, that generates very many triangles for my long curve path. So.. There is a perfect way for rendering resolution independed shapes for Loop and Blinn. I've read GPUGems3 article (gpugems3_ch25.html) and ported that fragment shader to AGAL2: Quadratic Curve Pixel Shader float4 QuadraticPS(float2

Draw Quadratic Curve on GPU

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-26 14:23:56
问题 My task is to render quadratic Bezier curve (path) via Stage3d (Adobe Flash) technology, which have no any extensions for that drawing out-of-the box (while OpenGl have it, as I know). Yea, there is a Starling-Extension-Graphics, but it uses simple method to divide a curve segment to many straight lines, that generates very many triangles for my long curve path. So.. There is a perfect way for rendering resolution independed shapes for Loop and Blinn. I've read GPUGems3 article (gpugems3_ch25